The next morning we all sit down to have breakfast together. Leo fills our cups with Orange Juice while everyone begins to eat. "Leo got up early to make fresh-squeezed orange juice this morning! Thank you again, Leo." My mother says with a warm smile.
Leo nods and starts to eat. I take a drink of the orange juice and enjoy the fresh tart flavor. I look over to Alec to see him sniffing the orange juice. I give him a questioning look but Alec just shrugs me off and drinks the juice. We're all enjoying ourselves until everything started to shake.
"Everyone stay here. I'll be back." Leo says as he quickly disappears. Alec pulls me close as my father pulls my mother close. "What's happening?" My mother asks with worry.
"The last wave is here..." Alec says with a serious face. I bite my lip in worry when I think about the City and everyone there. Please be okay...