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The Burning Candle

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A boy named Alex Gordon goes to a new school, a girl named Finnaire Merril thinks he's smart, very smart (he skipped two grades , making him thirteen in the tenth grade), cute, immature, playful, adventurous, funny, oh, how she could go on.... but there's something's about him that kind of makes her feel uneasy, he's odd... very odd... she's kind of a oddball herself.. but it's different.. she later learns that there's a more sinister side to his odd behavior a.. vengeful side.

Chapter 1 - DON'T CRY

"Seems like somebody found out my little secret," said Alex, giving Finnaire a unsettling smile.

"I-I promise I won't tell anyone, I swear," said Finnaire.

"Oh, really? Sorry, I don't believe you."


Alex and Finniare were walking down the hallway, there were kids blasting their music on speakers, kids making out against the grey lockers, people getting mad at eachother, etc.

'This is utter chaos,' thought Alex

"It's always like this is in the hallways," said Finnaire.

"Oh, my."

"Hey, can you come over to my locker for a sec? I need to grab something then I'll show you where your next hour class is."

"Oh, that's fine."

Finnaire smiled.

"Ok, great!"

The two walked over to her locker, Finnaire began putting in her locker combination on the black colored lock attached to her locker, while Alex leaned against the locker to Finnaire'a right and stared down at the dirty white marble school floor.

"Hey, Finna!" A boy said.

A cute and tall Native American boy wearing blue jeans and a black t shirt walked over to Finnaire. Finnaire got her textbook for her next hour class closed her locker and locked the lock and then looked up at her friend.

"Hi, Ben!" she says.

Alex stepped a little closer to Finnaire giving Ben a confused look.

"Why did you call her Finna?" He asked.

"Oh, that's a nickname my friends call me," said Fannaire, answering for Ben.

"Oh," said Alex blushing in embarrassment.

"You know you can call me Finna too," said Finnaire.

"You- you consider me your friend?" Asked Alex. He felt well up in his eyes he was so happy he had a friend to make him feel less alone.

"Aw, of course!" Anwsered Finnaire.

"I consider you my friend too. Maybe we can become SPECIAL friends," said Ben, giving Alex a flirtatious wink.

"O-oh. Umm... maybe... uh," said Alex, caught off guard.

Ben gets out a piece a paper from his blue binder and writes something on it using a black pen.

"Call me," he says, handing Alex the paper, then he once more gives Alex a flirtatious wink, then walks away.

Finnaire snatches the paper from Alex.

"You won't be needing this," she says.

"I think someone's jealous."

"Here, take it back," she says, reluctantly handing the paper back to Alex, who gladly takes it.

'I'm just glad people like me', thought Alex.


Alex, Ben, and Finnaire walk into the cafeteria which is even worse than the hallway, there's kids throwing food at eachother, security guards breaking up fights, the works.

"We're not eating in here, are we? Asked Alex.

"No of course not, there's a area right outside school property, it's kind of woodsy I always bring a poofy blanket to make us comfy, me, Finnaire, and our other friends Bobby and Heira go."

Ben grabbed Alex's hand and led him through the crowd and swiftly dodged some kids who looked like they were going to ram into them. Alex looks back to see how Finnaire's doing, he smiled when he saw she waa getting through just fine.


"Wow, these woods are beautiful," said Alex.

The three of them were in the woods the trees had cheery blossoms on them, making the trees look almost entirely pink, they grass was a luscious lime green color, they were a boy a river stream with a variety of rocks at the bottom and tadpoles swimming in the water. Alex picks up a tadpole.

"Alex! What are you doing?! You're going to kill the tadpole!" Shouted Ben. He takes the tadpole from Alex and puts it back in the river stream.

"You know..... when I was younger my dearest Bruce and I would go to the river banks and I would pick up tadpoles from there, Bruce always watched me with great intensity as I squished the tadpole between by fingers, seeing it's insides pop out, it always brought great pleasure to me knowing that they were pain.... knowing the pain was caused by ME... I've moved on to different things to.... pleasure me," said Alex.

Ben and Finnaire shoot disgusted and scared looks at Alex.

"Oh, I-I uh, have a strange sense of humor," he says.

Finmaire bursts out laughing while Ben looks at her confused. Ben then turns his attention to his fluffy blue blanket and begans straightening it out, then he takes out his brown picnic basket and gestures for Alex and Finnaire to sit with him. He takes out two PB&J sandwiches, three hotdogs, and three water bottles.

"I wonder if Bobby and Heira are absent," said Finnaire.

"Hmm... probably," said Ben.

The tree of them began eating lunch and talking to eachother, and making eachother laugh for awhile. Then everybody finishes lunch and packs up the trash and puts in the basket. He checks his phone to see there's still a little while left until they have to walk back to school.

"Hey, have you guys heard about the body of a man that was found in the woods?" Said Ben smirking at Alex and Finnaire.

Alex's blood runs cold.

"No," said Finnaire.

"Well... his cause of death was by a snake bite to the neck; his heart and brain were missing," said Ben.

'Bruce is dead, so DEAD, I can't beileve he would be so reckless,' thought Alex.

"The snake bit him in the neck like this..." Said Ben. He pushes back Alex and positions his legs outside of Alex's and begans to suck and kiss his neck, making Alex only stare at Ben in shock.

"Ben! Get off him!" Hisses Finnaire.

"Oh, shutup bitch, he's enjoying it," said Ben, glaring.

Finnaire stood up and begun stomping away.

"Ben, we should go see if Finnaire's okay," said Alex.

"She'll be fine, let's continue."

"No, Ben!"

Ben rolled his eyes and got off Alex. Ben picked up his basket and blanket. Alex had begun to run after Finnaire which caught Ben off guard and he had begun to run to her too.

"Finnaire! Wait up!" Yelled Alex.

Finnaire turned around and crossed her arms, Alex caught up to her then Ben did too.

"Sorry, Finnaire," said Ben.

"It's okay, I guess, I was being a bit sensitive I guess," said Fannaire.

Alex wrapped his arms around Finnaire and squeezed her a bit too tight.

"I-I can't lose you, please don't leave me, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!" Said Alex, wailing.

"Hey, Alex, it's okay, I'm not going anywhere, please stop crying," said Finnaire, wrapping her arms around Alex.

"D-don't leave m-me."

"I won't, I know we haven't even known eachother for a day yet, but if don't want me to leave, I won't."


Alex walked out of the school then started to run ahead of the other kids, not wanting to get lost in the sea of teenagers, and waited for his butler Bruce to come and pick him up; he had important matters to talk to him about.

Alex stood in front of the school by the pickup area. He saw a black sleek limo pull up. A black older man wearing a black suit, black loafers, and white gloves get out of the limo, Alex heard all the other kids say 'woah' which made him smirk.

The man opened the very last door to the limo and smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Gordon," he said, smiling.

"Hello, Bruce," said Alex glaring at Bruce.

Alex stepped inside the limo and Bruce closed the door. Then walked to the front of the door and got adjusted inside along with Alex. Alex picks up a black speaker attached to the side door.

"We need to talk, Bruce," he said.

Bruce presses a button on the steering wheel so he can talk to Alex.

"What is it, Mr. Gordon?"

"There was a man's body found in the woods?"

"I don't see the big deal. People get murdered everyday," said Bruce, smirking.

Aex crossed his arms.

"The man had gotten bitten in the neck by a snake and his heart was brain are missing... you've been getting sloppy, Bruce. Are you perhaps succuming to old age?"

"N-no, I-I can't beileve they found it; I-I won't die anytime soon. I-I promise I'll try harder next time, I'll give it my all."

"You know you could give it your all but it'll never be's not enough... not for me... to me you're just a pathetic old fool."


"So, then you multiply the sides together," said Alex.

Alex and Finnaire were sitting in Alex's room in chairs by his desk, his room was a big and spacious room with a clear black marble floor with white milky walls with gold designs on it, on the right side to his room, was two clear glass doors leading out to a balcony, in the middle of his room he had a bed with white silk that was see through around his bed held up by gold bed poles, directly across the bed was a big flat screen TV above the dark brown desk the two were working at.

"Thanks for the help, Alex," said Finnaire.

"Of course! You ready to have dinner?!" Chirped Alex.

"Yup, let's go!"

The two stand up from Alex's desk and walk out the bedroom and descend down the spiral golden staircase.

"Wow, you got money, huh?" Asked Finaire.


The two walked into one of the dining rooms in the mansion the walls and floor were the same as in Alex's room, there was an old grandfather clock in the right back corner of the room by a big window where you could see into Alex's garden, in the left back corner of the room was a white China cabinet, in the middle of the room was a long table with sixteen white cushion chairs there were two chairs at the front ends of the table, above the table there was a white gold chandelier the place in it where you would put candles were empty.

"Sup," said a slender Caucasian man in his early twenties with long dirty blonde hair, and blood shot green eyes, wearing something similar to that of Bruce, but except he had a bow tie and Bruce had a long tie.

"Richard, you address me as Master. Richard you've been smoking weed, I can smell your fetid breath and your eyes are bloodshot, you're high!" Yelled Alex.

"You know it, Master," said Richard, giving off a weird laugh.

Alex slapped him.

"Take off my jacket," he said.

Richard rubs his cheek then bends down to his knees because of Alex's short height to unbutton his jacket. He takes it off revealing Alex's white cotton cuffed shirt with a blue vest on top of it.

Alex takes Finnaire's arm and leads her more into the dining room.

Bruce walked out of the kitchen doors connected to the dining room with a porcelain platter and was holding a roasted pig with vegetables around it and a red apple in it's mouth. He smiled at Finnaire, then he walked over and put down the platter, and then pulled back Alex's chair at the back end of the table, Alex sat down, then he pushed in his chair, he did the same for Finnaire who sat on the closet chair right to Alex.

Alex smiled when he saw the food, mashed potatoes, green beans, roast pig, and sparkling grape juice, in wine glasses.

Bruce gets the two kids plates piled up. The two of them have a fun time talking to eachother until Alex heard music playing, he gestured for Bruce to pull him out of the chair. After he got out if the chair he walked over to Richard and on his tippy toes and then he raised his arms way above him, then he pulled back his hair.

"Hey, what are you doing, Master?" Asked Richard.

Alex saw the airpod in his ear and ripped it out and threw it.

"Dude!" Yelled Richard.

"Why were you listening to music, huh? You're supposed to be paying attention to me!! You're supposed to be taking care of me!! You're a high school drop out who gets high all the time!! Without me you'd be on the streets!! Without me you'd be nothing!! NOTHING!!! And this is how you repay me?!! You can listen to music on your breaks, you FUCK!!" Screamed Alex.

"Dude, you're insane!" Yelled Richard.

Aex walks away and picks up a steak knife from the table.

"A-Alex," said Finnaire.

Alex had begun to stab Richard's right ear, which was the ear he was listening to music in, and Richard screamed out in pain, while begging for Alex to stop. Alex can't stop... He watched the blood pour out from Richard's ear hole Richard's ear had been ripped off and was on the floor cut up in pieces.

"Aren't you going to do something?!" Cried Finnaire to Bruce, but he just ignored her and stared out into space, smiling.

Alex continued to stab Richard's ear. Richard began to feel woozy due to blood loss and stopped begging for Alex to stop, Alex moved out of the way when he saw that Richard passed out, he watches as he falls forward, he fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh, no!" said Alex. "My left hand is covered in his blood, such a pity."

He walked back over to the table and Bruce pulled back his chair for him, then he pushed his chair in. Alex lifted up his left hand drenched in blood and Bruce picked up a napkin from the table and then got a small disinfectant bottle from the his slacks pocket, then he sprays his hand puts the bottle back then wipes Alex's bloodied hand.

"Hmm... I've lost my appetite, I can't beileve Richard would disrespect me," said Alex,, frowning.

"I can't beileve you did that!" Yelled Finnaire. Alex only rolls his eyes in response.

"Oh, RElax. Let me explain, sense nobody wants to hire a high school dropout who's high all the time, I hired him from the goodness of my heart," said Alex, sarcastically while putting his hands on the left side of chest. "I get him to treat him the way I want to, I told him that if he reported me to the police, that he wouldn't be able to get another job because he's too lazy to go back to high school so, I get him to treat him the way I want to and he can't do anything about it, trust me it's consensual... Moving on..." Alex stands on the table. "Come, Finnaire dance with me!" He shouted out in glee, while twirling around like a ballerina and kicked plates around making them crash on the floor he even kicked a plate at Richard, still unconscious.

Finnaire shifted nervously in her seat, then got up on the table. She toom Alex's arms and led him into a slow dance, while looking down at him, smiling. Alex stopped the dance and started kicking plates again; some of the shards of the glass cut Bruce's cheek which made tears roll down his cheeks in pain, while Bruce just continued to smile while he stared into space. Alex took notice and stopped throwing plates around.

"You pathetic old fool, crying, bleeding how pathetic, go clean yourself! Yelled Alex. He threw a plate at Bruce who dodged it and made a beeline out of the dining room.

"Don't cry!" Yelled Alex, once more.