Aza felt his eyes grow warm as he entered the governor's office. "I want answers," he spoke solemnly.
"Aza there is a lot to explain, but let's just start at the beginning shall we?"
Aza nodded.
"Long ago there was chaos. Much like Humans theorize the humble beginnings of earth."
"But-" Aza began.
"Just listen" Spoke Michael. The air seemed to grow more dense. Aza held his questions and allowed him to continue.
Michael opened a drawer to his right and pulled out two glasses, placed ice in each and poured some whiskey from a decanter into each. Handing Aza one, Michael took a sip of his own drink and continued his story, allowing his mind to drift back.
"Chaos has a strange way of creating life. It's Primordial even. Can you believe that all of this could be summed up in a single word? Believe it or not, that's how it happened. Out of chaos was born two beings. Nyx and Erebus. These two thrive in the darkness of the Universe. The first gods. They ruled in the night for eons. Nyx, being darkness, and Erebus, being the Night sky. Then they bore children, Which would change everything, and reshape the Universe itself. Gods were born, each controlling a piece of reality. Thus the Universe was created. For without a single word, "Life" There would be but chaos. Gods created everything, but Chaos never truly disappears. It only changes form. Thus each god had their own personal source of power. The word that each god Personified drives the life force in each existence. This is how each god was named. And as such, time progressed. Gods giving birth to gods and as such the universe grew and evolved.
Then one god was born, who wished to create life, not of godly origins. He created life in the image of the gods and gave them gifts. He created a home for them away from the realm of other gods. He created life that would sustain theirs and created a power that he'd never expected. His source had always been "Creation" but he noticed that when Humans grew in number, so did his power. He'd never been a rather powerful god, so this was a welcome development, then a god passed by his planet. He grew jealous, so he disguised himself and walked amongst them, spreading lies about their creator. And gave knowledge which led to self- awareness. Soon, humans began to hate their creator. They began building a way to escape their prison, knowing that they were but sheep, raised to be but a source of power for a greedy god. The god, realizing he was growing weaker, searched among his creation for the reason and found another god there. This god was known as "Deceit." Or you may know him as "Tartarus" The god captured Tartarus, and imprisoned him. He used his source as the spark that would illuminate everything within his reach and brand him as an example for others. Soon after, he realized that his power was still decreasing. He decided to start Anew. He chose to find someone devout to him and had him preserve as much life as he could. Protecting him, his family, and the life of those he could muster, he destroyed everything. When his rage subsided, he returned the family and those he had saved to the earth. Humanity grew again, but this time the god promised to end all life, should they betray him again. The man spared by the god created religion as a guide to protect humanity from the gods' rage. Little did he know, he was only feeding the gods power.
The god saw that the other gods would grow jealous, just as tartarus and planned to create an army to protect his creation. But no matter what he tried, he was too weak to create anything powerful enough at the time. So he devised a plan. Chaos. It already existed, and could take many forms. What if humans could use it to make themselves stronger? He began his research. He chose humans who appeared strong. And introduced them to chaos energy, but it seemed like no matter what he tried, the human body couldn't handle the amount of energy needed for integration. So he created humans with stronger organs, a need for sustenance. The new humans needed to take in energy every day or they would perish. He also gave them the ability to evolve. This was the birth of cultivation. What you now know as, Angels. The Protectors of this universe. The God killers. The Destroyers. The Salvation. He wished for his creations to be separate. He wanted to control these angels and dictate who would become one. Should an angel be found with a human, they would be punished.
The stronger they grew, the stronger their devotion to their creator, the stronger their god grew. Among the first angels, was born the "Archangels" Michael, Raphael, Gabriela, Uriel, Saraqael, Ragael, and Lucifer. These were the first born, then came Lillith, Aazel, Moloch, Chemosh, Belial, Dagon.
The list goes on. The angels grew in strength and number. Each practicing their own style of cultivation. Some controlled weapons, elements, instruments, animals, toxins, their own bodies, and energy known as Qi. The angels began comparing themselves to each other. They grew competitive. Which led to Sects being formed by those who practiced similar methods. Sects eventually began competing. Mistakes were made. The god ruling over them however, left to challenge the gods that had spurned him in the past, having grown stronger than the others. Without knowing, the gods creations began fighting amongst themselves, For Tartarus, even imprisoned, had been able to corrupt the hearts of some. Wars raged in the gods halls known as "Heaven."
The god, far away, felt his power growing weaker. He swiftly returned to his creations to discover many things. War in heaven, death of many of his favorite angels, and a sect of angels tainted by Tartarus led by his favorite Archangel Lucifer. Enraged, the god cast Lucifer from heaven and cursed him to guard Tartarus for eternity along with those within his sect. would be known as "The Fallen angels" But this name would only come later. There was one that fell before them. Azazel."
Aza took a drink from his glass. There had been so much information thrown at him in such little time.
Seeing that Aza was paying close attention, Michael continued.
"Azazel had found companionship in Gabriela. They found comfort in each other, they lived together, cultivated each other, and defended each other. They eventually gave birth to the very first Born-Angel. Azazel felt something that had never existed with Gabriela Something he named, "Love." in his enlightenment, Azazel Ascended from an Angel to a Seraph. A being unparalleled by any other. Only a step away from godhood. None other than his god and Chaos itself had ever created anything before. In his excitement he set out to share this with all under heaven. Humans felt the void in their hearts were filled. And with love spreading among humanity, so did Azazel's power grow. The god saw what had happened to his creation. He grew furious. Creation was his source, not Azazel's. He was no god. God knew that if he did nothing, then Azazel would grow stronger than him eventually. So he devised a plan. He showed Azazel's son Favor. Then one day while Azazel was Fighting another sect, he took his son. He twisted him, taught him unspeakable things and named him Gabriel. He raised him to answer only to him and to follow his orders. He returned him home and allowed him to grow until he became strong enough to contain a spark of divinity. When that happened, the god gave him the power to challenge his father and gave him a sword of gold that held the spark of his own godly power.
Gabriel fought his father, gabriela was powerless to help. The two were just too powerful. The heavens shook. Azazels Sword split heaven itself. And after 7 years, Gabriel captured Azazel and presented him before the god. And the god cursed Azazel. He would be an example of wrongdoing for humanity, and they would curse him for it. He would be forced to walk among the earth, as a human and never find love. He would be alone for eternity and humans basked in the gift he created."
Aza Stared at his glass of whiskey…
He felt such sorrow. As if he finally understood himself. The cold feelings.
" Aza there's a reason you've been seeing what you've been seeing. Our god is calling you home because the other gods are threatening our world. We need your help"