A great morning with fragrance flowers and beautiful sunshine. Woke up from expensive bed.. Her maid was waiting her for helping her in to get ready to attend family visit.. Where all the relatives gathered.
A beautiful farmhouse where all the decoration made up of white Tulips.. Session for food drink and playground for children.. Say that a meeting of classic peoples..
Everyone was enjoying the party then a car came up.. This car was of MIN HA RI's father ... MIN HA RI got off from the car.. She was wearing a beautiful white gown, with dazzling earrings, shining necklace, white leather high heels.. All things were good but accept her face..😔 There was no sign of happiness.. It was like she was forced to attend the meeting.😞
All the aunties were praising her..
Everyone was enjoying the party but she was in the corner thinking about something.
Near by waiter made a mistake and.. One aunty was scolding him... Insulting him...but MIN HARI stoped her.. And let the waiter to go away from the situation...(this Shows that how she concerns the poor)..
same morning early wake up by sung Joon.. Was getting ready for his job.. Rushing toward the bus stop.. He was about to miss the bus but he Ran and got on in the bus.. rushy morning peoples were in crowd.. But he.. managed to get seat and set at window seat... Watching out the window and thinking about current difficult busy tired life.. (There was a hope that yes he can do himself..)
after the completion of the tired day of job... he was waiting for the bus... Again he got the crowded bus..went to his home...he was with a great smile on his face..
SUNG JOON :" Mum I am hungry please give me something to eat:.."
MOM :" go and wash up there till then I will prepare you vegetable soup.."
(both were eating the soup)
MOM :" sung Joon is it difficult to manage the home as well as the office.." only the work I do is cooking.. You manage the home by washing the clothes, doing dishes, clean up the house.. Just because of my surgery and poor heath I can't help you...sorry ðŸ˜
SJ : "mum why are you being so emotional.. It is our destiny that dad and you got into accident and we lost him there.. It has been 8 years and I have learnt to manage all the thing.. About your surgery this is not your fault this is our destiny... I promise that I will own a new house for you where you can live comfortably.."
MOM :" (with teary eyes ) God bless you dear..
(later he washed all the dishes and went to his computer where started working on his office work)..
MIN HA RI 's house
.... she was lying on her bed.. And was excited 😃 about her job interview..
she was recalling the point she has to Remember...for an effective interview...
( rich girl with.. Everything was available to her.. But she wanted to do something on her own courage... she was always wanted to have simple Not as a daughter of a rich person a good soul person...)
she slept with hopes in her mind...
SUNG JOON 's house
he was tired... And without thinking anything else..he closed his eyes...
( with the hope that tomorrow will be better..he slept on clumsy bed )...
TOMORROW ...their lives may changed ...may be maybe there is going to be their meet...
What has Destiny written for them... What will going to happen to them.. When they will meet to each other..😄😄.
to be continued..😊