Chereads / Circumventing Fate / Chapter 401 - 401 - Tortuous Dreams

Chapter 401 - 401 - Tortuous Dreams

The Emperor placed Lei Xing back on the bed, putting a pillow behind her back and covering her legs with the blanket to ensure her comfort before he took a seat next to her with a smile. The entire time Lei Xing had been staring at him with an inexplicable expression, a somewhat confused, slightly curious but wary expression. The Emperor lightly sighed and placed a hand over hers.

Lei Xing slightly recoiled at the touch, balling her hand into a fist, but she did not pull it away, her eyes moving to scrutinize the hand holding hers with the same unclear expression. 

"Xing er' -?" The Emperor called, reaching out to touch her face, but as soon as his hands came into her sight, Lei Xing moved back and stared wide-eyed at the hand, before blinking up at him, her expression now fully on guard. 

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