"I understand." The Emperor said with a small smile, then went to pat her head, but then stopped midway, knit his brows and withdrew the hand.
Lei Xing instinctively grabbed the hand with her hands, without thinking. Then she blinked and looked at his face to find him equally stunned and blinking at their hands.
{...What am I- ... *Sigh* Whatever, let's just go with the flow...}
"It's fine." She said, lowering her head and turning red. She knit her brows, then glanced back up at the Emperor, who still seemed to be stunned. She frowned then mumbled, "I thought you said you weren't angry."
She looked at the Emperor who was still blankly staring at her, her frown deepened and she released his hand. The Emperor finally responded and held onto her hand before she completely let go.