This and all happened in the month of July . Then August month came where I lost my love.
I was in love with one of my cousin. But I don't know for what reason my cousin stopped talking with me. I thought he got to know tat i love him. He left me. I was alone at tat time. I don't know what to do further.
I was not able to be Normal to any one. Even with the man who proposed me and even with my female bestie.
I was crying alone in a room.
Then I forgot him.I moved on. I was not messaging him. Totally I forgot my cousin.
Once my friend said me "love the person who loves u not who don't even care for you" .
Then I started caring for my bestie one who proposed me. Already I was having some feelings on him now I started to increase that.
By the end of the August some feelings started in my heart. But I didn't say him. I was silently suffering inside. I thought not to disturb him as he moved on.
We both became a good friend again like how it was before.