Ah... Her gaze softened at this thought.
Maybe the two of them are similar to one another after all. The reason why she felt drawn to him must be because his eyes are the same as hers. The look in his eyes when nobody else is watching. What sorrows and burden has he experienced? All alone? One day Lyn wants to ask him. Will the day come where she can freely ask him such questions?
She wonders if she can one day learn to be honest with him like she did with Kazuya. It would be cruel of her to compare the two, so she tried to avoid it as much as she could.
Ever since she started doing this stuff with Rhys, the images of a burned down the Mist Kingdom, building in ashes has disappeared. Perhaps Rhys is the key to this destruction, her nightmare. If she stays with him, could she get rid of his hate towards her mother and the Kingdom?