Chereads / How to Make the Iceprince Fall / Chapter 254 - Sentient Beings

Chapter 254 - Sentient Beings

However, whatever the magic said, Katherine was distracted. The issue of her son was one thing, but she now also got an idea in what kind of space she was. Last time she was only here with her mind, but now it seemed to be her everything.

"I still have so many questions. Is this... the place where magic comes from? Are these" she gestured to the gauze birds in the distance "all magics? But why are you and that darkness so different?"

"We are mutations." When Katherine opened her mouth to retort, the magic interrupted her. "Yes, I am also a mutation and not the kind that develops by itself."

"Did my cousin...?"

"No, he was still a child himself. Your father was the one dapping into things he shouldn't have. He had dealings with Loki way before your cousin was recruited. Then your mother found out, and it was because of her that he promised to cut all ties with them. I could perceive the gist of it, from inside here. Yet the methods used on you as a baby - and thus on me - were way gentler and less invasive than what happened to that darkness over there.

You know, even though we are trapped in this dimension and can only lend some of our powers through the gates, not our consciousness, we magics are all sentient. We live, we can think. More often than not, the partners we are bound to are like a second self, the personalities very similar. We even come to be at the same time, yet we are instantly aware of ourselves, while humans need more time to develop. That is why I said it was the first time a magic developed two gates. While we others are static and can only send more of what is already ours to our partners if they train their gate and control, the darkness is growing with each call on it. Endlessly growing. Yet its conscience is disturbed, shattered from the invasive magic that mutated it in the beginning. If it was not so dangerous, I believe many here would pity it."

For a second, the magic paused, seemingly collecting its thoughts. "But now, you need to go. Humans can not survive in this place for long, and you only can because I am your partner. Shush, no more questions. Though the darkness is at the rift you came through, I believe it is distracted. I might be able to help you pass. After all, I'm one of the few in here that can content with it."

"Wait, wait wait!" Despite the urging in the magic's voice, Katherine still had too many things she could only ask now and never again. "What is your name? How can I call you? Can you even hear me if I call you from my dimension?"

The magic fell silent again, yet Katherine got the feeling that it was out of surprise this time. "My name...? We share no names in this space. We hardly speak at all. But if I had to choose one, I believe it would be similar to yours. You are my partner, after all. So, what do you think of Kate? It's short and easy to remember."

A grin spread on Katherine's face and she almost gave a thumbs-up. "I like it. Does it mean you can hear me then, Kate?"

"Sometimes I can, sometimes not."

"You are prone to giving riddles as answers, Kate," Katherine concluded with a sigh. "Well, never mind. I also believe I shouldn't stay here for too long, although I feel safer here than out there. But first: is the river of darkness gone? Because if it's not, I might die if I go out again. I did come through this rift over there, right?"

"Yes, you did, and no, it isn't. I can't predict if the rift will stay open when the 'river of darkness' as you call it is completely absorbed into this space. It might close. Smaller rifts do so at a moment's notice, as you might have experienced before the big one opened. If it closes, nobody knows when another will open again. It might take hundreds of years."

"I don't believe my dearest cousin will let it close so easily. However, what do I know? Maybe he will, maybe he won't. It's hard to predict..." Katherine shrugged helplessly, then she pondered for a bit, her finger tapping on her lips.

She didn't want to go out into that dark river again. If she couldn't climb out fast enough, she might die or be swept into another such rift. After all, it seemed as if the clash of her power with the darkness caused them. Even if her baby was safe from her power now, it was no use if she herself died... besides, she felt drained, tired to the bones. If not for the remaining excitement and fear, she could curl up and sleep right here, right now. She wasn't sure if she could manage another magic output like before. Maybe she'd instantly fall asleep instead. Right now, the rift seemed somewhat stable...

On the other hand, if she didn't leave and Nathaniel searched for her, what then? There was a battle outside, and she didn't even know who was winning. What if Nathaniel was hurt? What if he needed her? But would she be of any use if she was drained of magic?

"I can't leave right now," Katherine finally made up her mind. "I'm too exhausted. Maybe just a few minutes of rest... and you said that the dark river is getting absorbed, so it would be best for me to leave when it is almost gone, don't you think so? Anyway, I don't even know how to move in this space. So, could you be the lookout for me and, I don't know, shout or yell at me when it looks like the rift will close soon? I... I really need to sleep for a bit. Just a little bit."

There was a pause, then a deep sigh. "Although it is risky, I understand. Sleep. I will bring you closer to the rift so that you can escape at a moment's notice, should it be necessary. I know that you can not really move in my dimension, yet I can move you. So, rest for a bit. It was a hard day for you."

"Yes, you are absolutely," a yawn interrupted Katherine's sentence, stalling her for seconds, "... absolutely right."

About to lie down, Katherine realized that she was still floating. It was somehow strange but not uncomfortable. Suddenly, she was too tired to care. Closing her eyes her breath deepened, and despite the unusual state, she fell asleep in an instant. She might not know her magic's voice for long, yet it also felt natural, familiar, and trustworthy. As if she slept in the arms of her mother again. Oh, how long that time was gone... more than a decade at least.

In her sleep, Katherine instinctively curled into an embryo state, her body remembering the weightless feeling. Only when she was deep asleep did the sphere of light start to move. With Katherine as its core, it drifted closer to the unnatural rift, staying just out of reach of the darkness that crouched there. The darkness' body writhed and trembled under the onslaught of the river water, its form sometimes growing, sometimes almost disintegrating.

Kate waited and watched. And just like Kate, the dimension around them, the home of magic, seemed to be waiting quietly like snow in the mountains.