Thus, doping that improves our IQ is a rare thing and it isn't strong at all.
How would we measure the power of anti-doping - doping, that influences our effective IQ in the negative way?
ADP = 1 - (Effective IQ)/IQ
ADP ranges from 0 to 1. The total absence of influence is 0. The total effectiveness (Effective IQ goes to zero) is 1.
adp = ADP * 100% - doping power in per cents.
So. How powerful The Law may be? Just how dumb would you behave under it's influence?
An average bear would be smart enough to break into your house and eat most of the food in it. The Law doesn't have to be powerful at all to render us, humans unable to break into that 'box' to get the food in 99%+ of the cases.
Some monkey bands are smart enough to break into an open house and get some food. The Law have to be somewhat stronger to bar us from entering open homes uninvited.
Some cattle is stupid enough not to cross the boarders that you demarcate for them. It takes moderately powerful law to keep you off some territory with simple signs/demarcation lines. And even more powerful law may keep you to some territory without the need for any kind of brute force.
The most dumb bacteria around would be able to eat anything edible that comes it's way when there are no locks and mazes at all. But The Law may be powerful enough to prevent even that from us, humans in 99%+ of the cases. No mean achievement already. It's around 0 effective IQ.
Well, I underestimated the power of The Law, after all. Our Effective IQ may be less, than 0. The power of The Law may get over that 1 record. The road-signs may make you commit suicide in a lot of cases. As a small sheet of paper from the Army may.