That meal she just had....cost around 1.000 US Dollar! IT WAS UNREASONABLE!! What kind of meal would cost 1.000 US Dollar?
Author: your meal 🤣
Tan Hua face turned blue as tears started to gather at the corner of her eyes. 1.000 US dollar! Her savings didn't even reach 500 US dollar 😭 What should she do?? She couldn't pay!
I-if she couldn't pay the-then....s-she may be caught by police for not paying the meal she had! 😱
Huhuhu someone help!!! 😭
That someone who could help Tan Hua was actually already there in that place, standing beside her with a wide grin on his face.
Nan Shen was in a very good mood after he saw Tan Hua depressed face.
Heh! This was what you get from not wanting to be my doggo ( ̄^ ̄). It was an honor to be recognized as his people right?
Author: is dog a people? 🤣🤣
While Tan Hua was racking her brain to somehow get the money she needed, Nan Shen was enjoying Tan Hua facial expression.