Kids flooded the sidewalks trying to get near the school. Some kid yelled, "Stop shoving!"
to the one kid who shoved through the crowd of children.
He jumped up in front of them with his arms up and yelled, "Calm down, my mom told me that we will be going to a different school due to what happened here!" Most noise was gone, but a car pulled by. It was the police, and they hopped out of the car.
"You kids need to go home," the cop said, "Your parents have already been informed."
Kids started running home to get away from the police. Continuous murders had gone in at the school when no one was around. They had to keep people away from the school until they found out who was responsible for it. The kid who was in-front of the school, jack, lowered his arms. The cop pointed at him and directed him over. Jack slowly dragged his feet over near the cop, "Kid, I don't know what you think you are doing but I hate for your mom to find you here." She patted his back and whispered, "That's your signal buddy." Jack ran fast to get away. He hopped onto the road and ran across. He zoomed through the door and into the elevator.
He continued to push 5 until the door shut. He let out a sigh then fell to the floor. The elevator came to a stop then a tall, thin, and pale man walked in. He glanced at Jack then looked away. He pressed number 10 then sat beside jack, "So buddy."
Jack huffed. Then he looked at the man, "Sorry. But who are you?"
The man raised up till his back touched the wall, "A friend of your fathers." He placed his hands on top of his hair then slip his arms back to prop his head up. "We both work together at that new computer company." Jack looked away from the man.
"Sure." Jack said. He jumped up as soon as the elevator door opened and walked away. He opened the door and his mom ran to him and hugged him.
"Oh, im so sorry sweetie I should have came with you! So, so, so, sorry!" His mom cried.
"It's fine." Jack squeeze through to the living room. He dropped his book bag and took out the lunch bag his mom packed. He took out the sandwich at took a big bite out of it.
"How about tomorrow we go to the new restaurant? Hmm.. Fissy Fazbears?"His mom asked.
"Why not." Jack replied.