Qiu Rei waved his finger in Ku Ze and Huan Hei's face, "You and you! Both of you are in this together. The two of you planned all this to scam and fool me! You! This engagement is a fraud! A conspiracy! The engagement is over. It isn't official, and I am going to sue you! We had a verbal agreement, and you promised that you would work with Yang Corps. How dare you change your mind out of the blue like this?!"
Huan Hei brought the conversation to a dead halt when he interrupted his accusations, "Excuse my rudeness for cutting off your thoughtful side story. Before you try too hard to blacken our reputation, answer the following questions modestly and honestly. First question, when we discussed about upcoming projects, have I ever mentioned working with you, Yang Qiu Rei, specifically?"
Qiu Rei crossed his arms, lifted his chin, and proudly answered, "Yes. You promised to work with Yang Corps."
Huan Hei's impish smile widened, "That is not my question. Let me repeat the question again. Have I ever specifically told you that I will be collaborating with you, not Yang Corps, but directly indicating your name in any way of our conversations? Or did I just end up shaking your hand after we discussed it and left?"
Qiu Rei's prideful smile froze, posture still as a mannequin, and voice was trapped in his throat. The question was followed by another few minutes of silence.
Huan Hei tapped his watch as seconds went by.
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock...
"Ahem." Huan Hei's low cough broke the silence in the room. He continued asking Qiu Rei the remaining questions that he had for him, "Let's make this short and straightforward. Did I ever sign any documents with you while we discussed about the upcoming projects? Have I ever told you that I will be investing billions of dollars on a contract with you, not Yang Corps? And have I ever mentioned your name in any way other than greetings and farewells?"
After another minute of quietness, Huan Hei decided to pace things up, "Let me make this an easier task for you. I can answer all those questions in a second. Every answer is a no. I only told you that I am planning to have some collaborations with Yang Corps that takes up approximately billions of dollars. I also mentioned contracts and the engagement party, but everything was specifically said using Yang Corporations' title. Never using your name. Since I never mentioned your name, you were assuming all along that I was referring to you. Therefore, I did not make any verbal agreements or promises with you."
His body stiffened, back straightened, and hands clenched to a tight fist. His posture exposed his tensed muscles, and expression darkened. He didn't know what to say as a counterargument because he knew what Huan Hei asked and answered were all accurate. He couldn't think of anything, so he randomly spurted out spit as he howled at them, "So what? You were discussing the details and information with me. Of course I would assume that you would be working with me. It is still your fault for misleading me, and I could still file a lawsuit against you. If you don't want to get involved in a wrecked, pain in the ass lawsuit, give Ya Nuo back to me. Cancel this engagement, and we will call it even! She is my biggest asset now, and nobody can have her, but me."
Huan Hei opposed instantly,"I mentioned Yang Corporation, but you never asked me to clarify which Yang Corps I was referring to. If you never asked clearly and precisely, I am not in the wrong. You are the one who is at fault for assuming ahead of time. Also, I am indeed working with Yang Corps; the Yang Corporation that is under your brother, Yang Ku Ze. Therefore, I did not commit fraud or lie to you in any way. There is also no space for negotiation when it comes to cancelling the engagement with Ya Nuo. So unless she is unwilling or doesn't want to marry me in the future, there is nothing you can do about it."
After Huan Hei had refused his request, the creases on Qiu Rei's forehead increased.
At last, it was Ku Ze's turn to step up and clash directly with Qiu Rei's selfish request, "Brother, did losing Ying Ying make you lose your mind? Your loving wife and child died on that day. You have no children and are married with your current wife, Gu Wing. You were acting rashly after Ying Ying and your unborn child's death that you daringly avenged for her death on us. I already stepped down my CEO position to make you feel better, but nobody can help you with anything if you never realize how wrong you actually are. I backed down years ago, and years later, I am coming out of that shell to tell everyone what really happened. You already took over the company and nearly wrecked it with your own hands. Honestly, you've gone through many investigations and reports. The investigators and police already told you that we had nothing to do with Ying Ying's death."
"Shut up! Don't say her name with that disgusting mouth of yours! You two ruined my happiness, so I returned the favor. How did it feel to be left with nothing, but a penny? How did it feel losing your daughter? Huh? Were you suffering in pain? Even if you were in pain, it's got nothing to do with me. I was happy throughout this whole way. Why? Because you are poor and ruined by me! By me!! Hahaha" He gnashed his teeth aggressively as he remembered his wife's miserable death. Till this day, he hadn't once forgotten how she died in his embrace and her pointing towards Ku Ze and his wife during her last breaths.
Ku Ze sighed."How many files do you need to open, and how many times do I have to repeat myself for you to understand that it wasn't me or my wife who murdered her? As much as I pitied you in the past, it won't cover up your crimes. You kidnapped my daughter when she was a child. Regardless of the person's age, no one should ever be harmed or separated another from their family. You say that we killed your wife, but evidence didn't point to us. How about getting out of your comfort grieving zone and actually try to trace back to the murderer? Have you ever thought of looking for the personal maid after your wife died? Have you ever wondered about the maid who oddly disappeared right after her death? No, right? That is because you only want to believe in what your eyes showed you. Yes, Ying-, your wife pointed at our direction before she died, but she might have been directing at something else."
Qiu Rei's teeth clenched harder and fist tightened further,"I said to shut up! The investigations came out clear, but I don't believe any of you. I won't believe in those officers who told me that they couldn't find the murderer. I told them that she pointed at the two of you, and it is impossible for you guys to be innocent. You two must have been involved with her death! You probably bribed the personal maid with your loads of cash for her to run away and never come back!" His breathing quickened and eyes turned bloodshot red. As if blood was flowing in reverse and ready to gush out of his eyes, his sclera turned from yellowish white to crimson red.