"Summer, can I speak to you?" he asked one day.
My eyes flicked away from Jonathan to the captain. "Of course, captain."
"Come with me," he said and I followed him into his quarters. He rounded on me.
"Summer. How long have you and Jonathan been in some sort of relationship?" he asked. His tone wasn't angry or calm. It wasn't quite neutral, either, but he didn't seem to be taking a stand. That just worried me more. I decided the truth was my best bet.
"A month," I said quietly, my head tilted toward the floor.
"And you did not think to tell me?" Daniel asked softly.
I bit my lip. "It...it isn't like that, captain. I just...I wanted to keep a piece of my life that I could finally enjoy and look back upon fondly. It might seem selfish, but I guess having a piece of me that I can keep to myself makes me feel better about not remembering anything else but who I am."
Daniel studied me a moment. Then he nodded. "Stay here a moment. I'll be right back." He hurried out and I stood still, waiting with my breath held back in my chest.
In moments, Daniel returned with Jonathan.
"Jonathan, I want your reason for not telling me," the captain said crisply.
Jonathan looked far more ashamed than I felt. "I...I didn't want everyone to know...and somehow word always gets around on this ship."
"Exactly," Daniel said sharply. "The Sally Lass is not a place for secrets. You should have told me, Jonathan. Now, is there anyone else that knows of your relationship and why?"
"Jessica," we said together. Jonathan continued, "She saw us, so we had to admit it to her."
Slowly, Daniel nodded. "Fine. Your relationship can remain a secret for the time being, but know that soon I will require that you tell the rest of the crew. They have a right to know, especially if Summer would like to keep her virginity until you, Jonathan, wish to take it away from her."
I turned bright red and Jonathan turned red himself, flustering out an embarrassed reply: "Captain!"
Daniel smirked. "I've seen what the sight of her does to you, lad," he said. "Nothin' to be ashamed of, now, but don't let the others see it or they'll know for sure what's goin' on between you two!"
"Yes, captain, of course, captain," Jonathan said meekly.