Chereads / lost in dream / Chapter 25 - IMPRESSION...

Chapter 25 - IMPRESSION...

Doctor, the person has come?

Please get in...she is bleeding.

Let's go...

[Jenny goes inside meanwhile Ryan comes with Mr.Wensley]

[as soon as steven received the news he rushes to the hospital...]

Doctor, the person...

Ryan cool jenny is already giving blood. Don't worry...uncle this side...[Mr. Wensley walks towards the room where jenny is...]

Sir this side...[a nurse comes and helps Wensley...]

Mam...we cannot take your blood will faint...!

I am fine please save my friend...

[Wensley's mind voice: this girl is more kind and naive...such a girl in the present society...]


[this girl has same blood group and...what are you thinking Ryan did you forget...she is no more.]

Ryan...ryan what happened? what are you thinking?


[Meanwhile, steven reaches to the hospital...]

Ryan how is yoyo...

She is still inside but...

[Doctor comes out...]

Doctor how is she ...?[without delay Maddy starts interrogating the doctor...]

She is fine and out of danger...any two can visit her but don't disturb her.

Thankyou doctor.ryan can I also come in...

You can but we have to speak later Mr.Zi shu.

Ok, Ryan...[I'm screwed...]

meanwhile, jenny and Wensley walks out of the room...

Jenny how are you?...are you fine...let me see...[kattie is really worried]

I'm fine Kattie.

Steven, how is yoyo?

She is out of danger.

Haa..good to hear...

Ok then we will leave first jenny has to eat something if not ...

Ok then...

We will visit her later Steven lets go Kattie...

Take care, Jenny...

You too.

Steven... who is she? such a kind girl.

Uncle...oh...she is Jenny.

Such a born beauty looks like a princess...very elegant and kind...what a gifted child...[looks really like Sara...i miss my wife...]

Uncle...[wait...Uncle never praise...but...idea...!] didn't Ryan tell you that she has a girlfriend?

He did but how is it relavant...wait is she...

Exactly uncle jenny is Ryan's girlfriend...

No wonder...Ryan really has a good eye for girl...

[Ryan and Maddy walk out of the room...]

Uncle...what choice did I are praising me...

Nice choice of girlfriend boy...bring her to home...this coming month... I will take my leave then I will visit yoyo later let her take some the way I like her...she looks like a nice kid.

Steven split it out ...what nonsense did you create this time...

I helped you ...

What idiotic idea is that?

I said jenny is your girlfriend...!

What?[maddy in shocking voice...]

What...are you mad...come here I am going to grant your last wish because from tomorrow you won't be able to even if you want to...