I just couldn't seem to accept easily this very fact that Authern got caught in an incident, and I'm not very used to having mo one to court to in school. Damn that girl, Gale, she's really taking this seriously huh?
After the school bell rang, unexpectedly, she appeared in front of my classroom, holding a bouquet of flowers.
"F— For you!" she said while shaking from nervous.
I held her wrists, grabbed her, and took her to something more private. Once it was private enough, I aggresively rushed towars her and start licking neck, my hands, shaking from disgust and hatred, could do nothing but play with her, then the flower fell, "A— ah." she said from pleasure. I stopped, holding both of her arms, tears atarted falling into my eyes. "You bitch." I said and she was shocked, her eyes widened. "W— what?" she asked, "Is this how selfish you can be? You could kill a person just to get what you want? A complete bitch." I said and she was shocked more that she looked down from guilt. "W— what are you talking about?" she asked. I couldn't hold this off any longer, I,couldn't just seem to stop myseld from punching her, but with limits, I slapped her instead. "You fucking touched my boyfriend, you fucking hurt him, you fucking put him in danger, then shall your life be. Gale, I'm telling you, you will get paid, this, for what you did, and once that comes, one more that you touch or ever hurt my boyfriend again, I'm telling you, I would not hold myself to tell this to the police." I said and her eyes glared at me, her hands covering her mouth, her eyes crying even more. From shame, she ran away, out of school crying.
I calmed myself down, taking out a piece of lollipop with me, I went on the rooftop and took my seat, then, I gaze upon the sky. I took a deep sigh, "The competitions going to be tomorrow, is this gonna work?" I asked myself, then I knew, even if Authern's not here, he'd want me to do my best, and soar high.
I hope Gale had learned her lesson. Slowly, I close my eyes to take a few minute rest.
Suddenly I... I feel afraid. I am brutally bleeding, and until now, the bleeding just wound stop. The wounds around my body could not seem to heal, I do not know why, but I am scared, I feel fear, my body is shaking all over. Damn Gale, I hate her, I already saw through her attitude, and she is a fucking demon, not that I want to take revenge or whatever, but I hope she would leave me alone now, now that it has reached this point. I am, somehow, worried about Caleb, I am afraid that he might have done something to her, but I know Caleb will hold himself back, I know he would. Not only that though, I am also afraid to the fact that Caleb might not join tomorrow, because of my current condition, that he my hold back, and refuse performing, but I trust him, if he said so that he will perform and sing, then I am willing to believe him, after all, he is the tyoe of guy that follows whatever he says.
My cough had worsen, every minute, I cough and sometimes blood comes out. My head still aches due to blood loss count, and I feel so dizzy, and weak, I can not do anything. I hope my condition atleast, improves. I still want to see Caleb, atleast, play his very own piece, in front of me. I still want to see him smile, while singing, looking at me, happily. I know, the chance is quite low, but he is the only one right now that makes me happy, and he is the one who really needs me the most right now.
When I woke up, I slowly tried getting up, and found myself crying. Caleb, you have to be strong, Authern might not be here for a while, but he would want you to be independent, and that you stand and fight on your own. I went down to the music club room and saw my members. I went to my position, and used Authern as an inspiration. We all started playing, and we all were being strong, "This is for the Stargazers," Caiden said. "This is for the Stargazers, and Authern." I said, and we all played on the rehearsal and did our best. The practice was perfect, the off-tune parts were easy to fix, and we didn't stop until wencould perform two times consecutively without any mistake and we were able to do that. I realized, not only me, but everyone, is also willing to take risk for this, as we have already come this far, and as Authern said, there's no backing up now, we have taken this huge step, and we are not going to take another one backwards.
"Hey, Caleb!" Caiden called me. I looked at him and I saw him walking towards me, "Fighting, alright?" he said and he smiled while holding my shoulders, "Fighting..." I said calmly. He laughed and took a step away from me, "This is for the hardwork that Authern had made." he said, "Y— yeah!" I said and I smiled, then later on we both laughed. I knew it, I am not the only one concerned about him, and that everyone is willing to do their best, for him too.
Hey Authern? Just so you wait, I am bringing home the bacon. I am never going to stop myself to aim higher, be the only one best for you. I love you Authern, and those are all the words I hope you are hearing right now, and that I hope your condition is going better. Fighting alright? We will walj through all of the hardships together, and that we will stay stronger, forever.
Sincerely your best boyfriend,