veryone avoided the area close to the tower and followed instructions. When there was nobody nearby,Moon smiled in satisfaction.
Everyone could see another cloud descending from sky. This cloud was pure gold color but was transparent that you could see through it. The shape of the golden cloud was a perfect circle.
When Moon saw the golden cloud, he poured all his mana into it. Unbelievable high mana started pouring out from Moon and all went into the gold cloud. As the time went by ,instead of Moons mana decreasing, it grew up even more.
System rang in Moons ears
- Host made Clans territory. System will now interrogate it into the clans territory -
This made Moon smile. This was what he was after the whole time. He made this golden cloud as home for the clan members. Everyday he was infusing his mana into this golden cloud to make adjustments.
Now the system part was done but Moon had yet another crucial plan he wanted to make. This would be theyr new home and he wanted nothing but the best.
The most important for Moon was to make this Cloud home into growth type. He would have many clan members in the future, he needed a place for all of them.
The time went by and the golden cloud absorbed every mana that was given to it for 3 days straight. The golden cloud was hovering above and was almost the size of a village.
Moon was confident at the begining but after for a whole three days, even he was feeling little tired. It's true that the golden clan was bigger and stretched further than before but this was all because Moon supported it with his mana. He wanted it to grow itself.
After pondering for hours and trying for methods after methods. Cloud came up with unique idea.
Since system already was in the golden cloud, he could let system be the head of the golden clan cloud.
This would naturally would bring many benefit. Moon made basketball sized orb and connected it to the golden cloud. Moon was completely improvising and did not know if this could work at all.
Moon asked the system if this was feasible option and surprisingly enough he got affirmative answer. The golden clan cloud was a territory connected already to Moon. It wouldnt be much of a problem to transfer the system there.
Hearing that the plan could work. Moon was delighted and started working on it and the process didn't take much this time.
The orb that was pitch black suddenly lighted up with lavender color. Moon couldnt help but wonder would everything related to him be always this color but the most important now was the orb head.
The golden cloud was connected manually to the orb and slowly disconnected itself from it. Seeing this Moon got little worries but soon all his worried went away when the orb head showed a words on it.
It seemed the orb head could control without being manually connected. Moon didnt know if he just made mana Bluetooth but the idea sounded fun.The golden clan territory and the orb head system were already one entity. Moon decided to name this new home Cloustar.
All this time Moon was non-stop putting mana into the Cloustar. He felt it was time to stop and the moment he did a voice rang within half kilometers. Everyone that was within, heard it loud and clear.
"Rank Tier Legendary "
After the voice, in the Cloustar a text was showing again and under the list of clan members there were only 4. At the leader position Moon,under it was members which had Raiz, Aurora and oddly enough Nero. This was quite puzzle for the moon since he thought all would be clan members but it seemed there were restrictions for entering.
Cloustar suddenly descended from the sky and touched the ground. When it touched the ground, the cloud began to mold itself into the ground. If it wasn't for the orb flying in the middle,nobody would suspect there was anything in there.
Suddenly a golden wall surged from ground surrounding the orb. This could be the size of the current clan territory. While everyone was dazed , Moon was thinking of the restrictions of clan members. Were they even able to go inside the clan territory if theyr names wasn't on the list?
As he was thinking that , a black pillar rose just outside of the golden walls. Another text rolled down from the orb.
"Registration in process. Please proceed to press in the pillar"
After seeing this, Moon looked back at everyone and told them to touch the pillar. Not everyone was eager to touch, after seeing everything that happened. It was confusing time for the most.
Fortunately there was one bee that seemed to always not care. This was none other than the brave Brav. Moon was mentally checking everything that was happening.
The moment Brav touched the smooth cold black pillar , cold voice rang in Moons ears asking for permission to let Brav register. Without hesitation Moon accepted. The circle wall had no doors or gate to go through.
Brav was about to fly above the walls but the wall made a figure hole that was precisely the same size as Brav. Brav passed by walking through his figure without any problems
After seeing theyr fellow bee made it. Others were now brave enough to try and as always each one needed Moons permission. When Moon looked again at the orb. Instead of the names added to members, there was one lower category which was Citizens.
After all entered . Aurora who was worried that someone may be left behind, heavy sighted out of relief. Now she was ready to go in too. As she herself was ready to touch the pillar , the wall behind the pillar suddenly made a hole at least 2 times the size Aurora.
Aurora didn't know whether she should walk in or not because everyone else had theyr designer figure they could walk through. In the she decided to go through.
When it was Raiz and Neros turn , the same thing happened as the walls opened big circle for them to walk through easily. Fortunately or unfortunately there were already some who figured out the reason behind the different treatment.