Chereads / Beautiful Me / Chapter 4 - Snowflakes

Chapter 4 - Snowflakes

I loved winter. There were so many fun things you could do: I could play in the snow, go sledding, drink hot chocolate by the warm fire, or decorate the windows with paper snowflakes. Snowflakes all looked like blurry white blobs, but if you looked closely, they were each different with their own design.

Another thing that I loved about winter was that I got more snuggles with my mom. I loved to play with my mom's hair. I would grab it and brush my cheek. I liked the smell of her hair. It smelled like safety, and comfort. One day I asked her "Mom, do people's hair have different smells like individual fingerprints?" She smiled. "I think so." I breathed in, "You have a good smell."

I hated when my mom started dying her hair because it smelled nasty, and stayed that way for days. So I couldn't play with hair.

I believe that we are unique. There are similarities in people; perhaps a situation, personality, manner of speech, or talent, but that doesn't make them the same.

There was a girl I met, and I admired her because she had a somewhat similar background, and was pushing threw it. "Amazing", she was just like me.

In all honesty, She was rude, jealous, insincere, spiteful, vengeful, and the only thing that I could say that we had in common was that our fathers were terrible people….but that was not her or me.

My mom told me "You should be nice to everyone, but not everyone's friend. Everyone is different. We are each an individual. I can't change a person, but we choose how we act and react. There are nice people, there are mean people. Not everyone is going to be nice, or be your friend. That was a hard lesson to learn, but we are all are own snowflake.