The entrance of A university.The entrance is covered with banners welcoming freshers. And today has a speciality too.Two foreigners achieved first rank in university's difficult entrance exam with same mark. The whole university is expecting to see these geniuses. The most interesting thing is that they are from same country .
In this day seniors are busy in bullying newbies. Giving then tasks and punishments . Seniors pair up students and assign tasks for them. A supersenior is pairing students by calling their name in the auditorium." Group 1 Mike &Ashley, group 2 John &Sara.....and final group kais and ziaa. Every one pair up and gather around person is missing. Sally where is your partner? If he didn't show up you get punishments. You are unlucky this time".Sally is starting to curse her partner but a deep voice shook her thoughts. " I am here,what you guys want?"
" are so impolite to us,so you have to do your task properly otherwise we won't let it go . You can confess your love to your pair be sure to get yes from her"
Kyan is totally agitated. He doesn't like women. He was left by his mother at the age of four. She eloped with her boyfriend and his father became heartbroken. So he disguise every women. so he didn't want to do such a task. He is standed still for some seconds and said "No, I will not do such a lame thing"
"So you're going to accept the punishment, I am sad for your partner she will be a scapegoat."
kyan didn't care about anything. But Sally was different. She like to accept everything assigned to her. "I will do it"sally shouted. Everyone was astonished. But Sally didn't give up anything that's her character.After the death of her father she and her mother was alone . They started fighting against their lifewhen she was fifteen. Now she is twenty.
"Hey what's your name ?" Sally sit on her knees. Kyan jumped out of his feet ."what are you doing?" You didn't tell your name boy."
Sally laughed.
"What the !I am kyan."A playful smile spread on Sally 's face. it make her a little more pretty"Kyan,nice name. So kyan you know what I have been looking for you for past twenty years.when I first saw you my heart told me you have found your soulmate. So will you be my boyfriend? I swear that I will treat you good. I will be at your disposal. So please accept me. I will be a good girlfriend. Please...please... please.."
No...Kyan replied.