Dark clouds swirled the sky crying down tears that slipped onto June's face. A hundred diamonds hit the ground loud with each second. Dressing the pavement in shiny, translucent ornaments as her feet kissed the ground in a rapid motion.
'It's raining cats and dogs!' She thought furiously.
When she had first set out it was only raining a little, it looked like the rain would clear up. So she was not prepared when the rain did the exact opposite.
Her cotton candy pink sweater that had looked like it could swaddle her in warm comfort was hanging soaked to the brim. Her honey orange skirt with fluffy white ruffles underneath it that once stuck out now laid flatter than her chest. The only things on her remotely dry were a pair of long brown boots she wears with white knee socks.
Yet she still ran as if there was a chance of saving her beloved clothes.
She ran through the streets using the rain as a cover because although she was in a rush her face was everywhere. Being spotted was not on her bucket list. Just the thought of it happening made her break out in a cold sweat.
Luckily for her, none of the civilians seem to notice her. Only the sound of rain followed after her footsteps. Not a word was spoken from the people she passed or occasionally bumped into. Just like her, they were all too focused on their own missions.
After some time out of breath and soaked June ducked for cover. She felt incredibly idiotic for not giving up on going to the hospital even after the weather got so horrid but she just couldn't stop herself. With all the new problems popping up she wanted to get rid of at least one.
She felt an immense amount of weight dropped on her body for the longest time. It was as if a boulder was on her skinny body and it would just get heavier. She became overwhelmed with stress, it flowed like a river throughout her body. If that weight could lessen just a little she was fine with a little rain but that little rain became much more.
"I should go back when it stops raining, this is useless, " escaped her mouth in a soft pout of defeat.
She crouched down and wrapped her arms around her shivering body. In her own warm she shivered less but the cold never left her. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound to the soothing, calm sound of rain. How it hit the ground and splashed water in all direction. Suddenly the weight holding her down eased up. She felt at peace at this moment.
"This is kinda nice," she mumbled.
She was still in a peaceful daze when she was engulfed in warmth. Her shivering stopped and she found herself snuggling in. That was until the questions of where this warmth came from settled in. She opened her eyes and noticed a coat that was much bigger than her wrapped around her shoulders. It was mostly dry and much warmer than the clothes she had on.
"You looked cold, " came a voice full of honey.