Chereads / Sento De Rokku. / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: I'm not going

Sento De Rokku.

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: I'm not going

Yuuichi is laying on the Battlefield half dead, he says but kind of mumbling it.

Yuuichi: "am I going to die?.. now?..."

Yuuichi says to himself and he's wishing that he can gain the strength to get up once again, the strength to protect someone.

And if he loses one more person he cares about, he will go insane.

But at that moment: He starts to think about something and as he's about to take his last breath, he starts to remember his life


*a couple years ago*


Yuuichi is slowly waking up but he seems lifeless until he falls off the bed but doesn't mind it that much.

As he's by the floor by his bed, looking at the ceiling with a calm face.

Yuuichi thoughts: "just a normal day I guess.. Hmm.. I've been sleeping in awful lot lately... well maybe because there's no school, it is summer after all but not for very long.. only 1 more days of this and it will start again... I don't want to go back to school...."




Yuuichi is getting bullied behind the school.

Yuuichi: "guys please stop! I got what you wanted!"

Bully 1: "I said I want chocolate coffee, not chocolate and coffee, you good for nothing Zero, you can't do anything right."

Bully 1 punches Yuuichi in the stomach, Yuuichi falls to the ground and hold his stomach with both arms and said.

Yuuichi: "I'm sorry! but next time I will get it right! For sure! So please stop!!"

Bully 2: "he said that last time and he failed."

Bully 3: "yeah he's right! he can't do anything right, That's why he's called a Good for nothing Zero"

Bully 2: "and plus, he can't even use his power right! Even he must be a disappointment to his family! Hahaha!"

Yuuichi looks down trying not to cry, Bully 2 and 3 are laughing.

Bully 1 is in deep of thought but snaps out of it and say.

Bully 1: "yeah you guys are right, So let's teach him a lesson and maybe this can teach him, how to do it right."

they beat up Yuuichi and left.

Yuuichi is laying against the wall and looking at the sky and looks down, says with a bit tears coming from his eyes.

Yuuichi: "why does this happen every day.. I try to do things right.. but I mess up somehow... why is it just me!"

Yuuichi wiped his tears and walk back home.


*Flashback over*


Yuuichi is still looking at the ceiling until he gives off a big yawn, he snaps back to reality and then he get off the floor and start to get ready for the day.


5 minutes past.


Yuuichi is done changing, now he's looking in the mirror and putting on his hat and then smiles.

Yuuichi: "I can do this!"

Yuuichi went downstairs and sees his Dad and Sister at the table, Yuuichi went to take a seat at the table and his breakfast is right in front of him.

Yuuichi Sister looked at Yuuichi and says with so much energy and a smile on her face, it feels like with all her energy she might break the chair, Yuuichi thought.

Yuuichi Sister: "Hey Bro! How was your sleep!"

Yuuichi: "I guess it was good.. Rain... You?"

Rain Mumbling

Yuuichi thoughts: "this is my sister, her Name is Rain Nanami. Rain is 12 but about to change 13, so one year younger than me. she's very outgoing and cheerful. Also she likes Sports a lot, any kind basically. oh yeah she's a pain in my neck and she is strong for her age"

Rain was kind of mad now because Yuuichi looks like he's not even listening and in all honestly he's not even listening.

Rain: "Bro! Are you even listening!?!?"

Yuuichi was kind of a surprised because Rain shouts out of nowhere and she looks mad, but Yuuichi almost fell off his chair but he kept his balance. Yuuichi looked at Rain and said.

Yuuichi: "Jesus Rain! Calm down!"

Rain was about to shout at Yuuichi again until, Ryota says something and he says.

Ryota: "Hmm.. you two should get along more..."

Ryota said in a calm voice. Rain looks at him and says.

Rain: "I know Dad.. but he doesn't come out that much.. he's lazy..."

Yuuichi was about to say something but he think about it a again and then decided to not say anything.

Ryota look at Yuuichi.

Ryota: "Yuuichi.. you should try to spend time with your Sister... cause in 1 days, you are about to attend Starlight Academy in the Kiyoshimay City"

Yuuichi looking down and says nothing, truth is he doesn't want to go to the Academy.

Yuuichi thoughts: "this is my Dad.. his name is Ryota Nanami... he's around his 50s I think.. And I guess he's pretty wise and stuff but also a pain in my neck.."

Yuuichi and Rain are looking down but eating their food.

Ryota thought of something, he looked at Yuuichi and Rain.

Ryota: "Hmm.. how about you 2 go and hang out for the day."

Yuuichi was about to say something negative but Rain say something before Yuuichi can.

Rain: "Okay fine!"

Rain sounds mad but she's only acting like that: on the inside she's happy because she can hang out with her Big Brother.

Also both of them used to hang out a lot when they are kids.

Yuuichi didn't know what to say but he didn't want to argue right now and just said.

Yuuichi: "Yeah.. Whatever..."

Ryota give a big Smile to both of them and they continued eating.


*About 10 minutes later*


Yuuichi look at Rain and he want to say sorry but he hates to admit he's wrong, so he tries to put on a smile and tries to compliment her and say.

Yuuichi: "the food is good and thanks for the food.. Rain."

Yuuichi might hate Rain sometimes but he also likes her, not in a love way, a Sister Way but anyways that's because, both of them grown up with each other.

Rain smiles back and says in a happy tone.

Rain: "No prob! Bro!"

Yuuichi Smiles gently.

Ryota looked at both of them and says with a bright smile.

Ryota: "well you 2 should go hang out now, cause there's only so many hours in the day.

Yuuichi Nods and Rain says.

Rain: "ok dokey!"

Rain walk to Yuuichi and grabbed his arm and pulled it.

Rain: "Come on! let's go!"

Yuuichi signs.

Yuuichi: "okay then.. let's go."

Yuuichi got up but it feels like, Rain is dragging him but Yuuichi tries not to mind it.

Ryota smiles and says kind of in a Worried Voice.

Ryota: "be careful and be back at 9:00"

Rain smiles and says.

Rain: "Got ya! Dad! And don't worry I will protect Bro!"

Yuuichi signs and says.

Yuuichi: "I can protect myself Rain and yeah dad's got it"

Ryota Smile and Rain is dragging Yuuichi to the door while Yuuichi is saying.

Yuuichi: "Rain, I can walk myself."

Rain doesn't listen and still dragging Yuuichi.

both of them went out of the door and Rain says with so much energy.

Rain: "See you Dad!"

And Rain shuts the door.

Yuuichi And Rain went to where the building are but it's kind of a small town.

Ryota looks at his ceiling and says.

Ryota: "Those kids.."


*Sometimes later*


Yuuichi and Rain decided to go to the Mall, both of them are walking but Yuuichi kind of feeling uncomfortable Because Rain is holding on to his arm still.

But Yuuichi tries not to mind it.

And then Yuuichi tries to make a Conversation and it was about doggo/max.

Yuuichi thoughts: "he's a husky with blue eyes and a White coat. He is about 4 and his name is doggo.. please don't ask... But in time I changed his name to Max and he's my best friend."

Yuuichi: "Rain, do you know where Max is? Because I didn't seem him today yet"

Rain: "Hmm, I seen him, he was in the backyard."

Yuuichi was relieved because he was worried about him but not showing it that much because he doesn't want to look soft.

Yuuichi and Rain talk about something else and kept on walking.


*Sometime later*


and now they are at the mall.

Rain let's go of Yuuichi arm and said with bunch of energy.

Rain: "we are here!"

Yuuichi signs kind of but tries to sound excited.

Yuuichi: "we better go in then."

Rain smiles and grabs Yuuichi hand and pull him in to the mall.

Both of them went into some store.


*Clothing Sports store*


Yuuichi: "Uhh.. can we go?"

Rain: "no we can't! But how is this?"

Rain is showing shoes to Yuuichi and kind of says to Yuuichi, try the shoes on or something but Yuuichi kind of says.

Yuuichi: "these are not even my size, Rain."

And Rain kind of rub her head and says awkwardly but full of Energy.

Rain "oh right!"

Yuuichi signs but kind of smiles.


*After a while

they went to the next store*


Gaming store:

Rain: "Uhh.. can we go?"

Yuuichi smiles and says.

Yuuichi: "no we can't! Now wait because it's only going to take a couple minutes"

Rain signs now but say.

Rain: "Ok.."

Half an hour later.

Rain went up to Yuuichi and pull him out of the store and Yuuichi is saying.

Yuuichi: "just 1 more minute!"

Rain: "not happening!"

Both of them left the store awhile Yuuichi saying.

Yuuichi: "1 more minute!"

Couple minutes later and now they are eating and Yuuichi calm down a while Rain is smiling and then Yuuichi says.

Yuuichi: "these are kind of good"

Rain keeps on smiling and says.

Rain: "yeah these are!"

Both of them are talking about the meatball melted cheese rice they got at a Food shop and it's Yuuichi favorite food.




Yuuichi is walking in the mall, looking beat up and down and Some shop owner sees him and waves and then Yuuichi looks and stops. the shop owner says.

Shop owner: "hey you, come over here, I want to give you something."

Yuuichi doesn't have nothing better else to do and so he walked up to the shop but says in a down mood.

Yuuichi: "yeah?..."

Yuuichi asked and the shop owner said.

Shop Owner: "take a seat and this is on the house"

Yuuichi looks at him lost and says.

Yuuichi: "but I don't have any money..."

The Shop Owner looks at him and says in a happy tone.

Shop Owner: "kid, I said this is on the house"

Yuuichi doesn't know what to say but says.

Yuuichi: "Ok.."

Yuuichi sit down and starts to eat the meatball melted cheese rice and he ate it very fast and says very fast.

Yuuichi: "this is good!"

The shop owner looks at him and says in a happy mood.

Shop owner: "here have one more"

Yuuichip: "thank you!"

Yuuichi says very happy and from that his favorite food was meatball melted cheese rice.


*Flashback is over*


Rain and Yuuichi finish eating.

Yuuichi look at the shop owner and say.

Yuuichi: "thank you for another awesome meal"

Rain smiles and the shop owner says in a happy tone.

Shop owner: "you're welcome, kids"

And at that moment, they hear a gunshot.

Yuuichi and Rain and everyone else around look, and some of them are about to run.

There is 3 people (Robber) with guns and one of them says shouts and shoots one bullet in the air.

Robber 1: "everyone stop moving! and be quiet! if you follow my directions and then none of you die!"

Everyone stop moving but two people try to run. Robber 2 shoots them and mostly everyone screams but Robber 3 shouts.

Robber 3: "all of you shut up! Or you will be next!"

Yuuichi is kind of paralyzed, he can't move his body but Rain is scared too but not as much as Yuuichi.

Some time passes and the 3 Robbers are taking stuff from the stores and people.

Robber 2 is trying to take the necklace from a woman but the woman son, is not letting him and tries to push Robber 2 away and the boy shout.

Boy: "you ain't taking the necklace! My dad gave my mom that necklace!"

The woman is scared but looks at his son and say.

Woman: "it's all right, just let him take it.."

Boy: "but mom!"

Robber 2 pushes the boy to the ground and the woman was about to shout but then.

Rain looks like she's about to do something stupid and Yuuichi looks at Rain and was about to stop her but it's like he can't move, he is way too scared to move.

And then Rain Run and kicks Robber 2 in the head.

Robber 2 hits the ground head first, Robber 2 gets knocked out and Robber 3 looks at Rain and says.

Robber 3: "you're going to pay for that!"

And Robber 3 Shoot at Rain, Rain uses her mana and shoot water bullets at Robber 3, it hits him and Robber 3 gets knocked down too and Rain got hit by the Bullets that the Robber shot at her and she could mostly dodge all them but she didn't because if she moved, the people behind her will get shot instand.

Rain cough out a bit of blood and she passes out.

Yuuichi finally is able to move and he catches Rain before she hits the ground and everyone else is shock what happened Or is still too scared from the gunshots but Yuuichi is trying to stop Rain bleeding was caused by the Gunshot.

Yuuichi is still trying to stopped the bleeding, a while he is trying to do it, he was also mad at himself because he couldn't do nothing. and then at that moment he thinks to himself.

Yuuichi thoughts: "Why! Why didn't I move! I couldn't do nothing! Damnit!"

Everyone else is looking at Yuuichi and Rain, and then Yuuichi shouts.

Yuuichi: "SOMEONE HELP!"

Yuuichi hugs Rain and he starts to cry.

Yuuichi: "not again.."

Yuuichi says with tears coming down his face and then he is remembering his best friend because the same thing happened and the thing was, his best friend died in Yuuichi arms but also from a gun bullet.




Yuuichi is crying and holding his best friend, his name was Kenji Shiroku.

Kenji is bleeding out and Kenji looks at Yuuichi and say with a bit of energy.

Kenji: "So.. I guess this is it for me..."

Yuuichi looks at him and shout but also trying to stop the bleeding.

Yuuichi: "don't be dumb! You are going to make it through this! You heard me!"

Kenji is dying but he looks very calm and say

Kenji: "I'm sorry, Yuu, this is it for me..."

Yuuichi: "no it's not! Like come on! Remember your dream! Your freaking damn dream is to become the next God of Fighters! So you can't die now!"

Kenji: "oh yeah.. it is ain't it.. well how about this then... you become the next God of fighter.. For me... And I guess make the world a better place.. it's a promise..."

Yuuichi: "you can't be serious! And besides you!"

At that moment Kenji took his last breath and closes his eyes very slowly, Yuuichi is saying more stuff but Kenji hearing is fading and his heart slows down, at that moment his heart stopped.

Yuuichi feels his heart stopped and shout

Yuuichi: "KENJI!!!"


*Flashback is over*


Yuuichi is still holding Rain and he knows, if he did something.. anything... this probably won't even happen.. But he didn't.

and from that day his best friend died, Yuuichi blame himself and just stopped training, stop going to school more and he got bully more, and he locked himself in his room, he wanted the world to go away and so he locked himself away inside gaming and reading books and manga but he couldn't do it all the way because reality was still there, a tiny hole and it there, one person that was pushing Yuuichi to do stuff still,

it was Rain.


Yuuichi start remembering what happened back then, what he was trying to forget but now he has no choice.

Yuuichi stopped Holding Rain and gently put her on the ground and says.

Yuuichi: "someone take her outside and get her to the nearest hospital"

And then some woman (the woman that Rain saved) picked her up and left with the boy too and the rest of the people already left but some of them are thinking, what is Yuuichi still doing here and some people think about to talk to Yuuichi and why is he not running away but they are too scared to do so and as for Yuuichi, he know this is the best choice because there is still a chance Rain can be saved, if she goes to the hospital he believes.

and then Yuuichi stands up and remember there was one more Robber in here, also at that moment Yuuichi is hearing cops sirens and says.

Yuuichi: "well they are late... But anyhow, I know you are in here! Come out now!"

Yuuichi is looking around checking if there's any hostages in here still and looks like there's none but 2 passed out Robber and one more but it looks like he's hiding and that's probably because he was stealing stuff in one of the stores when Rain fought those 2 Robber and when he came out, both of them are knocked out and so he doesn't want to go out to that crowd of people because he might get tackle or something.

And as for Yuuichi, he could have got out of the building too but if he does, one of the Robber could have got away and Yuuichi is not going to let that happen, and so he says.

Yuuichi: "fine then, if you ain't going to come out, I will find you!"

Yuuichi close his eyes and says in his mind.

Yuuichi thoughts: "open up my senses."


Open up my senses: Yuuichi made a technique and it's called "open up my senses" and you don't need to use no mana to use it, and what it does is: Yuuichi doesn't trust his eyes when he uses it but instead he is putting all his focus into his ears and nose.

The reason why he made this technique: Yuuichi can't use magic that good and everytime he does, it backfires on him and so he put more training in his Swordsmanship and so he needed to sharing his body, and he decided to train and the way he did it is with a blindfold and couple of wood trap he made in the woods and he practice dodge in them every day, until Kenji died.


Yuuichi is focusing in everything to his ears, waiting for a foot step or even a fade breath and at that moment.

Yuuichi open his eyes and popped out a pen out of his pocket and it changed into a Sword.


Yuuichi Sword: Yuuichi Sword looks like a Pen but can change into a Sword.

Colors of Sword: dark green and dark yellow and a bit of grey.

Sword name: Courage

Element: some Sword has a element and some doesn't but "Courage" does and element it has is wind.

Rank: A-S

(Some Sword comes with a special ability and 3 Sword Skill or 2 or 1 or sometimes none at all, it depends on the Rank but the way to activities skills, is you must have the same element as the weapon element and then next, put your mana into the sword and it shell activate but it also takes practice)

Special Ability: [The Path You Choose 1]

The User of this weapon will boost up there element by 75% times 1.

Sword Skill 1: Storm Slash 1

Push your opponent back or push yourself back with a powerful wind attack or push or even a pull.

Mana to use: 500

Sword Skill 2: Bravery Wind Strike 1

uses the wind element on your feet and boost yourself at the opponent with great speed and hitting your opponent with a wind strike.

Mana to use: 1000

Sword Skill 3: My Final Resolved 1

Does a 9 hit combo on the opponent,

With fast hits and the last hit pushing them back with a powerful wind attack.

Mana to use: 1500

History: Yuuichi was given this Sword when he was 7-8 and by Ryota.

Ryota promised him a Unique Sword, if he wins a Sword tournament (people around 6-9 can be in the tournament) and Yuuichi trained hard and he won.

So Ryota decided to keep his promise and got one of his friends to make him a Sword. When Yuuichi got it, Ryota told him to name it and Yuuichi named it "Courage" because when he first picked up the sword, he felt Courage and he wanted that Courage because he knows he's scared of bunch of stuff but he hopes this Sword can give him Courage.


Yuuichi looks at his Sword "Courage" and thinking to himself.

Yuuichi thoughts: "it's kind of to bad I can't use the sword skills, well I need to get better at using Mana first but I don't need it to defeat this Robber!"

Yuuichi looked at one of the buildings and Ran to it. But next the Robber show himself and then the Robber shoot at Yuuichi and say.

Robber: "let me go! you bastard!"

Yuuichi doesn't listen and is running at the Robber and trying his best to dodge them but he got shot with some of them and then the Robber need to reload and he says.

Robber: "stupid gun!"

The Robber is trying to reload and he's kind of sweaty but then at that moment, Yuuichi jumps and stabbed the Robber and say.

Yuuichi: "Gun.. Are really useless... if you have to reload."

Yuuichi says with a calm face, also trying to make the Robber pissed and the Robber says with the last of his energy.

Robber: "bastard..."

Robber passed out.

Yuuichi: "No.. you are the bastard..."

Yuuichi is kind of bleeding out by the gunshot he got hit with and he's about to pass out but when he was about too, he sees the cops running over here and say in his mind when he's about to pass out.

Yuuichi thoughts: "they are so late..."

Yuuichi passed out.


*A couple hours later and it's midnight*


Yuuichi wakes up in the hospital, he touches his head and then his head start to hurt, at the moment he starts to remember what happened today and says very loud.

Yuuichi: "Rain!"

Yuuichi gets up but in a bit of pain, however he gets up from the bed and when he gets up, the doctor walks in and look at Yuuichi. And then the doctor says.

Doctor: "oh you are awake now? You had to be passed out for 2 days, Mr Yuuichi"

Yuuichi didn't listen to what he just said because he was way to worried about Rain and he says in a worried tone.

Yuuichi: "where is Rain?!"

The doctor looked at him and says.

Doctor: "don't worry, she's going to be ok"

Yuuichi kind of broke down there and set back on the bed and trying to hold back his crying and say.

Yuuichi: "Thank god."

Doctor looks at him and say.

Doctor: "yeah but it wouldn't be possible if we didn't have a healer user in the building"

Yuuichi was too happy to say anything and then the doctor says.

Doctor: "well Mr Yuuichi, you should get some rest now"

Yuuichi nods and he was thinking the same thing, he need some rest.

Yuuichi gets back into bed and the doctor is about to leave but Yuuichi says something.

Yuuichi: "one question"

Yuuichi looked at the doctor serious and then the doctor says.

Doctor: "what's the question?"

Yuuichi: "how do you know my name and Rain?

Doctor: "somebody named Ryota came by, and if I'm not mistaking, he is your guys's father?"

Yuuichi stop looking serious and gives a little smile and say.

Yuuichi: "yes he is"

And then the doctor says.

Doctor: "that's good but anyhow, you should get rest now."

the doctor shut the door gently and leaves.

Yuuichi smiles and she tries to fall asleep.


*5 minutes later*


And Yuuichi can't fall asleep and then he signs, Yuuichi thinking to himself now.

Yuuichi: "I can't fall asleep.. I guess I watch some TV"

Yuuichi grab the TV remote and then he switch on the TV with the remote, he is switching through the channels and then he seen something interested him on news.

The person that telling the news on the TV: "The town Morningstar Mall was attacked by 3 unknown people the names we can't say yet but one of these people got away."

Yuuichi was kind of shocked and says.

Yuuichi: "what? I thought I took out the last one?"

The person that telling the news on the TV: "But however, we know he's in the forest in Morningstar, so if you live in or by Morningstar, we recommend you to stay in your house and call the cops if you see him."

Yuuichi doesn't know what to say.

And then next the TV shows how he look like but with the thing covering his face and without it.

Yuuichi drop the remote and was filled with anger because that's the guy that shot Rain.

Yuuichi is not thinking and he gets up from the bed even though he's in pain and took off the hospital clothes and put on his clothes and his clothes was on the side of his hospital bed and then next he jumps out the window, when he hits the ground, it was a bit painful but Yuuichi was trying not to mind it. And then he looked at the window, looks like he jumped off from the 3-4 Floor but Yuuichi stop looking at the window and Ran into the forest, and then he thinks to himself.

Yuuichi thoughts: "out of all those people! I won't let him get away! After what he did!"

He Run every part of the forest he knows and he knows his way around it because he been living there like for his whole life.


*About half an hour later*


Yuuichi can heard someone walking in the forest and says in his head.

Yuuichi thoughts: "is this the Robber?"

Yuuichi was about to run at him but he trips and the guy heard Yuuichi now and says.

Robber: "who's there?"

Yuuichi knows that voice and now he knows that is the Robber, and then he gets up and Yuuichi Run at the Robber and was about to pull out his pen but he doesn't have it and then Yuuichi think he left it at the hospital but now instead, he was trying to punch the Robber in the head instead now But Yuuichi injuries are still affecting him and so he was kind of slow and the Robber dodged it and punches Yuuichi in the stomach.

Yuuichi went down and cough out blood because he was still injured from the gunshot today. At that moment, the Robber looked at Yuuichi closely and says.

Robber: "you are that kid from that mall, You took out one of my partners, But when you are fighting him, I woke up and I could heard the cop sirens.. but at that moment, when you fought my partner, I made my escape but also thanks to you taking down my partner and you getting injured, that also increased my chances of escaping because of that, some of the cops need to stay behind and I had my opening"

Yuuichi looks at him disgusted and said.

Yuuichi: "I guess it is true.. villains do to long speeches... But why are you telling me this?..

The Robber kind of laughs and says very cocky.

Robber: "well I believe in, if you help me, I will help you and so thanks kid but what I believe in more, is getting even"

The Robber shot Yuuichi in the stomach ones and Yuuichi screams.

Yuuichi: "AHHHH!!"

and then the Robber shoot Yuuichi in the stomach again and Yuuichi screams again.

Yuuichi: "AHHHHHH!!!"

Robber: "now we are even and be happy this is only a handgun. Now it's up to you if you want to die or live, doesn't matter to me but be happy that I give you a chance to live"

The Robber starts to walk away

And Yuuichi is trying to breathe in and out but it looks like the shots from the mall are opening up and Yuuichi is too weak to move now.

Yuuichi looks at the night sky filled with stars and the shining moon, also the universe above that. now he about to close his eyes and he says

"I don't want to die..."

Yuuichi knows why this happened and it's because he's too weak and he says with his last breath

"I want power.. to go above all powers..."

and when he said that, he seen a big shooting star pass by and his eyes was about to close but at the moment, it like time stopped and a big light lands by Yuuichi, something came out of the light, it looks like a Girl and she say

"do you want power?"

and Yuuichi can't talk but looks at the girl, such white hair and a bit of black, one eye looks gold and another one looks like blue but with a site of purple. And then at that moment the Girl say.

"if you want the greatest power in the universe, pick up this Sword"

The girl has a Sword in her hand and then she stabbed it in the ground.

Yuuichi doesn't know what to do but it seems like this is his only option.

He's use all of his strength to drag himself to the sword, then he touches the Sword Blade and he pulled himself up cutting his hand a bit and now he grabbed the handle of the sword and the girl say

"Now! Pull the Sword from the ground and shout Galaxy Force!"

Yuuichi use the rest of his strength to Pulled the Sword from the ground and he shout but a bunch of blood came out but he did say it.


The girl smiles and says

"the power is your but don't make me regret my decision"

The Girl change into a light and went into the sword.

and then all of Yuuichi wounds heal and one of Yuuichi Eyes change to the Colors purple, it looks like the galaxy.

And there is some bright Energy going around Yuuichi and it takes the color Purple and Blue and Yellow and bit of Black.

Yuuichi doesn't know what's happening but he feels amazing and he say

"what is this power?"


Sword: The Sword is living inside Yuuichi now and he can summon it now but there might be a limit to how long he can use it.

Colors of Sword: Blue and black and Yellow and Purple

Sword name: Galaxy or Universe

Element: doesn't have a element and so it's a thing called "No-Element" and "No-Element" are where it has a power but nothing like fire or wind or something like that.

At Full Power:

Rank: GOF

Special Ability: [My Will: Changing Fate 13]

The user gets faster and stronger 100 Times.

Sword Skill 1: Shooting Galaxy/Universe 13

When using this skill, you will be 100 times faster and then a lightning bolt and a shooting star and most likely cut someone in half.

Mana to use: 5000000

Sword Skill 2: Burst Galaxy/Universe 13

Does a 1000 hit combo on one opponent in seconds but with every hit, it gives off a strong Burst.

Mana to use: 7000000

Sword Skill 3: Galaxy/Universe Unlimited 13

When using this skill, you will be able to attack 1000 times in one second and the way you do it is trapping your opponent in your very own universe you made.

Mana to use: 10000000

History: Unknown.


When Yuuichi said that to himself, time begins to move again.

Yuuichi catch up to the Robber not even in a second and knock him out with one punch.

Yuuichi smiles and seemed so focus on the power and says

"this power is amazing!"

The Girl says something (it about the power that she gives to Yuuichi)

"this is the Full Power of Galaxy Force but I'm only giving you a taste of it and now you have to start with it on level one with it because you ain't used to this type of power and you need to train your body to take in this much power"

Yuuichi still feels amazing but Yuuichi remembers the Robber and he was still kind of pissed at the Robber and looks like he's about to kill him but then realize what she just says and Yuuichi say


At that moment Yuuichi passes out and the girl say.

"Sweet dreams Yuuichi, and there is another reason why I give you my power why you should not know that for now... also you may call me Galaxy."


Sword: Yuuichi is at level 1 with Galaxy/Universe Force now and how long he can use it is up to 3 to 5 minutes before he pass out from it.

Colors of Sword: Blue and black and Yellow and Purple

Sword name: Galaxy or Universe

Element: doesn't have a element and so its a thing called "No-Element" and "No-Element" are where it has a power but nothing like fire or wind or something like that.

Level 1 of Galaxy/Universe Force

Rank: S

Special Ability: [This Is My Last Chance]

The user gets faster and stronger 2 Times.

Sword Skill 1: Strike Galaxy/Universe 1

Run at your opponent and activate the skill and you will do a powerful one hit attack that can push them back or knock them out, if they block it at least.

Mana to use: 4000

Sword Skill 2: Sudden Flash Galaxy/Universe 1

Your Sword will Shine and Your opponent will go blind for 5 seconds but in that time, you can most likely do 2 hits or 3

Mana to use: 8000

Sword Skill 3: Galaxy/Universe Burst Finish 1

Does a 24 hit combo on one opponent and at the very end, gives off a Burst that will probably send even the strongest opponent flying

Mana to use: 12000

History: Yuuichi was about to die but he was saved by a girl call Galaxy, however was it a blessing or not one? But anyhow, Yuuichi is trying to master this unknown power and well he do it? will he find out where it came from? Only time can tell.


*4 day later*


Yuuichi wakes up in the hospital bed when it's almost morning and see someone sleeping by his Hospital bed, it Rain and Yuuichi look at Rain and poke her cheek and say.

Yuuichi: "wake up sleepy head."

Rain move her head a bit and open up her eyes slowly.

And Yuuichi keeps on poking her cheek.

Rain is kind of saying.

Rain: "2 more minutes"

Yuuichi kind of laughs and says.

Yuuichi: "haha, I guess you ain't going to get breakfast"

And when Rain heard that voice again, she wakes up immediately and hugs Yuuichi very tight and Yuuichi look at Rain and pat Rain head and says.

Yuuichi: "Yeah, I miss you too"

Rain is smiling but also trying not to cry but before she could, Yuuichi started to cry a bit and say.

Yuuichi: "I'm Sorry Rain, I didn't do nothing, I was too scared..."

Rain looked at Yuuichi and say.

Rain: "yeah, shame on you for making your little sister do it.. But you didn't let the Robber get away and so thank you for that, big bro"

Rain Smile and she's kind of crying to abit but now Yuuichi is trying to stop crying and says.

Yuuichi: "yeah and thank you too.. little sis..."

Yuuichi mumble the last part and Rain say very excited.

Rain: "did you just call me little sis?! It been such a long time until the last time you call me that!"

Yuuichi is kind of embarrassed but signs and say.

Yuuichi: "yeah whatever but anyways, where is Ryota?"

Rain: "yeah I would tell you but why did you say thank you to me first?? And little sis???"

Yuuichi: "that's not a important at the moment"

Rain: "no tell me!"

Yuuichi: "not going too"

Rain: "how come?!"

Yuuichi: "that's my business"

Rain grabs on Yuuichi blanket and say.

Rain: "tell me! tell me! tell me!"

Yuuichi kind of laughs and says

Yuuichi: "haha, sorry no can do"

Rain say with a bunch of energy.

Rain: "what are you laughing at!?"

Yuuichi keeps on laughing.

Rain: "stop laughing at me!"

As Yuuichi laugh he thinks to himself:

"thank you Rain because you show me strength that I thought I never had, I also became stronger, so thank you and so I promise, I'm not going to make you go through that alone again."


*Couple hours later

And at the Airport*


Yuuichi got his stuff packed and is about to leave the town MorningStar.

Yuuichi is saying bye to Ryota and Rain.

Ryota: "safe travels my son and take your pen back"

Yuuichi: "so you're the one you had my pen (Sword) but I guess thanks for keeping it for me"

Ryota was about to say something but Rain says something first and she says.

Rain: "Dad! Take a picture of big bro and me! Please!"

Yuuichi signs and say.

Yuuichi: "let's make this fast because look like my plane is about to take off at any minute now"

Ryota nods and Rain was kind of a surprise that Yuuichi given in too easy but she smiled and give Ryota her phone to him.

Yuuichi and Rain posed and Ryota takes the picture.


*Couple minutes later and Yuuichi is on the plane*


And Yuuichi is thinking about the talk he had with Ryota.


*Flashback a couple hours ago*


Yuuichi looks away and asked.

Yuuichi: "so am I going to Starlight Academy still?"

Ryota looks at him and smiles.

Ryota: "I thought you didn't want to go? so what is the change of heart?"

Yuuichi looks at him serious but also smiles and say.

Yuuichi: "its because my goal is to become the next God of Fighters and get stronger, so I can protect everyone that I care about and so I need to fight strong opponents and that's at the Academy, am I right?"

Ryota still smiling and says.

Ryota: "yes that's the place to go at the moment but some of the teacher might be mad at you because you had to be there 4 or was it 5 days ago? well I don't know,

anyhow they might think that you are a slacker now, Hahaha"

Ryota kind of laughs and Yuuichi say in a serious tone.

Yuuichi: "that's kind of true but anyhow, I am going to Starlight Academy now"


*Flashback is over*


Yuuichi think about that conversation and at that moment the plane takes off

And then Yuuichi looks out the window and See Rain waving and Ryota is kind of waving too but Yuuichi is kind of thinking about the power he was given and wondering if he can use it again and also thinking he probably should have told Ryota about it but he didn't because he was kind of scared what he will think and then at the moment, Yuuichi phone Buzz and Yuuichi snaps out of it and check it.

Rain send the picture to Yuuichi that the picture that they took together and Yuuichi smiles and put his phone away and say in his mind.

Yuuichi thoughts: "well never mind that for now and it might take one day to get to the big city.. So I would just fall asleep until then, need to keep my energy."

Yuuichi slowly falls asleep.


Chapter 1: I'm not going - done.


Chapter 2: This is the big city! And Starlight Academy!?