Chapter 23 - 18. Blank

I had an idea. It flitted and floated with all the shininess of a new floating lightbulb. Quickly, I hurried to open a new window, only for a blank page to stare at me with stark whiteness.

That's right.

I had a mental blank.

A total wipeout.

I now have no clue of what the shiny new idea was other than the fact that:

1. It was shiny

2. It was new

3. It was amazing

4. It was comical and hilarious. Floor slapping, tummy hurting, roll on the floor laughing kind of humourous.

5. It was the best thing since sliced bread

6. There are a lot of things better than sliced bread. Why is sliced bread amazing to the point that it became an English saying? Are you telling me that before people sliced bread, they tore it apart with their hands or teeth like barbarians?

7. Everybody uses their hands and teeth to eat, not just barbarians. Which means that everybody could potentially be a barbarian. If everyone were barbarians, why are barbarians getting the short end of the stick here with the negative connotations attached? It's not their fault they have hands and teeth like everyone else and know how to use them. That is unless they're a plant or some sort of inanimate or non-living object, but if that was so, they wouldn't be barbarians anymore.

8. I digress. Let's return to the main point.

All those jokes and the developing storyline. Gone. Just like that.


My fancy new masterpiece went poof and disappeared into the ether, unlike sliced bread and barbarians whom continue to live among us. In fact, my house has a few of them. Barbarians, not sliced bread or fancy new masterpieces. They're the cavemen type who grunt when you ask them to do something, fart at you when you ask for a hand and stink up the house with their sweaty socks and unwashed three week old clothes that they refuse to wash.

I don't mind that they don't give me a hand, because honestly, detaching a real hand if it's not a prosthetic, is just messy, disgusting and ultimately useless. Can't they at least clean up after themselves and shower a minimum of once a week if not twice a day? Because I suspect the smell has interrupted the ether, causing me to lose my shiny new idea.

That's right. The loss of my world breakingly awesome idea is all the fault of those cavemen barbarians living in my house and their smell.

And since the word feels so awesome and mysterious to say, I'm going to say the word a few more times.




The heifer was tethered with leather together with a feather that floated in the ether during the windy weather. A wafer thin tread of red lead was kicked out of its shed when the farmer said with some dread that the red lead could kill it dead after the thief fled and hit his head.


That's it.

I'm done playing with words. If I had enough rhyming words and could be more bothered, perhaps I'd have found a way to make the rhyming words kit into a rapping rhythm. As it is, it's not really my forte. Hence I will retreat and leave that horrible rhyming story to your imagination to discard.
