Like the miracles she had been given, Henry alqays felt that his wife gave off a bit of a heavenly glow. She was sitting in a pool of light case from the ceiling, still in her white lace dress with the mesh crinoline removed. Like an overturned spider the mesh was upside down and crinkled into an odd shape that was very arachnid in design. It was matted with sweat and dirt, Henry realized as it would have been very hot in all the amusement rides outside. Most of that probably wasn't even Ellie's. As he looked closer he realized there was similar stains on her dress that she seemed delightfully unaware of. Or moreover she was too tired to care anymore. Her hair was undone from its earlier flowered netting. The pearl pins were all scattered on the table in front of her as she stared into the crackling fire. There was a burgundy glass of wine that sat untouched next to the pins.