Ellie's memory suddenly cleared and she remembered the unsteady lurching of her body as she tried to reach the candelier. She knew it was a dangerous drop to the cold marble below but she's been too out of it to care. It was a very dangerous situation indeed. She was very surprised that even with all of these servants constantly around her, accidents like that were even possible. It would have been such to shame to have wasted all of her effort getting better by dying again. "I suppose you're the one who made sure I'm all in one piece, Henry?"
Henry made a sort of noise before looking everywhere but her face. His eyes darted to her mouth before resuming to look at the wall. Ellie felt her stomach drop as she remembered something else. She had, in her drug withdrawal induced state, kissed him. Ellie remembered the way he'd held her when she had done so. It was nice before the rational part of his brain had turned back on and deftly changed the tone back to polite business.