Nolan shook his head. "I wanted to ask if there were additional treatment options available for my sister."
"That's an easy question. Nothing. She's in supportive care, Mr. Chen, you should know that's the best we can do for her here. I'm afraid you're going to be waiting Dr. Amrati's time. Or let me rephrase that Dr. Amrati is just going to be saying the same thing that I'm telling you."
Nolan took a seat as the receptionist shot him a dirty look. She clicked her tongue in disapproval. "I'm telling you sir, there is nothing more we can do for her. You're going to wait a half an hour for--"
Nolan cut her off, "I want to hear it from the doctor himself."
The receptionist rolled her eyes, "Okay sir. I've sent him a page that you're waiting here and he'll be here as soon as the meeting is over. I can guarantee he'll be here." She continued typing haphazardly on the keyboard. Her long nails making an annoying screech on the keys every time her fingers moved.