"Are you crazy? Why did you take it? Don't you know how dangerous this is? You're going to risk your life!"
She was angry when I got home and told her about the news.
"That's all I want to do, make a change. This exploration can turn lives around! Just imagine the possibilities? New world, new home for us."
"B-but but, you, h-have to go..." She told me with tears in her eyes
"Hey, don't you cry Love... I'll come back, I promise."
I remember that day, it was the worst feeling. Now look, I'm sitting here, at this old dusty couch, with a can on my hand and problems at the other.
"Hey, hey son..."
"It's done, follow me..."
And finally, here it comes. The moment I've been waiting for, a way back home.
I stood up from the couch, took my pistol and my machete at the side of the couch, and followed him to the garage. As we walk in, I heard a loud crack at the back of the house near the kitchen.
"The hell was that?"
"Must be those rats again, or those annoying kids throwing rocks at my walls... Little shits."
He told me.
And we kept walking. As we enter the garage, there she is, the machine he called, "Will". All of these months waiting was worth my while.
"Welp, here it is..." He said as he turned on the machine. "Your gateway home."
"Yup, this is it... Thanks professor for helping me out."
"Hey, don't call me professor, I feel too old. Just call me... Uncle Henry, Okay?
"Sure Uncle..." I said smiling.
"What are you standing around for? Go ahead... Go home."
I sighed, and walked through the portal of blue lights.
"This is some party Chris!"
"Hey! Who throws the best parties in town? I DO!"
I heard these noises as I fly through this blue space, and finally, I saw the end. And I calmly walk into the area I entered. It looks like a party, but everything stopped when they saw me. Covered in dried blood, patches and bandages and dirt all over my body and guns on my back...
I was surprised, my best friend is here. At least I get to see a familiar face. But the silence was stopped when someone came along with me through the portal.
"Sonny, we have a problem. Sorry if I have to go with you, there's something up." Uncle Henry said as walks through the portal.
"What is it Uncle?"
"They're there at my house, the Authotorians. They found my place, good thing I placed a few traps before leaving. But that won't slow them down." He explained.
"Quickly, give me communication device, a calculator, a metal stick and a battery now!"
I made my way through Chris' home. It looked so different from before. I took a scientific calculator, remote control batteries, an old Nokia phone I found, and a pair of steel chopsticks I found on the dining table and gave them to Uncle Henry.
"This'll do." He said.
As he tinkers on the items, a Blue-Shade Authotorian came through the portal and fired away, everyone was startled and panicking. I and Uncle Henry hid behind the living room table. He continued to tinker.
"Uncle what the hell are you even making?"
"I'm creating a remote device to control the portal from a distance. I can amplify your world's signals and turn them to radio wave controls so I could smootbly flow these commands through that portal there and shut the damn thing down."
More Authotorians were entering the room.
"Are you sure they can't open it again?" I asked.
"I'll make sure." He said as he pressed the button on the newly made remote.
The professor didn't tell me he placed a remote bomb in the machine just incase things don't end well. It blew up, shutting the portal. The last guy to enter was very unlucky. He got chopped into halves.
Uncle and I were getting pinned down so we had no choice but to make a run for it. We got away.