Chereads / Fan-Fiction Ideas For The Masses / Chapter 65 - Static Shock in Different Worlds

Chapter 65 - Static Shock in Different Worlds

Well, I'm back with a little bit of a personal childhood favorite, Static Shock. I used to watch this cartoon all the time when I was a kid. It was my first introduction to a character with electrokinesis and the first show I watched with a hero of a different race. Anyways, let's talk about Static.

So a lot of his powers should already be known to you, just from his name alone. Like Black Lightning and Cole MacGrath, Static's powers revolve around electricity, though he tends to focus more on the electromagnetism his powers create. Static is able to absorb electricity to recharge and rejuvenate his power and stamina, similarly to Cole. He can fly using any metal disk, by using electromagnetism to create lift, but he prefers to use a special foldable disk, made by his friend Richie. He can create force fields for defense, protecting him from various hazards. Like most electrokinetics, he has a weakness to water, though only when he's actively using his powers. For a more in-depth discussion on his powers, watch the Death Battle. Yes I'm aware of the controversial nature of the videos but I'm not writing 3 pages on what Static can do.

My first idea, isn't so much a different world as the title would suggest. I wanted to first bring up the idea that someone takes over Vergil in the original world, thus creating a new Static. This would also lead to the possibility of exploring the ever-expanding DC universe. Mayhaps the MC attempts to gather more power, or maybe women? Honestly, Static has been shown to be able to take on some of the Justice League, though they may not have been at 100% under mind-control.

Next is to take him to the My Hero Academia World. It would be an easy choice, as Static's powers could easily pass for a Quirk and he already has a costume. If you wanted, you could have him replace Kaminari in class 1-A. As a bonus, Vergil is very intelligent, he could make his own gear.

He'd also be a great choice for RWBY, his strength far surpassing most of the main cast of characters. Maybe altering his powers would be in your best interest, as I can see how it might be boring to read about a character who can easily conquer most if not all his enemies, if it isn't properly handled. You'd also have to get rid of his hero persona, as it might affect how seriously the story is taken if your MC is constantly running to change into their costume.

A quick double suggestion: Either the MCU or the Arrowverse. Both of these worlds are ripe enough for fan-fiction, and while both already have heroes with electrical powers, I think adding Static at his full power would make things interesting. Especially within the MCU, since Thor also has superhuman strength, while Vergil focuses solely on his electrokinesis.

Another world that Static could go to is Fairy Tail. There aren't many main users of electrical or lightning based magic besides Laxus and Orga. The best part is that you don't really need to adjust anything about Vergil's character, besides maybe giving him the ability to speak the language.