First idea centered around One Piece's story and world, I hope it's good. So, the way this is going to go is, I'll be picking various mutant characters to serve as the main protagonist, or as part of the crew. Some of my choices may not be true X-men, you'll just have to deal with it. The characters I pick will all have a reason for being there, and I'll be briefly highlighting their powers.
Starting off with the doctor, or healer rather, is Elixir. I won't bog you down with deep details on his history. His power-set is complete biological manipulation, basically he is able to alter the structure of any organic cells. He is almost immortal, and can even rebirth himself in a new body. He can bring back the dead, and regenerate on a cellular level. His ability also lets him kill with a single touch, making him a force to be reckoned with. Not sure if he should be the protagonist, we'll see after I finish up with the other crew members. His skin is permanently dyed gold, just so you know.
Next up, we have Domino, acting as the sniper. Her powers are easy, probability manipulation and good luck. She's an exceptional marksman and an experienced martial artist, making her a great combat asset.
So, for the shipwright, I chose Forge. His powers are an superhuman inventive skill, which gives him an intuitive knowledge on constructing various mechanical devices. Basically, he's able to create highly advanced technology for various situations.
My next crew member, and maybe my top choice for Captain, is Gambit. So, he has a couple of powers, mainly changing potential energy into kinetic energy, turning everyday items into explosives. The larger the object, the longer the charge takes. Due to a special field around him, he is immune to telepathic influences. He also has hypnotic charms, at least to those unwary of it, allowing him to subtly influence others to agree with his suggestions. At a point in time, he became the Horseman, Death, causing him to gain even stronger versions of his powers and the ability to convert inert materials into toxic substances. Basically, his kinetic charge changed, causing objects to either disintegrate targets or trap them within. His charm was able to force others into his mindset. At his full potential, he was able to control all kinetic forces around him, down to the molecular level. Definitely read the wikipedia page for a full description of his powers, it's a wild trip.
Now for my choice for second-mate, Iceman, or Bobby Drake. Obviously, his powers are creating and manipulating ice, along with the ability to change his body into organic ice. He can survive as water or water vapor, as well as. While not really a fan of doing it, he is able to control every single form of moisture, even those inside a human body.
Moving on, I'll start listing just names and powers, for other possible crew members, as well as clarify genders. Emma Frost(f), telepathic and able to take on an organic diamond form, Darwin(m), constant reactive evolution, Petra(f), earth manipulation, Polaris(f), same as Magneto, Magma(f), geokinetic ability to create volcanoes and earthquakes, also able to take on magma form, Quicksilver(m), super speed, able to surpass the speed of light.
I'll leave the plot pretty bare, but I will say some things. They should arrive sometime before the main plot, giving a little bit of room to develop their and build own ship, possibly establish their group as heroes.