"We probably shouldn't take too long back here." Janine says, though her responses betray her words. We're in a utility room with all of our gear, ranging from the monitors Jess taught me to use, to Janine's new, customized "demon" ammunition.
"Us dating isn't against the rules, but you can't afford to be caught on a government—"
"Welcome to France." I stop her. Her complaints relax into the sweat moans that now breathe into my kiss. That fang of hers is a fun weakness I love to exploit when we touch. She's usually the one pushing herself onto me, so I'm enjoying the power reversal.
"That pilot doesn't know a thing. He could be thinking I'm a Hunter and we're preparing our gear. People have a very uptight image of Hunters, so I don't think he'd question us—although I've now learned how lax you all are compared to normal military."
"We're not 'lax,' we just operate in different settings, so our culture is different. That's all." She says, trying to defend the title.
"Please. Did you forget when Wolfgang suggestively implied to 'subdue' me that first night? He's how many ranks above you? But looks like you're following his suggestions; where's that hand of yours going?" I say, teasing her.
One hand is against the side of my neck. She loves using those superhuman senses to feel my pulse change in reaction to her. The other hand is reaching lower and provoking my imagination.
"It's going to my phone, you perv. And don't blow our cover before we get off the plane."
I suppose she's right. My life is technically on my line for this overseas investigation, so I better do my part.
"We're going to have enough time to do whatever that imagination of yours is thinking once we get to the hotel. I promise." She says, whispering against my ear.
"Damn straight." There is something incomprehensibly sexy about this superhuman 'demon' girl, capable of ripping me to shreds, willingly just giving herself to me.
"It's an update from Jess. She said that Feng will be joining us soon after. He'll be leading from then on, but he needs to organize more things with Athena because of what we uncovered."
Last week, I was being followed by what we have now confirmed as the same group as the demons hunting Cesar and Alice. Now, they're after me. They must think I have some connection. We don't know if they're trying to capture and interrogate me, or outright kill me. The plot twist is that despite this demon activity, my pursuers weren't demon—they were human. And we have no idea what their motives were, all the way from France.
And so began my 'romantic getaway' with my girlfriend. I'm to act as her extra eyes and ears in the background while she infiltrates suspected areas of operation. As per Jess's instructions, we're to be as publicly lovey-dovey as possible to look as un-military as we can. It's a win win.
"Athena and Feng," I say, recalling the numerous operations I've seen them run with absolute efficiency. "Those two are an army of their own."
Athena is the one that made all of this possible. It's becoming a crazy life, but I'm able to live it because of her decisions. Part of me wonders if she gave me a chance because she came from a disadvantaged background, too. Off duty, people see a tall, middle aged, mixed race woman with plain black hair and classic, professional attire. We, on the other hand, see a strategic genius from the boardroom to the battlefield.
Feng was hand picked by Athena a few years back. Visually, Warrant Officer "Feng" is a man of Chinese descent not much taller than Athena, but his reputation as a "Scout Sniper" towers over his peers, and he's surprisingly well versed in multiple fields of technology. I had the luxury of talking about tech with him when he was off-duty, and he introduced himself as the man who shot Wolfgang's remote drone into my car. Athena lifted him from he described as boring desk work, and then he found himself in District 1.
Janine is eyeing her phone. Looks like Jess sent another message. Surrounding us is top dollar hunter gear. Nearly unlimited international funding for the Hunters means we get access to all this advanced, high tech equipment. It will definitely come in handy.
"Janine? What's wrong?" She looks on edge all of a sudden. What's she—
"Grab a parachute. Now!"
Panic. A parachute? That means jumping out of a plane. What about all this gear?
I rummage through my gear and search, but I can't find my parachute. I can grab one from the plane, but—
My ears are ringing. This must be what an explosion feels like. Everything hurts. My face feels numb, and I think I was slammed into the wall of the plane. There was an explosion in the plane. I'm panicking. Are we still flying? No—I'm being dragged. No, this is something else.
My senses are suddenly overwhelmed by the gust of air surrounding me and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Fuck.
I'm falling!!!
"Janine! Janine!!! Where are you!?" I shout against the sky. Is she okay? Did she get a parachute in time? I hope with all my heart she wasn't killed in the blast. But what am I going to do about myself!?
I made the mistake of looking down. If I'm going to die at least, at least I get to see this spectacularly breathtaking view. We were close. In the distance, I see the iconic Eiffel Tower against the midnight stars. Below me is a forested region where, maybe one day, someone will find my body.
Something is touching my back. I turn my head.
Janine! Her irises are sharp and glowing—I guess I can add night vision to her list of talents? She has a parachute, and she's trying to tell me something. No matter how hard I try, I can't hear what she's saying. The wind against my ears is drowning everything else out. We have only one parachute, so I'll have to grip onto her somehow.
I secure myself to part of her harness and wrap my arms and legs around her. She complies. We're going to make it, I tell myself. This falling feels like an eternity, though. I know we should wait till we're closer before pulling the chute, but this is is nerve-racking.
This isn't exactly how I pictured "landing" in France. In the distance, the city lights of Paris stretch ahead of me as we fall, expanding into a seemingly infinite horizon of light. The parachute opens, and I feel my whole body jerk with the sudden catch.
Before me is an impossible, once in a lifetime view of the City of Love, but its glow against the night pales in comparison to the blazing eyes of the woman before me.
"Felix, I was so scared that I was about to lose you. I hope you enjoyed your try at jump school, but as for this position, I think I like wrapping my legs around you, instead."
"After saving my life again, you are free to do as you want."
"When we get to safety, you bet your ass I am."