Far in the desert there were two children born with out names. Thier parents didn't believe they would live the first month, so they didn't want to get too attached. The first month they fed them as best they could and to the parents surprise, the children survived. Another month passed and the children lived yet another day. Soon the months turned into a year, and the children earned names. It was a miracle, or so they thought.
The one thing is they weren't human. They were Soüddīn, half god, they were illegal. Stories say thier mother saved a ugly toad. From a golden cage filled with birds, she grabbed the toad while the birds were pecking at her hands scarring them. The toad turned into a man with skin like sand, he was a Søffün, one of the gods In this world. He gave her an option, have a child with him to create a Soüddīn, or know when and how she was going to die. The mother chose the first option. A Soüddīn could be identified three different ways, the first was thier eyes, if they had an unnatural color then they are a Soüddīn, if they have an unnatural skin color they were a Soüddīn, and if they had an unnatural hair color they were a Soüddīn. Soüddīn could also connect to the world in many ways human cannot.
Each day the children whent out of the house the mother dyed thier hair brown. It washed off easily so it was a burden. When the children played in the oasis close to the village the girl tripped and fell in the dirty water. To her horror the water started to turn a dark brown just like her hair dye, her beautiful rosie red hair showing to all before them. The two children ran for home immediately.
The next week the Sultans men were knocking on the front door. The boy was out getting water from the oasis so he didnt know what all of the ruckus was coming from. Saddly he soon realised what it was about, when he saw his sisters body hanging from the Sultans thread.