Chereads / She transmigrated and started different life / Chapter 31 - 31.The work never ends

Chapter 31 - 31.The work never ends

The next day came and Kendra was woken up by the nearing voices. Even Isaa's vigilance got stronger and she woke up as well because strange voices were nearing their house.

They stood up from the bed and put the blanket into Kenras basket for later when they go home.

The stream is still coming near their home but not all the way to the river so the stream bed could be used as the street at the moment.

Kendra looked and saw a bunch of people coming up to the house while chattering. It was close to a down. Just bit light at the sky. It seems they want to start earlier because of the sun in mid of the day. She will tell them that they can rest if they want in mid of day, its to hot anyway.

When they neared it seemed that Goluk and his wife were on the head of the group and behind them walked 40-50 people and about 10 children from age of 10-12.

This is good. They will not need them.

''Good morning, Kendra. Did we wake you up?''Said Goluk looking at still sleepy Isaa.

''Don't worry. We got used to waking up early," said Kendra with a friendly smile.

She looked at all the people behind Goluk and choose to talk to them. But if she stands like this no one will hear or see her. She looked around and choose to step on the table.

''Good morning everyone.''She greeted them with a polite bow.''My name is Kendra and I will be your employer for a while. I gave Goluk full hand to choose you all and I hope you will cooperate with him the best you can. Is there any question you want to ask me? Anything?''she looked around and saw a big man with an awkward face raising his hand. She nodded and let him come near.

''Please ask,''she asked smilingly.

''You are a child.''he said looking at her with cautiously.''Are you even able to pay us the work we plan to do?''

Kendra looked at him with a serious face she used when making deals.

''I have an ability or Goluk wouldn't even think about gathering all of you to be my workers. That is number two. Number one you never even thought about one problem here.''she looked at him straight in his eyes.''I just bought this land after staying in the city for a short time. If I didn't have the ability, would I be able to do that? And what is the problem with me being a child? In this world, only those who can survive and become stronger will have a future. I am a child but I plan to have a happy and lazy future. Is something wrong with that?''

Goluk looked at the child that just put borders all over the place. Does that mean he has absolutely no plans helping them?

''Kendra what is your plan for today?''he asked while thinking that this child had some good plan.

''I see there are many people. I think Goluk gave you all the information you need. First of all, you all came early. Goluk's wife will make food for everyone. Don't worry There is enough food. She needs one or two helpers here as well at least two children. Anyone wants to stay here with her?'''she asked while looking at couple woman that came with them.

''Is it the same payment?''asked one of them

''Yes. It is not easy to cook for so many people.''she came down from the table and showed the woman all the ingredients she had, inclusive the stuff Goluk and his wife brought with them. They saw that there are lots of food as well as flour, eggs, dried fish and live rabbits.

''Now I will show you what you have to do here today. There is cleaning the back of this house all the way over to the stones and then to those trees in straight line. Before you clean this I will show you a few bushes that I want you to just transplant in another place.''She started explaining it all in a simple manner and let them start right away.

''All the boys come here.''she said while man started the work of cleaning grass at first,''You probably are asking yourself what is your job and how much you will get paid. Right?''She saw the children nodded.''Well, I will show you how to mark the bushes that I want to be transplanted and what fruit trees I plan to take as well.''

Kendra turned around and took a heap of grass and just used a ball of grass. Children understood what she wanted and made tens of grass balls. She took them first behind the house where the man already started to cut the grass. She used the grass balls to mark the bushes and trees she wants to keep.

When the people heard what trees and bushes she wanted they understood and kept those.

Most of the bushes they cut out the ground with the roots, as per her request. They cut the trees, bushes and old trunks into smaller peace for fire.

Kendra took the kids to the parcel where she wanted to mark a few more bushes and look for the traps.

They quickly found it and there were again dozen of big rabbits. She told a few of them to take it back to the house and few just marked the bushes.

Then she told the rest of them to take the traps and come to the forest. They placed the traps in the forest and shortly after that the other kids joined them.

She explained how many tree's and bushes she plans to have and let them there to mark.

After that, she went to the house and explained to Goluk and man how to plant the trees, where to plant it and how to dig out.

Some of the men would use the buckets and gather water to put around plants to be able to dig it out.

It was summer, the earth was stone hard, but she was not worried. After they transplant the trees and the bushes they will need to water it for days after that. There was no problem. There are stream and brook.

After she explained everything she wanted just to take Isaa and go back to the house.

"Goluk, I will go now back. There are food and water. After lunch, all need to rest. Continue when the sun is not too hot." said Kendra while looking at hard-working people."We will go back to the city house. If you need something just come by. Don't overwork, no need by this heat. "

He looked at this righteous child and had wet eyes. This kid doesn't know that most employers would not care about the workers. They would let them just eat some basic food and they would work from down to dusk.

The people heard as well child's words and made a decision to work harder so they could finish it faster.

"Goluk, after you clean the field from grass and roots, can you find manure? Before plowing the fields?" she asked him.

"We already prepared it. Don't worry. You two go back to the city and if there is anything I will come or I'll send some of the children to get you."

It seems that Goluk already taught about manure and plowing. Kendra set her heart and took Isaa back to the city house.

When they came back she washed the blanket with Isaa and let it dry on the sun. Then she made breakfast for them.

"Isaa, what do you want to eat? "

"Ice cream."

"No ice cream so early in the morning. Something else?''Asked Kendra while looking at a disappointed little face. She stubbed Isaa's head with finger playfully.

" I want a potato," she said remembering the taste. Kendra nodded.

"What about we eat potato soup? It will be done fast. Go and wash two potatoes and cut the skin. I am sure you will be done fast. Do you want some meat in the soup?"

"No, just vegetables today," said Isaa and went to take care of the potatoes.

Kendra took out the dried mix of vegetables that she prepared before. She lit the fire in the oven and put the pot with water and vegetable mix in it to cook.

She put some salt into it and just put the lid.

Isaa was fast done and brought the scrubbed potatoes. She cut it in smaller peace's and put into the pot.

That's it. Now they just had to wait.

Kendra felt that her life now is quite nice. Food to eat, sun to enjoy, water to drink, a roof over their heads. Enough...

But sometimes when you want to just enjoy the day, things become erratic.

Knock, knock, knock... Kendra and Isaa heard the knocking but didn't really want to answer. Is it so hard to just enjoy the day?

The knocking continued and Kendra just sighed and stood up to open the garden gate.

On teh other side was the young man from the main office. She looked at him and just resigned. She knows he came because the gold she supposed to get, but couldn't he just come some other day?

He looked at her face and knew she really didn't want any guests. But he just ignored it and came in, passing the child lost in thoughts.

Kendra was imagining him in one of his water balls. Can he not stay outside and just give her gold and...leave...please?!

He rose his nose into teh air and sniffed around under the eyes of curious children. Is he a dog? Why is he sniffing, they sniffed as well but accept teh smell from teh soup nothing else was there. Wait....a soup...that greedy...Kendra and Isaa looked at each other and just shrugged.

The soup was almost done so Kendra took it out in the garden to eat. He looked at the pot with such eyes that Kendra had a feeling that this man didn't have anything to eat since he ate at her place a few days ago.

''We will wait a bit so the soup gets bit colder. In that time I would like to know why r u here?'' she said while she scanned him up and down, it doesn't seem like he brought the gold.''Where is my gold?''

He still looked at the pot in a daze without realizing what she just asked him.

Isaa came in front of his face and waved with her tiny hands.

''Sir, wake up!... Waaaaaake uuppp!''but to no avail, he just stared at teh pot as it was life-saving medicine.

Kendra took slowly the lid off as she stared at his face to see his reaction. And it was hilarious.

He had moth opened as he was about to swallow egg and his water almost didn't spill out looking at piping hot potato soup.

She slowly, slowly, sloooowly used the wooden ladle and put some soup in his bowl. Then she gave the same amount to herself and Isaa and closed the pot with lid. His face looking at the meager amount of soup was so hilarious that children cracked up and started to laugh.

''I am a big man, why are you giving me so little of soup,''he asked totally aggrieved and looking as a wronged child.

''Indeed you are grown man and we need still growing. If you feel hungry please go home and eat. Looking at your clothes it seems you have enough money to by good food.''said Kendra ice coldly

He looked at her as he wanted to cry but the two children just ignored him

''If you think that our food is not good enough I will just take it back. This pot is enough for us for a few days to eat,''said Kendra with the intention to make him feel bit bad.

He saw that she held grudge against him for coming when she wanted to rest it seems. And she was right. That he came should be fine and usually, she would be happy if she saw him, but today she just wanted to get rid of all the unneeded people.

''If I can do something for you can I have a big bowl of soup?''he asked with shiny eyes.

Kendra taught for the moment about it and nodded.

''Bring me my gold, pay for teh food and find me seamstress that could make something for me that is hard to sew.''she counted three things using her fingers.

He shook his head, this kid really just loves gold. She saw him shaking his head and taught he would deny the request.

''The gold you will get in a couple of days, the soup I will pay as much as you will but the seamstress I can send you to come this afternoon.''he took his money bag out and gave her 10 small silver.''Is it enough?''

She nodded and gave him a big bowl of soup. After they were done eating he saw that there is still some soup left and just gave ten more small slivers to Kendra. She looked at him but he just picked up teh pot and took it with him.

''I will send you the pot back with the seamstress. You don't mind?''he didn't even wait for them to answer and disappeared behind the gate in fear that they would stop him.

The two stunned children looked at each other and started laughing. They were full so him taking some leftovers is fine with them. Even if he didn't pay would be fine, but if he does pay they don't mind.

Kendra put the silver in her worn out money bag that she still had and took Isaa to the ice house.

She hoped that Fintan started selling ice cream. She went there and saw a long line of people standing in front of his store. She looked around and saw Cian and teh old lady standing aside and looking at a crazy storm of people.

They saw Kendra and Isaa and waved them to come to them.

''Kendra, Isaa welcome back.''said old lady while looking at teh two cute children.

Kendra was always alone in last life. So she had no one to welcome her back. Isaa was most of the time with her and there is no one to tell them such heartwarming words.

They started at the old lady in a daze and then hugged her at the same time. She is first that truly welcomed them. The old lady didn't get startled as she just hugged them even tighter. It seems these children really need a hug sometimes. She had now a new mission, hug these children whenever she sees them. If Kendra knew that this would cause such a reaction on the old lady she would think twice before doing it.

''Kendra, Isaa.You two probably came to taste teh ice cream that we made. Right?''said Cian while winking at them. Isaa just nodded her head and jumped to hug Cian. He got her and went with her in his hands into the ice house.

But as soon she came into teh house, Kendra got a big headache...She forgot to tell him how much he should sell for what price. he was just giving teh ice away in big buckets for few silver. When she saw that he almost fainted.

''Stop right now!!''She yelled looking him filling precious ice cream in big buckets and pots.

Everyone turned around and some of the people in front started getting angry.

''Little boy, this is not pace where you should mix up. Get out now,''they said not seeing that she turned angry and looked at them with ice in her eyes.

''If you say one more thing I will forbid the sale to your household, no matter who your employer is,''she said and then turned to Fintan.

''Are you crazy?! Do you want us to go bankrupt if you give away precious ice cream in such big amounts.???''she started yelling at him while pointing her fingers at his nose. She totally forgot that she is not an old woman like she used to be that small child in a different world.''How much did you sell today?''

Fintan looked at her in daze and surprise.

''Actually, it was the first bucket I planned to fill,''he said while not realizing how severe his answer is.

''You plane to sell ice cream in buckets???''she started to massage her head and felt dizzy for a bit. When she saw him slightly nodding his head she almost didn't start beating him up. That is Ice cream! Not sweetened water.

''Do not even dare,''she said with a deep voice that trebled from anger. He didn't understand her anger and stopped his hands.

Everyone there got surprised looking at small child yelling at a famous person like he was his subordinate. Some of them started getting angry but as soon teh murmurs started he turned his head and they saw his angry face, so they stopped and got quiet.

''This child is my partner. He has all right to tell me if I made a mistake.''then he turned to Kendra'' now what?''

''How much ice cream did you make? he asked and he showed her about 30 big pots full of ice cream inside.

She nodded. Ten had crushed ice with different fruit tastes, ten had milk ice cream that was a little bit better than other as well with different tastes and last ten had some sort of creamy ice. he asked for a spoon at tasted all of them. Of course, she liked most teh one with cream.

''The ice will be sold per small pot,''she said.

''Small pot of crushed ice with fruit taste is 30 coins, the small pot with milk ice is 1 small silver, and a small pot of cream ice cream is 10 small silver. Who does not like the price can get out, now!''she said while looking at the booming voices as tehy heard teh prices. Ice cream is not common good. It should be exclusive and expansive in the time where there no one else had such a thing.

Most peopel turned around and left but some of them stayed and asked to try out the difference in quality. They have been given a sip of the same taste but a different quality of ice to make their own decision.

On end of line Kendra saw a familiar figure. The cook from teh house heard about new delicacy and came to try it out. He was wondering who would sell that kind of thing in buckets, so he didn't wonder when he heard the change. Of course better quality makes more sense to be expensive.

He didn't see or hear the kid because he was not there in the beginning. So when he saw the kid, he somehow knew this has something to do with him.

''Kendra, child, how are you. I didn't see you for few days,''he said while looking kindly at teh child.

''I am fine thank you. You came for ice cream?''she asked him.

''Yes can you explain to me, it's faster,''he said while looking at teh long line in front of him. Few people heard them talking and they started listening intently.

''There is 30 pots of ice cream. Three different kinds of ice cream but ten different flavors in each ice cream. First is ice with taste and it costs 30 coins per small pot, the second is milk ice that is 1 small silver coin per small pot and third is creamy ice that cost ten small silver per pot.''she explained.

''So ten tastes and three different kinds of ice. One is 30 coins, second is one small silver and last is 10 small silvers per small pot. Right?''the cook made a summary quite loudly giving Kendra wink with his eyes. He noticed that multiple peopel listened to their talk... Kendra nodded and the people that listened knew now in advance.

The cook nodded and soon came to the front. He asked for tasting. When he tasted all he bought five of the creamy ice cream for the employers and all ten tastes for the coworkers. When teh peopel behind him saw what he bought they nodded and soon most of teh ice cream was done.

Some milk ice cream and some cream ice were left as well. Kendra opened her bag and wanted to buy the ice cream for Isaa but Fintan stopped her and wanted to give her rest of ice.

''No. Soon you can make it even cheaper. You need a normal spoon made of stainless steel. I will show it to you. You could sell teh ice cream in spoons and it would cost even cheaper so children would be able to but it as well.''said Kendra looking around.

''Do you have a clean spoon?''she asked. One of the workers just came and gave her one of the spoons. It seemed to be quite clean so she slowly used it to make a ball while they watched.

''This is one ice cream ball. If you sell it this way you might earn more money. Now give me a clean bowl.''she asked while everyone watched her.

Isaa and Cian came closer with old lady behind. She used the spoon to scoop the ice balls with different tastes. After she scooped 10 balls she gave the spoon to teh worker and made him try it out while she took another spoon and gave it to Isaa to try the cream ice.

Isaa slowly took a bit of ice from the bowl and then faster and faster tasted a different kind. Her eyes shone as she started giggling. She gave Kendra the spoon so she could taste it as well.

Kendra first tasted one after another and gave back to Isaa the spoon to share with Cian.

She turned around and looked at flustered peopel that tried again and again to make ice balls. It seems tehy taught its interesting. She pocked Fintan that looked in a daze at the ice cream balls. Then he turned his head around and started laughing. He happily took Kendra and threw her in the air. She was still stunned when he put her back on the floor.

''I already planned to make them pay a lot but who would have taught that you would make us rich within a day. If we sell this trough teh summer and early fall we will... we will indeed become wealthy enough to support teh tribe without any problems,''he said while the tears of gratitude came out of his eyes.

They came from the tribe that earlier lived from digging earth for some precious metals and stones. But now with this...It is possible to survive without working so hard.

Kendra knew teh story already so she just patted him on his hand and turned around to look at the two children that looked like two small pigs...How did tehy get so dirty???

''Ten spoons of ice is too much. You troat could start hurting you if you overdo it,''she said while lecturing them. She took peace of clean cloth from her pocket and cleaned Isaa's face with some water.''How did you turn into piglet as soon as I turn my back to you.''she stubbed her nose and hugged her after she was clean.

''Brother. I want to go home now,''she said while looking all sleepy. It was time for her midday nap.

Kendra turned around and greeted them politely.

''It's her time to sleep. We should go home. It's too hot anyway. I wish you nice sale.''she said with a smile while giving big hug to teh old lady that had as well tears in her eyes.

She didn't know that they struggled actually. They did indeed have a great sale of ice but they can sell it only in summertime. Rest of year they didn't have any big profits as tehy sold only just some meat and milk produce they had. Most of the money they sent to the tribe for their survival. They didn't want that the tribe members to dig earth for precious materials as tehy don't get paid enough. He wanted to make them live a normal life.

If tehy could make such ice cream the tribe could have some earnings in summer. They could expand into other nearby cities and work only in summer months. He could provide them with ice and tehy could make ice cream.

Kendra only knew they were a secret tribe for sure. Such ability she does not believe they would tell around. But what does she actually knows about this world? Where is she? She needs some information. She plans to travel later on but has no information about anything outside the city.

She has so much to learn to be able to survive. The time is on her side. She is still here. In winter tehy won't have anything to do. So she can as well ask for books, scrolls or storytellers to find more information.

When tehy came home she used her ability to make water rain and used it as a shower. It was the first time for Isaa to see and use such a thing so she jumped and screeched while Kendra washed her.

She had so much fun and wanted to last longer but Kendra didn't have so much energy so teh shower rain stopped after a while, but they were already clean so it was good enough.

Kendra dried her with a clean cloth and then they put their sleeping gowns and went to sleep.

She hopes seamstress will come in the afternoon so they could finally make those sleeping hammocks. She will use two for here and two she will take to the seaside. She made plans already and while thinking about the sounds of the sea she slowly doused off and fell asleep.