Chapter 34 - 34.So dooomed

At the entrance to the castle, the rows of soldiers that were unmoving scared the nobles and the sleazebag. But as they taught they were right they continued to enter as if nothing happen, but deep in their hearts, they started feeling uncomfortable.

The young Lord went straight to the main hall and Kendra just followed. The nobles just smirked and kept their head high. Since the new Lord of the City came back tehy never met him, no matter how much they tried. Now is time to show him their power.

Inside it was a huge hall that had enough space for hundreds of people to walk around comfortably.

This hall in the past was used for gatherings of nobles and their balls, but the new Lord plans to use it as a courtroom.

From both sides of the room stood rows of a soldier in a dignified manner. On end of the room was a podium and on that podium was a huge table and a big chair. In front of it waited already some people in uniform as well. One of them approached and gave a polite bow to the young Lord.

''I already invited the rest of the nobles to come. They all accepted. Soon they will arrive.''said what it seems his secretary or assistant.

Kendra looked at him and felt that his old man seemed to be quite powerful. Wow, full room with powers and nobles seemed not to notice it? Does that mean that nobles have no real powers?

''I don't know much about anything as no one was there to teach me. Could you tell me is it normal that nobles have no power?''she whispered.

He snickered.''It's not that none of them has powers, some of them do, but their powers, in this case, are to low to detect anything further away from their nose. In your case, they wouldn't even know even if you breathe in their face. Your powers are already higher than theirs.''

Kendra taught about it.''Does that mean I am safe for now?''she murmured.

''I think you need to learn so much about your own world, don't you? We will talk about our world next time. Can you read?'' he asked curiously.

''Yes, I can. I don't know when I learned it. I lost all my memories a long time ago and when I woke up it seems like I was treated really badly. Since then I really have no wish to trust anyone.''She said while thinking the way she woke up.

''Seriously?! Who is so dumb to treat power child badly? Are they stupid?''he almost yelled. In this world, it seems that children with powers are rare.

Nobles looked at the two of them whispering in the corner of the room. It seemed that the young man got a shock as his face changed after that little boy told him something. One of them went to the old man and started yelling at him.

''What is going on? Why are we waiting so long? This is quite disrespectful. How can that person even be our Lord? To treat us this way. We will send a petition to the King to change the head of this town. ''He continued to loudly talk as he was in right to behave like that in Lords Palace.

The old man looked at the young man from the corner of his eyes and saw him shaking his head at him. It was not time yet it seems.

''I am sorry about your waiting. We invited more nobles to help this case,''he said politely while holding a slight smile on his face.

The noble got stunned. More nobles? Isn't this small case. He started having an ominous feeling.

''Why did he need so many people here? It's just the case of adoption. There is no need for so much inconvenience.''he said while his head looked around the hall.

He now noticed all the soldiers with full gear in the room. Not knowing why he started sweating. He looked at the baker and started feeling a grudge against him. If he didn't pull him in this would he have this feeling? He went there.

''I will ask you just one time. This is your ''wild child'' for sure? If that story is not true I will skin you alive. You know my temper.''he looked at him with eyes full of murder. It wouldn't be the first time for him to kill someone.

The sleazy baker didn't know what happen. Looking at him he taught true and choose to tell teh truth.''I have to admit he is not. He has no parents so I planned to adopt him and his sister. He has lots of money himself already at his age. He is even partner with the ice house owner. I planned to marry his sister to my cousin's blind son or give her a gift to one of you as she is quite a beautiful child. But didn't expect that child would deny my goodness and treat me like that. So I called you to help me. You could win a lot if you do.''he said while looking at the noble with a wink of his eyes.

The noble was interested. He liked most little girls. He already had a collection of them in his dungeon where he lived his perverted dreams. But this situation seems kind of weird.

''You said an orphan that has lots of money and is a partner to ice house owner?''He was one of the not many people that knew about that person's powers. He started having again that feeling in his guts. That feeling saved his life many times and this time it was strong. It seems this boy has someone backing him up. But who? The King?The Lord? The powerhouse?

The other nobles listened to them talking and realized the problem as well. If he was just simple powerless orphan would they even be here? Now they looked around and the feeling emanating from the soldiers made them lose the breath.

But they had no time to think it through. The voices from incoming nobles could be heard from the end of the hall. They looked as groups after groups of nobles entered the hall. They all went to greet each other.

The old man looked at the hall that was already half full with them and counted them. It seems they all came. He smiled slightly and nodded towards the young man. The big killing can start.

''My dear gentlemen could you please calm down,''he said while his voice traveled through the hall. The voices of the people slowly got lighter and then it was silence while he continued.''The Lord had no time to invite you all to his palace as he had to handle so many things in the city. You all know about it.''he said while he emphasized ''his palace''. They started moving and looking at each other.

This palace was in Lord's family since the city was built. It could be said that the Lord was the owner and builder of the city. He actually had all right to call it his own.

But the nobles got used in the last two decades to use it as they wished so they didn't like the sound of that truth. Not at all.

''So what if this is his palace, this is a place for all of us. We are nobles of this town and he should give us our respect. He had work to do? Killing innocents and discarding them who knows where? Does the King know his actions? I will soon go to the capital and my cousin is King's minister. He will give to the King our petition to change the head of the City.''he said while most of them murmured and nodded. But few of them scrunched their eyebrows and backed off.

''You are really dumb. The city was built by the Lord's family. After the big war, we lost everything and the grandfather of the current Lord gave us all free residences in the town. We didn't even pay a cent. But now you plan to fall on his back. Really not fine art of the gentleman. I will not sign the petition. Do whatever you want to do. My family is staying out of it.'' about dozen other nobles joined in. They didn't forget the kindness of past city Lord that gave them a new home.

They remembered clearly as they were just children when they came to town. He gave them all the houses and clothes even provided with food. Their families survived because of his benevolence. To backstab his grandchild is really not fine art.

But most of them didn't care. They taught it was his duty to that. They forgot that he didn't have to help them. He could have given them just some houses outside the city as other cities did to the fallen nobles. He was the only one that gave them proper home and respect.

But people forget the goodness of the old Lord and just want to use the ones that are weak. They taught that new city Lord is just a young boy that had no idea how to handle the city so they would give him hand in it and make him feel grateful. But the boy just denied their help and just destroyed all their connections to the underground. So many of their people disappeared since the new City Lord came. They really didn't feel comfortable.

Most of those that wanted to get rid of the City Lord had the connection to the underground trade and dirty hands in all kind of matters in town. But now all their connections were cut off. They need to get rid of him soon or something would happen to them as well. They didn't know it was already too late.

The old man rose his hands in the air to make them calm down.''The City Lord will talk now. Please be quiet.''He looked at the end of the hall.''Close the gates. No one is to leave without Lord's permission.'''

The nobles got shocked. They turned around and saw a big door to the hall closing and soldiers standing in front of it with weapons in their hands.

They looked around them and saw the rows of soldiers that they ignored before having all the swords in their hands ready. But ready to do what?

The looked at the old man that changed his expression and looked at them coldly.

''If any of you speak without being asked I have the permission of the Lord to cut your head. So now quiet!''he yelled and turned around. He walked a few steps towards teh young man and bowed.

''Your Lordship its all ready for court. Please take your seat.''

One of the nobles that came with the baker felt that he had something to say so he made his way through the people and in the moment he opened his moth his head fell off.

The old man just used his firepower to just cut his head with a fire whip. The stench of burned flesh started spreading through the hall. Nobles stepped back in fear accept those dozen of nobles that were on Lord's side. They just kept quiet and with a smile, looking at the head rolling toward the young Lord.

He looked at the head in front of him and slowly stepped on it and with his power the head turned into fine stone dust. One of the servants on the side quickly took the broom and cleaned the place as nothing happened. The young Lord stepped closer to the body of the noble, as the nobles took few steps back. He stubbed with his feet the noble and turned it into a stone statue.

''Take this thing and put it on the side so everyone can nicely look at it. Some people don't know much about me as it seems. I am indeed a kind person. But you all forgot that I was in war since I was a child. Why? Because I had powers. You all forgot that. I came back home and found what? A mess. And I had to clean it up!!!''he yelled while looking at them.

Now they remembered. He left the town when he was just a few years old as they needed him to help in the big war. Even a child with powers was not left out of it. For all these years he fought on the side of the King. How is it even possible not to have good backing.

Those that were standing in front smiled at him and nodded.''True that. It is indeed good to have you to be our city Lord. With you being quite powerful we don't need to worry about our safety.''said the older noble gratefully.

The Lord nodded at him and winked at his servants. They brought enough chairs for those dozen nobles. The rest had to stand. He turned around as he wanted to walk up the podium and remembered Kendra. He looked at the child and saw her with worry in her eyes.

''Kendra.''he said and saw her looking at him,''Don't worry.''

She shook her head.''I don't worry if you mean that. With all of your powers, I am sure this is a safe city but I am actually just wondering about something.''she said while looking at him.

He was stunned, she was not worried?''Speak.''he said.

''So these people are not original nobles of town. They were given permission to stay in the city. Right?''she said while looking at him with a bright smile.

He nodded and saw the glint of mischief in her eyes. Oh boy, this child is up to something again. But he likes it. This child's ideas give him always a refreshing feeling. He nodded to let her continue.

Kendra looked at the nobles and smiled evilly...

Chapter 544, 544. Getting discovered, or not?