Chereads / She transmigrated and started different life / Chapter 21 - 21.should I even comment

Chapter 21 - 21.should I even comment

When they finished food they went into the garden. There are many eggplants. She chooses to cut them all and let them dry a bit. Few she will take with her to eat outside. She took a couple of young onions. It's good for soup. She put a few eggs in Isaa's basket and the young onions. Few grapes and some plums and apricots.

''These seem to be quite ripe. We need to make jam from them as well.'' she taught as she touched the ripe fruits. If she doesn't do it on time they might just rot.

''Isaa.'' after we are done with big hole and strawberries, we will come back here and stay here for few days. We need to dry, freeze and make jams from these as well.'' yes she can do that, Luckily it was just a tree of each or she would have big trouble. She still needs help.

They watered the plant's plenty. Luckily the plants were not on direct sunlight so they kept their moisture for couple days.

On way out, she went again to the office. It was already afternoon and officer Luar was already there.

''Oh hello. How can I help you.'' he asked while looking at the children.''By the way, Tóky told me to greet you. He finally got transferred to the Lord side as the guard. It is a better working place with better benefits for him. He just didn't have time to say bye.''

At first, Kendra didn't know who he was talking about but then remembered the friendly soldier that helped her a few times.She was happy for his promotion.

''It is great that he got promoted.'' she sincerely said.

''By the way, why did you look for me. Is there something I can help you with?''

''Yes. I saw that our water well didn't had enough sunlight so I taught if you and the Lord could find others with at least some light it would make more sense. I found a way to feed fishes quickly but its still in tryout phase.''she was thinking should she sell the idea...

''I will let the Lord know about tour proposal. Did you find enough fishes?''he asked curiously.

''I will make a hole in one of the streams and gather as many fishes as I find in that hole. After its full I will let you know so you could take them to the place of your choice.'' she nodded sincerely.

She doesn't need any more dry fishes as she had enough now. The rest of the fish she finds she will leave in the hole and wait for them to pick it up. As for them. Oh well, they can eat fresh sea fish it's quite delicious.

And in the sea, there are more things to eat.

''I will prepare big barrels to transport fish. It won't be too conspicuous.'' he taught out loud.

Kendra nodded. That is indeed a good way to transport fish.She then politely said goodbye and left.

The officer had shone in his eyes.''This child...How no one had the idea to search for fishes in brooks not far.Maybe because dirty water in the river? Who would have taught there is still live fish.'' he taught. He called guards and told them to watch the office while he sat on his horse and in hurry rode to the Lord's castle. The Lord needs to know this new possibility.

Kendra didn't know what things were going on behind her back. She passed by elder Goluk and got an idea.

''Elder.'' she greeted him sweetly.

He looked at her like he knew she wants something from him.

''Kendra just call me Goluk. It's weird when you call me elder.'' he said. He didn't feel right to be called an elder by this boy. It's not that he didn't like him. This child gave him feeling of nobility.

Kendra taught that he felt they are same hard working people so he asked her out kindness to call him his name.

''Goluk.I can see you mad quite a lot of pots.'' she looked at the humongous amount of pots behind him.

''Yes indeed. Last few days all I do is just wait for people to come by and buy those they choose. But most I sell doing market day.''he said while looking at the hundreds of pots.

''So you have some free time between market days?'' she asked with shiny eyes.

He looked at her and knew she needs him for something.

''I will need your and your wife's help for those couple days between market days.''

He called his wife and told her about that proposal. She looked at Kendra and nodded. There are neighbors who would watch over pots doing day so they could go and help out.

''Tell us what you need,'' he asked.He didn't ask about payment as he knew this kid already.

With two grown-ups many things might be finished in a few days.

''Do you have a shovel? I need you to help me make one big hole near home.''

He didn't ask why he just took a shovel and put it on his back. She bought again multiple smaller pots and took to the house.

''Did you eat lunch,'' she asked while thinking about gathering few fishes and baking it.

''We ate lunch.'' said Goluk's wife.''Don't worry. Now tell me what you want me to help you with.''

''Let me first show Goluk place where he should make a hole.Then we will have more to do.''

She went again to the stream that lost quite a lot of water. On one place bit on side, she let him dig as deep as possible. He started working fast. She told him if he is tiered just sit down and need to get too tired. He patted her head lightly and started digging.Luckily the earth and sad seem to be still soft so it was not hard to work.

She went back and took the basket, gave the biggest to woman and Isaa took her own.There are three now and they could gather much faster. Soon there wont be any more strawberries.She could see that there is no new flowers. And it is getting hotter. Soon those that are in mid of meadow will dry if there is no rain.

As it was after all afternoon sun, they choose to gather in middle of the meadow so they could save as many strawberries as possible. Goluk's woman was quite nimble with her hands as she gathered quite fast.They choose to do it as few days ago.Gather as much as they could and make jam.

She started fire and made jam while a woman and Isaa were gathering.This way the mid of meadow was finished till late evening.They made surprisingly over twenty small jam jars.

In the time between Goluk finished as well. She went down and saw at least 4-5 meters deep hole with the same diameter.Nice.She let Goluk make bit of the stream flow into the hole.

Goluk taught she needs the hole for water to drink so he told her he can make one more hole next day.She shook her head.It was enough.

They wash them self and then she took the bread she made and put strawberry jam on it. When they tasted it their eyes shone.

''Tasty. We usually make the plum jam but this taste amazing. Near our village are many berries. We will tell our family to make as much as they can as long its season.It would be a shame if it would get wasted.'' she said while thinking about hill behind their land that had even more strawberries than this meadow.

''I will give you a pot of jam if you help me transfer today some of the jams back in the city house.''

''City house?'' he looked at her surprised.''You bought one inside?''

''Yes.I got chance to buy one and will need your help tomorrow at the house anyway. Is it possible?''

While they spoke he made two big straw baskets quite fast.He put ten pots in his and ten in his wife's basket and children had few in their baskets. They set off into the city as they wanted to come out before the gates closed.

When they saw the house their eyes shone.It was so similar to their home in the village. When they opened the gate they saw the small garden and few trees. It seemed comfortable enough for living.

They put the pots into a small room and Kendra show them plum and apricot tree and told them that she needs help with gathering ,drying and making jam from it. They told her they will come back in the morning when gates open and left in a hurry as they were afraid that gates would close.

Even if Kendra liked them and trusted them she still didn't want them to walk around the garden so they wouldn't find the secret door in the wall. So she made up her mind to just let them gather the fruits. The rest she will do alone.

She saw those empty pots and put them on the side. She then put all the jam pots on the shelf.

She luckily still had space for more.There is only a bit of strawberry left. She will freeze some, eat some and make strawberry ice cream later. Next market day she needs to buy milk. She had sugar and ice.Easy.

She took the few pots that were empty and gathered lots of water inside and put on side of the house. That way they won't have to run and get water when they come. She cooked some food and they ate. Then she taught about something. Strange, this world luckily has no mosquitoes.

She taught about it and took the blanket off. They just slept openly with their simple nightgowns.

Next morning she woke up early.She left over the night all the doors and windows open so she closed it now as to keep the coolness inside the house. She let Isaa sleep bit longer and she put the clothes on. She still didn't use new clothes. Maybe when she goes to sell things, but now she needs to work so she didn't want to make clothes dirty.

As soon the gates were open the Goluk pair came to them.

''Good morning. You are awake luckily.'' said the wife.

''I wake up every morning before first light,''said Kendra while taking the baskets.

Goluk took the baskets out of her hands.

''You make breakfast for all of us and we will start picking fruits,'' he said.

''Wait.'' she stopped him while thinking of something.''Fist pick the apricots. In one side put that are overripe and in the other one those that are still harder.''

He nodded and they started picking them. He was quite nimble for man of his age. He climbed the tree and picked those on branches while wife picked those lower.

She went to the kitchen. They seemed to be able to finish both trees before noon.

She already prepared the pots for the fruits so they just gathered and put fruits there.

The apricot three was not too big and they finished it quite quickly.

In the time between Kendra made vegetable porridge and eggs with young onion. Isaa woke up as well and they ate breakfast.As they were done Kendra wanted to help with plums but they didn't let her.They will get paid after all.

She started sorting out the fruits for jam,for drying and for eating.

As it was already almost late for apricots most of them will be made into jam. This will need sugar. They are not as sweet as strawberries so she will need to add sugar to make them last longer.

Money...never mind she will earn again. They need salt as well.

As long she sorted out they finished with the plum tree. After all its just one.

''We are done.Do you need help with sorting the fruits? We will be done faster if we work together.''said Goluk. Kendra nodded .She let them sort the plums same way.Soft on one side and harder on the other side. And they washed the fruits and left them dry on sun. There were really fast.The sorting passed and it was not even lunch time.

''Let's eat lunch here'' Said Kendra.

''No. If we are done here we will go back home and eat.''they felt that it's too much to ask them for food as well. Kendra saw that they really didn't want to eat so she gave them each one silver coin for the two days of work. They took it and were happy. They earned two silver coins for two half days of work.

''Wait I promised the jam.''Kendra went inside the room and took the jar of jam to give to them,after all she had almost 30 jam jars all together. And new jam is coming.

They took as they knew the sheer amount of jams. But Goluk told her he will not take it for free. He will give her ten small jars as an exchange.She was happy about it. It's good that way as well.

She told him to bring her 100 small jars as she had lots of fruits now.

''I will bring it to you with donkey carriage after lunch. The carriage will cost you 20 coins is this too much for you?'' he asked.

'''No the price is fine,'' she said while thinking about the ice carriage that she has to pay 60 coins.

''Goluk, do you know anyone who could make me carts?''It would be easier to carry things with it right?

''Hand carriages are quite heavy for a child of your size to pull. Just ask one of the city carriers to take the stuff to the market for 10 coins. They will do it.'' he gave her a better idea.

Kendra taught about it.She let Isaa stay at home and play in the garden and she followed them to the place where most carriers waited. Goluk recommended a man with carriage and his son with cart.As they seemed to be from same village they promised to Goluk to care about the child.

Mans name was Wollak and his sons Tohluk.It seems to be the man with the carriage that took them to the sea.

''Oh I am happy to see you again,'' he said. Goluk looked at them in curiosity.

Kendra looked at Goluk and smiled.

''He drove us few days ago when we went away,'' she said while smiling at Wollak.

''But how comes you are not on road? You don't drive anymore the route?

''I exchange with one man from the inner city every ten days.He rests then here waiting,'' he answered.

''Do you need to go somewhere again?'' he asked her.

''In the day after tomorrow, it will be market day. I have few things to sell so I will need someone to help me carry things.''she looked at his son with cart.''How much would it cost from outer city to the market.?''

''Ten coins with cart.50 coins with the carriage.''Goluk was right.Its ten coins.

''Then can you come to help me carry stuff in early morning. I will pay you more as we will probably go to inner city but not far from the inner gate.'' He nodded as he heard where her house is. It's easy to find.

''Then its deal. Mr.Wollak I will need to go out of the city in couple days. Can I go with your carriage?'' she asked while think she needs to go and gather salt and oysters. She will stay few days and make dried oysters then she can go once every ten days and get fresh ones.

''No problem. I will wait for you here before main gate opens.''It was his turn out city that day anyway.

She was now sure that everything was set. She left them chatting. As Wollak will go to their village in a few days Goluk and his wife told him about jam and strawberries. He promised to tell their families to gather as much they could before the season didn't end.

When Kendra came home she took again peace of braised meat and made this time soup.With Isaa's help she put lots vegetables in and they let it cook.She told Isaa to go play in the garden as Kendra made egg pancakes and bread. She let pancakes cool down a bit and waited for the bread to rise.Then she baked it and they had their lunch.Some of the soup she let cool of and she will leave it in ice storage when they come back to reheat it and eat when they need.

She took the money and went to the inner city. The guards already knew her so they just let her in without much asking. She left Isaa home to play as she wanted to just quickly go and buy sugar even tho its quite expensive.

When she arrived at the store she saw that it was busy. She entered and smiling woman came to greet her. This time she wore new clothes so she looked neat and tidy.

''How may I help you. What do you need to buy?'' she asked friendly.

''May I ask how much is sugar.As well I would like to see what other seasonings you have.''

''Sugar became lately bit cheaper. Three silvers for two pounds and from seasoning we have all that we could import.'''She showed it to her. Kendra knew that pepper was quite expensive but she looked if there is red pepper.''I heard from someone in town about new sorts of fruits and vegetables. But I couldn't hear what kind of are there. Do you know maybe?''

''Ah there is something ugly I saw a few days ago in neighbors vegetable market. I don't know the name.There is peppers as it seems as well.I tasted them and they taste delicious when fried.'' she said while smacking her lips.

It seems that they have potatoes and other things.She should go to the vegetable market after this.

She bought five pounds of sugar and went to the vegetable market.

There it is...She looked at boxes filled with potatoes standing right there.It seems no one want to buy it. She needs to be smart and find a way to buy them all off.

''Sir, what is this?'' she asked while looking curiously at potatoes.

''Its potato. It looks ugly but its edible. I think..''he gave up on this vegetables. He bought them cheaply and taught he could eat them but the taste...

''How much is this?'' she asked.She needs to buy all of it before someone comes .

''I guess you want to feed your animals with it. I will sell you all this..'' he showed a small mountain of boxes.''All this for 2 silver coins.'''he taught it was great deal.He bought them all for 30 coins from traveling trader.

''To expensive. For two silver coins I can buy much other vegetable feed.''she shook her head.

''I will be friendly today and give you for one coin,'' he replied while grinding his teeth. Better get rid of this.

''I accept it but you have to give me couple of those peppers I hear about,'' said Kendra with crafty smile.

''Peppers cost 30 coins a pound. I can't give it you free sorry,'' he responded while shaking his head.

''Then I will pay one silver for potatoes and for 50 coins you give me two pounds of peppers.'' she knew it wont be quite free.

''Deal. Do you need carriage for the potatoes?'' he asked,'' I can send someone to get the carriage from the main gate.''She nodded her head.

''Please ask for Wollak. I know him. Tell him to bring two carriages.I don't think this is possible to take care with one carriage.'' she said looking at the mountain of potatoes.

While they were waiting for carriage she went in to see what kind of vegetables and fruits they had. Vegetables like everywhere quite present but she found so much more. There are lemon,oranges and mandarins from fruits she didn't have.There are dates and figs.Peppers and it seems as green-yellow tomatoes. But a pound of these is five silver a pound.To expensive. She asked if they had some that are bad or ugly.So he gave her for free few tomatoes that started turning reddish. He taught they are bad so he throws them aside.

The carriages came and she went back home, they took out all the boxes and left it in the small garden and she paid them each 60 coins as they helped her loading and unloading boxes.

When she saw all the vegetable she started laughing. This is ridiculous.They think potato is animal fodder? She will earn so much money with this. It seems that these were bought only by chance.

This time she needs to talk to the officer again. This going to be important to the Lord.This could save the whole city in case of an emergency.She will earn so much money. She looked at potatoes as they were golden nuggets...

Chapter 368, 368. An Oi