The next morning, unfortunately, I again had to endure the horrible punishment known as the alarm clock. Not much different from every other day, of course, but it wasn't as bad this time. You see, I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. Not because of what I did to Zach yesterday, by because I was finally getting my car back from the shop.
Not many people care to acknowledge this, but we all have demons inside of us. Every single one of us. Whether they're tiny, nearly harmless little things, or ones that'll tear your whole life apart, we've all got 'em.
I don't know if it's just me, or if everybody feels the same way I do, but sometimes I feel as if no one cares. As if nobody gives a crap because they're too involved in their own little worlds. They might be thinking about a boy or what they're planning on eating for breakfast the next day while I'm thinking about how awful my life is and why I have to endure such a long and painful punishment. What did I do? What did I do to deserve this?
Anyway, I go through my daily routine, getting ready for school. Even though I'm getting my car back today, I still have to ride the bus to school. My car's gonna be ready for me afterwards.
When I get to school, people are staring at me. No, not just my friends. Not just some people. Almost everybody. Nobody stares at me. Ever. I'm a nobody. My mind races.
Do they know? Do they know what happened? What's going on? Why are they staring at me? Do I look like a cow again? Is that it? Do I have milk residue on my lip from breakfast? Did I suddenly sprout the wings of a Hippogriff? The ears of a house elf? The transparency of Moaning Myrtle? Is Harry Potter behind me? Is Voldemort back? AGAIN?
Then again, why should I care that they're looking at me?
I got my answer as I walked past the creepy onlookers, and got closer to my locker.
No. No, no, no, no, no. Please. Not again. He can't be back. I thought this was finally over.
A/N: Hey, guys!!! I'm so sorry I'm taking so long to update! I wasn't even thinking. I've had writer's block for a while, now, guys. So I'm thinking I could be back on track for at least a little bit. 😁😁
Also, I'm so sorry this chapter's so much shorter than the others. I'm working on it.
Anywhoooooo, who do you think "He" is? Why's everybody staring? What does she not want them to know? Why do you think she doesn't trust anyone anymore? And why haven't her parents been home?
Tell me what y'all think in the comments.
Thanks, guys!!!!