Due to Siren presence in the Mediterranean, the operation started a day early to increase our success rate and prevent our secondary enemy from interfering. Several changes had to be done because of these heaps of scrap metal. Right now, on top of handling EO, Maizuru's Force Z is to provide support for Kure. My forces are there to open up a path to retreat, and deal wiith any unexpected issues. With how unpredictable everything is nowadays, you need to have a contingency plan for everything. At least the weather there is good for the fleet to begin the operation.
The first phase of this mission is to defeat the Summer Heavy Cruiser Princess. Only then, can we go ahead and carry out the transport phase. The 1st Special Squadron, comprising of Takao, Atago, Kinu, Kagerou, Shiranui and Kuroshio, will draw out and kill the Abyssal Princess. This will open up the path for the Mediterranean Fleet to carry out the transport operation and eliminate the Enemy Heavy Cruiser Ne Kai's Combined Fleet. The Mediterranean Fleet consist of two compositions. The Transport phase and taking out the enemy combined fleet will be handled by Italia, Roma, Maya, Abukuma, Yukikaze, Maestrale and Libeccio. Maya, Maestrale and Libeccio will then join Hiyou and Junyou, Grecale, and Scirocco to draw out the Abyssal Combined Fleet before rejoining their original fleet to execute the final phase of the mission. The 1st Special Squadron has already drawn out the Princess and are now entering the hunting phase.
"Admiral, we are approaching Point G." (Takao)
"Roger. All units, maintain radio silence until the enemy fleet is in range. Be on the lookout for any potential threats." (Admiral Kotobuki)
"Permission to deploy recon seaplanes." (Takao)
"Granted." (Admiral Kotobuki)
Takao took out the Type 0 Recon Seaplane attached to her garter belt and tossed it into the air. With a puff of smoke, the plane enlarged and flew off.
"Force Z, remain vigilant for any possible hostiles or anomalies in the area. Don't do anything unnecessary."
"Roger!" (All)
The room was quiet as I watched Kure's 1st Special Squadron advance to where the Heavy Cruiser Princess is waiting and my girls standing by. The radio suddenly came to life. The fleet even slowed down. Weren't they supposed to maintain radio silence until they reached Point G?
"Admiral, this is Flagship Takao. Do you read me?" (???)
"Takao, you were supposed to maintain radio silence. It hasn't even been 10 minutes. Ah. Whatever. Send traffic." (Admiral Kotobuki)
"I'm sorry. I have an immediate report to make. Four unidentified shipgirls have been spotted 300 meters from our current position. They are surrounded by the Abyssals!" (Takao)
"Are they ours?" (Admiral Kotobuki)
"Negative. They are... animal girls?" (Takao)
"Seriously?" (Kawakaze)
You got to be kidding me. Here? In the Mediterranean?
"This is Admiral Keita. Send out a Request for Identification. Check their response."
The only animal-girls I can think of now are Shiggy's friends from the Sakura Empire. There was a brief moment of silence as Takao carried out my order,
"They are Kansen from the Sakura Empire. They have ran out of ammo and are requesting for backup." (Takao)
"Keita." (Admiral Kotobuki)
Oh, for Pete's sake! Agh. I guess this does count as an anomaly. They must be searching for their brethren but why search this area?
"I know. You guys carry on with the mission. Force Z, go in and eliminate the Abyssals surrounding them. After that, take them into custody."
"Roger! Force Z, moving in to engage." (Souryuu)
"Takao, send us the recon deets." (Kawakaze)
"We can find out ourselves. They have enough on their plate."
"It's okay. It not a big deal. 2 Re-class Battleships, 4 Wo-class elites and 6 Torpedo Cruiser Chi-class." (Takao)
That's a big and tough one. How the hell did those girls get in such a mess? There is no mention of an enemy fleet that big in the Intel report. Did those four lead them here? Whatever it is,
"Force Z, concentrate fire on the Re-class and Wo-class. We can take down the Chi-class afterwards. Finger on the trigger. Get ready to go in hot."
"How should we restrain them?" (Zuihou)
"Murasame, is your chain long enough?"
"I don't know. I have never tried tying four people at once in my Kai-2 form before."
"Well, now is a great time to test that. If they get violent, use force to restrain them. So long as they don't behave themselves, we will consider them as adversaries."
"Roger!" (All)
Force Z moved towards where the Dog-girls are held. After a short while, red markers appeared on the map console.
"Send out a recon."
"Do the recon properly." (Hiryuu)
Hiryuu fired off an arrow into the sky and it transmuted into a squadron of 3 Saiuns. The Saiuns fanned out and scouted the area ahead.
"Enemy fleet spotted. Woah. There's a lot of them." (Hiryuu)
"Initiate opening air strike. Take out as many as you can before they see you. Don't hit the Dog-girls"
"Let's go! 2nd CarDiv Attack Corps, begin takeoff!" (Souryuu)
"2nd CarDiv! Attack corps, take off!" (Hiryuu)
"Attack corps, please begin takeoff!" (Shouhou)
"Now, let's do this! Attack corps, take off." (Zuihou)
The carriers launched squadrons of Dive Bombers and Torpedo Bombers at the enemy's direction. Balls of fire appeared, followed by the sounds of explosions.
"Ah. Crap. Five Chi-class and both Re-classes are still standing." (Souryuu)
"All of the Wo-class are dead so that's at least we got air superiority." (Hiryuu)
Anguished roars echoed theough the speakers as the enemy fleet turned their attention to my girls.
"They are angry." (Kawakaze)
Didn't expect them to leave their original prey entirely, but this is good.
"Nice, nice." (Murasame)
Even Murasame agrees with me.
"All units, Line Formation. Murasame, take point. Kawakaze, cover the rear. Take all of them down."
The fleet moved into formation. The Carriers launched another squadron of Bombers as the Destroyers laid down cover fire.
"Multiple torpedo trails to port side!" (Kawakaze)
"All ships, zig-zag maneuver. You know very well what happens if you touch them." (Souryuu)
"Firing machine guns!" (Kawakaze)
Kawakaze aimed at the water and begin firing. Her bullets managed to detonate two torpedos while a third one narrowly missed her.
"That was dangerous!" (Kawakaze)
"2nd Wave Attack Corps, can you form up? Then, take off when you can!" (Shouhou)
Shouhou launched another wave of bombers. The two Re-class launched a wave of Flying Fish Bombers. The other three carriers joined in, launching their second wave of bombers and fighters. The fighters shot down most of the enemy bombers, the ones that managed to slip through were shot down by Kawakaze and Murasame. Our bombers managed to deal heavy damage and cripple an Re-class, while the other brought her tail to the front and fired at my fleet.
The six girls weaved around the shots, narrowly missing them.
"Kyaa!" (Zuihou)
Zuihou's painful scream rang in my ears. She was hit?!
"A torpedo?!" (Souryuu)
"Zuihou!" (Shouhou)
Smoke emitted from her body as her riggings burned. Blood oozed from her head and legs as she slumped to the water surface. Her clothes were torn to shreds and burnt. I have seen Zuihou get hurt and her vitals in the red many times before, but not this bad!
Images of what happened before once again flashed through my head.
No... Not again! Not like this!
"Damn you!" (Murasame)
Murasame fired at the Chi-class responsible for injuring Zuihou, sending it back to the depths of the sea in pieces.
"They.. got me..." (Zuihou)
"Kahahahaha!" (Re-class)
"Just die already!" (Kawakaze)
Kawakaze launched a torpedo at the Re-class, only for the monster to simply step to the side and let it past as it laughed hysterically.
I need to do something... Anything... There is still so much I want to do with you...
"All ships, diamond formation with Zuihou at the center! Hiryuu, Souryuu, hit that thing with everything you got. Kawakaze, Murasame, focus on the remaining Chi-class. Shouhou, protect your sister and support the fleet with escorts!"
Without any armor, this isn't ideal. But at the very least, this formation increases their maneuverability and protects the injured.
Hiryuu and Souryuu launched another wave of bombers. The injured Re-class stood back up and aimed it's tail at the planes, firing it cannons and machine guns.
"God damn it. Just stay down and wait for your turn!" (Hiryuu)
"I can... still fight!" (Zuihou)
"No, you can't ! Your bow is destroyed, your equipment is severely damaged and you're bleeding from head to toe. Stay low for now!"
"But..." (Zuihou)
"That's an order!"
I slammed my fist on the console. I can see the small girl flinched on the monitor.
"Please... I can't lose you again. I still haven't fulfilled my promises to you yet."
"Admiral..." (Zuihou)
Suddenly, an unknown voice came on the radio,
"Made it in time. Grant them peace and purity!" (???)
The Re-class's laughter turned into screams of pain as a last from behind sent it flying forwards.
"Ammo storage... could be better... Alright! Fire!" (???)
Before the Re-class can get up, a second cannon blast launched even further towards Murasame. Half of its head is missing. The Destroyer stomped on it's chest and pointed her guns at whatever's left of it's head,
"I got you~βͺ" (Murasame)
With a squeeze of a trigger and a loud explosion, the Re-class finally sank. The other one, the one they crippled, was torn apart by another set of cannon fire that came from it's starboard side. The final Chi-class was blown to high heaven by Souryuu's Dive Bombers.
"Enemy fleet... destroyed. We won!" (Souryuu)
It's over. My back is soaked in cold sweat and my legs are jelly. I haven't felt this way in a long time.
Deep breaths... Calm yourself...
"Admiral, are you alright?" (Ooyodo)
I raised my hand towards her,
"I'm fine. I'm fine."
"Are you all okay?" (Black cat girl)
An unknown voice came on the radio. A busty girl in red and black floral kimono approached the girls. She has black cat ears and the kimono showed off her cleavage. Attached to her back is a tall pagoda-like structure with four sets of Twin 356mm guns. Kawakaze aimed her guns at her,
"Stop right there!' (Kawakaze)
"Is this how you treat your saviors?!" (Another Black Cat Girl)
Another busty girl in similar outfit and equipment stepped in between Kawakaze and the first cat girl. She was shorter, has shorter hair and bangs, and unlike the previous one, she isn't showing any cleavage.
"Kawakaze, stand down."
"...Roger..." (Kawakaze)
"Souryuu, get their names. Murasame, get ready to take them into custody."
"Geez! Fusou! Yamashiro! How did you two run so fast? You are supposed to be slow battleships." (???)
Two familiar faces came into view.
"Yuudachi! Yukikaze!" (Cat girl without exposed cleavage)
"We had the chance to run and regroup. Why did you-" (white hair dog-girl)
The white dog girl paused and scanned her surrounding,
"Yukikaze-chan, is it just me or do they look familiar?" (white hair dog-girl)
"Now that Yuudachi-chan mentioned it, the ones at Maizuru!" (CA Yukikaze)
Those two were there when the Crimson Axis Akagi attacked!
"Restrain those two! Now!"
Chains erupted from Murasame's sleeve and wrapped themselves around the two dog-girls. Okay. That's not how I expected her to do it. Where the hell did these many chains come from?
"What the-" (Cat girl without exposed cleavage)
Kawakaze pointed her gun at the cat girl's head while Hiryuu aimed her bow at the taller one.
"Sorry. We have orders to take you back. Just cooperate with us and we promise we won't hurt you." (Hiryuu)
"I knew it! You're the ones who kidnapped Shigure, didn't you?" (CA Yuudachi)
"We should have searched your base first!" (CA Yukikaze)
"Shigure? You people know and kidnapped Shigure?!" (Cat girl with exposed cleavage)
"Rather than kidnapped, she barged in on her own. Anyway, both of you, what are your names?" (Kawakaze)
"I have no intentions of giving my name to kidnappers!" (Cat girl without exposed cleavage)
"If we know your names, we can get Shigure to talk to you." (Souryuu)
"I am the Sakura Empire's first super-dreadnought, Fusou. And this is my little sister, Yamashiro." (CA Fusou)
"Nee-sama..." (CA Yamashiro)
So this is their version of Fusou and Yamashiro. I should have known. They have the same pagoda-like structures.
"Yamashiro, if there is a chance to see Shigure again, we have to take it. Just promise you won't hurt my sister or the others." (CA Fusou)
"That was not our intention in the first place." (Shouhou)
"We just want to bring you back to our base and talk." (Souryuu)
"Will we really be able to see Shigure again?" (CA Yukikaze)
"Admiral?" (Hiryuu)
"I will figure something out for them to meet. Bring them back to base. Zuihou, you are to immediately head to the docks upon returning. Am I clear?"
"Yes..." (Zuihou)
"What's up with her?" (CA Yuudachi)
"Just move." (Murasame)
I switched the channel to Admiral Kotobuki's,
"Kotobuki, we are done at my end. How's yours?"
"Already done and heading back to base. Takao and Kagerou took a heavy beating so we plan to go for round 2 tomorrow morning." (Admiral Kotobuki)
"My Zuihou got hit really badly. So yeah, tomorrow morning is perfect for us."
"Are you all right?" (Admiral Kotobuki)
"Yeah. Why?"
"You sound... mad. And since Zuihou is hurt, I guess it's almost like that time, huh?" (Admiral Kotobuki)
"None of your business. See you tomorrow morning. Keita out."
I turned off the console and slumped back into my chair. My head hurts. And my chest still feels extremely tight.
"Ooyodo, get me some tea please."
"Right away." (Ooyodo)
As I wait for a fresh brew of tea, I need to think of what to do with those four and Shigure.
More importantly, what do I do with Zuihou? Should I take her out of the operation entirely?