Chereads / The Avarice System / Chapter 21 - The Clay Village.

Chapter 21 - The Clay Village.

The ground was full of clay, it wasn't Clay village without reason. It was actually weird combination as their main building material was stone. Putting heavier house on less steady ground wasn't smart, however their houses were actually pretty steady.

Alex needed few hours to come back to live, boy asked him to call someone to work as guide. His job was simple, get information about their states and find solution if it's possible. Appraisal could bring him all necessary information, so mixing right herbs was only real issue.

His first patient was woman with worst state, she fell sick first and her life was in danger. Her hair was blonde, though amount of pain and stress created strands of grey like ashes hair on her head. She won't be able to live many days.

[Name: Samantha]

[State: Sick(Measles), Weakened, Malnutrition, Dehydration, Fever]



[Desc. Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the measles virus.]

[Symptoms: High fever, Runny nose, Weakened body…]

[Treatment: Keep patient hydrated, and fed. A mix of dandelions, chamomile, lime's flower, and purple grass with warm water should accelerate the process of immunity development.]

'Situation isn't right. This disease is contagious…I need to prepare cure as I will fall sick myself…' There was no purple grass in his database or knowledge.

"FUCK! I lack one of ingredients. I cannot help them without it!" Boy swore as his own health was in danger zone.

"What do you lack? We might find it! They cannot die!" Man searched for any desperate mean to save his people. His children were sick too, and letting them die wasn't option.

"I lack purple grass…" White-haired boy didn't have much knowledge besides name. It would be troublesome if man asked about details.

"There is grass with purple color at marchlands. It's fuckin snake playground. Those fuckers freaking like to bite every passing person through those clumps of grass.

"I can. Are you sure you want to go there?" This place could get you killed, it wasn't one snake. One bite could put you down and many of them would crawl on your body and your fate would be sealed.

"Do you want these people to die? If we don't risk getting this plant…There won't be need to for cure anymore!" Those people needed few days of treatment and every day of delay could kill them.

The poisons needed to be digested and problem was snakes injected venom. People often didn't know difference between poison and venom. Aron wasn't afraid of snakes. His speed was great and sight even greater. Combine those factors with appraisal, and little reptiles wouldn't be a problem at all.

They reached marchlands and boy complained inside of his mind.

'Not having waterproof boots sucks! I need to find a way to recreate rubber, it will be extremely useful' It wasn't comfortable at all, having strong urge to go back screw those villagers.

The rumored part of region wasn't joke, there were many fields of purple grass. The real problem was hissing sounds. It sounded like hundred snakes had happy conversation about weather.

'Bullshit! It's not freaking marchland. It's snakeland!'

[Dark Green Viper]

[Traits: Venom Glands, Strong Fangs, Flexible, Venom Immunity(Dark Green Viper Poison)]

[Skills: Bite, Spring Jump]

'Nothing too useful, getting few to cultivate poison wouldn't be a bad idea though.'

Let's start from killing this one first and getting immunity to their venom. The most important thing is to get the purple grass to start treating these people as the entire village will fall sick soon.

The boy picked a small rock from the ground and threw it with great strength at closest snake. Man panicked, it was like poking into hive. Reptiles started to crawl into many directions, so danger was temporarily over.

Aron picked snake and put it into his bag and started gathering grass. Few stalks would be more than enough, staying here longer would result into death of his guide.

'I need to come back and add those to my collection.' Expanding ranch and farm was important.

White-haired boy entered Alex's house and prepared simple mixture from system's recipe. The only thing left was treating patients.

He fed woman with mixture and instructed person taking care of her to keep her hydrated and fed. Her body needed to be strong to fight virus infection.

Suddenly, someone barged into house.

SLAM! A man with a scar on his face entered the house. His sight fell on Aron, who still was before his wife. His thoughts wandered into weird directions.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY WIFE!" His voice was full of rage and he was ready to pounce at Aron at any time.

"…" Answering this question to man without perception won't get any result. Boy stayed quietly and waited for next move of assailant.

Aron's guide started to explain things to enraged man, and it was futile. Anger completely consumed his mind and reasoning with him was useless.

"COME OUT!" White-haired boy only shouted to move battle outside. He could basically kill man within seconds, however doing it outside would be more reasonable considering unconscious patient.

"You are blind man. I pity your wife, you probably cannot…" It was obvious insult as man couldn't differentiate right from wrong. Scarred face threw punch after punch and nothing could reach boy who just sidestepping.

"STOP FUCKIN DODGING YOU PIPSQUEAK!" Aron expression changed, he was bored. This man was weakling, spending time 'fighting' was like adult playing with child.

"Ok. I will make it easier for you! I will stop moving. Maybe, you can hit unmovable target." He stayed and waited to finish of person.

Punch! Punch! Ugly man pounced at him with his fists. Suddenly, his body stopped in midair. Aron simply caught his fists without effort.

"You call it punch?" Person tried to struggle, still it was futile. Aron possessed strength of five men and man was ordinary person.

Boy broke hands of man and caught him by face. One strong swing and person landed on nearby building falling unconscious.

"Kid, don't you think that you are too ruthless?" Boy looked at him without emotions and said.

"He is alive. I could kill him at any moment…" His exclamation was cocky, however strong could allow themselves to be prideful.

"You are wasting my time. I can leave this village at any time. Do you think rest of sick will get miraculous recovery without me?" It was mix of threat and displeasure of Aron. You come to help and you get attacked by brainless idiot.

"I apologize for his behavior… Let's go!" Someone took care and carried unconscious person to house while they were walking away.

He walked from house to house treating sick and instructing people. Mixture needed to be distributed to 'healthy' as well. All were infected and letting them develop immunity would stop development of sickness.

Most people didn't treat his warnings seriously.

"Ok. Don't listen to my advices and I will leave all of you to death!" Leaving them to die would help natural selection prevent their stupidity to spread on next generations.

"You did great! Haha!" Alex got news of boy knocking out scar face without any effort and laughed. It was little ruthless, still he knew person and words didn't work on him.

"Old bull. Do you rule village by beating shit out of people?" Aron's question made his expression turn into odd version of smile. It was partially truth if people came with conflict to him. He just knocked out both sides and problem disappeared.