Chereads / Solemn Grace / Chapter 43 - Side Chapter: Xuan Shen and Deng Shi (5). One-Sided War (Part 3).

Chapter 43 - Side Chapter: Xuan Shen and Deng Shi (5). One-Sided War (Part 3).

Deng Shi, Xuan Shen, Haku Ao, and Seung Il were floating in the air. Beneath them, Abu Ko was in complete chaos. The city was in revolt shortly after the King had left with his strongest forces. The guards who remained were outmatched by the forces that were pouring down on them.

Buildings were burning, and soldiers were fighting civilians. The city gates had been locked down and poison was spreading to all corners.

"Is this not too much?"

Though he was frowning as he watched on. Haku Ao still had the appearance of a benevolent grandfather. In fact, it made him seem like a disappointed and weary old grandparent.

"When you hunt, you should give your all to the hunt."

Deng Shi said her voice the same as always as she watched on.

"But why after taking the Tiger's skin would you go for the cubs."

Haku Ao, who had just watched a child split in half by a soldier's saber, sighed as his words fell.

"So, that cub will never grow to eat our own young."

As they spoke a giant silver hand rose out of the center of Abu Ko. Brass ridges where around its fingers and in the center of its palm was a red orb. Deep gash like marks ran down from the orb down its arms. And all along it were carved symbols.

A loud hum rang out and the earth shook. First, from the orb, the arm began to glow till a golden aura surrounded it. Then it grabbed onto the air and pulled down.

A golden line of light fell on the forest by Abu Ko. Quickly turning to a pillar of golden light. The shockwave spreading across the plains. As the pillar faded away.

Turning to Haku Ao, Deng Shi cupped her fist and bowed.

"Thanking 4th Elder to ensure none survived that."

Haku Ao righted her with his one good arm.

"No need to be so formal Little Shi. Though I hate what I see as meaningless death. I am still the Elder of War. I will always fight for my family and home."

Turning away Haku Ao unsheathed the Flawless Divining War Fan and shot downward to the blackened remains.

"Beauty, you're a lot scarier than I thought. Even without us moving you were able to take down a city-state on par with Qing Ruo, in three days."

Seung Il whistled at the chaos. By the time the revolt was over that poison would have turned the city into a ghost town.

"Now, I see why Lord Ruo only asked us to ensure your safety."

Xuan Shen's gaze was on Deng Shi. At first, he thought she was enjoying the result of her work. But he quickly realized she was taking in everything, evaluating everything.

Noticing his gaze, the two met eyes. And he was reminded of the game they had played over a year ago. Since then, this mission was the first time they spent so much time together. Lord Ruo often had tasks for him and Deng Shi was often hidden away.

"Beauty, how did you do it? Is this the result of that legendary intellect of yours?"

Hearing Seung Il's question Deng Shi turned her gaze from Xuan Shen. Abu Ko was a city divided into circles. In the center was the Ivory Tower and the square which the Glowing One's Arm resides under. Around it were circles with the aristocracy being close to the Ivory Tower and the common folk near the city walls.

"You insult me, this is just the result of information."

Pointing her finger to the circle where the fighting had started, she continued.

"Over there lies and poison. Dan Fa intended to expand his city. The influx of new blood required it. So, we acquired a copy of his reconstruction plan and altered it. The altered plans showed that that circle that belonged to the common folk would belong to the aristocracy.

So, when the common folk realized they were being gassed. A plant of ours dressed in official robes ran to them with weeping and wailing. And revealed the truth before taking his own life in remorse.

Abu Ko is a city of hunters and mercenaries. Their kids are warriors who wield bows and blade by the age of five. It hasn't been so long before they were all just that, hunters and mercenaries. Not common-folk and aristocrats."

Next Deng Shi changed her voice. Sounding more like a recording but with a slightly mocking tone.

"How dare they, did they forget we all fought and bled together? How dare Dan Fa forget the times we ate from the same pot. Drank from the same bowl? Was this not a city made by sworn brothers for sworn brothers?"

Each question delivered in a different voice. It was hard to picture such perfect replicas coming from her deadpan face.

"What sworn brother? How many of us did Dan Fa raise up with him? The moment that bastard was king, and he chose favorites to be his nobility. The rest of us was nothing but dogs in his sight.

Damn it all, if we are to die let's make sure Dan Fa suffers first.

And so, they rallied themselves up and caused chaos. Eventually, soldiers came down to quell the chaos. Unfortunately, there were a few people we recruited in that squad and when they saw an arrow shot from their side. Their strict training made them fire as well."

Moving her finger Deng Shi pointed to the circle near the city gate.

"There is a fool there. A rich merchant with high ambitions. Using his money and resources he has gathered quite a few soldiers. Unbeknownst to him, Dan Fa is well aware of his ambition and actions. Using him as a funnel for disloyal troops with the intention of wiping them all out in time. So, there are quite a few soldiers ready to move if he does.

Yesterday he received a copy of the altered truth and intended to play the hero today. Instead, he is now embroiled in a battle with his watchers."

Moving her hand Deng Shi pointed to every circle and explained the fires she had set. Then finally pointed to the gate.

"The plans for those gates are in our hands. It is impressive enough it would take our forces an entire day or two of an uninterrupted siege to break through. However, their control mechanisms are completely broken. It would be quicker to break the gates down then try to fix it now."

Seung Il laughed heartily, till there were tears in his eyes.

"Beauty, how about it, why not marry me?"

Xuan Shen frowned but Deng Shi only shook her head.

"A pity, how about I go down there. There might be someone fun to fight."

"Just try not to get poisoned."

Getting permission Seung Il dove downward. Landing on top of some poor soldier turning him into mush. Then sped off and tore into anyone unlucky enough to meet him.

It was just the two of them now and Xuan Shen and Deng Shi focused their gaze on the other.

"I did not know that Elder Brother had such a competent information network."

"It is not father's, but mine."

Seeing the lack of surprise on him. Deng Shi continued.

"You don't seem surprised. I was expecting a bit more disbelief. The times I've left Qing Ruo can be counted on one hand after all."

"Ever since that game. I felt that anything I am capable of you are too."


"But now after all this, I realized two things. First, I was underestimating you.

Second that we are fated, enemies."

As Deng Shi and Xuan Shen faced off a second gold beam fell, landing on Abu Ko. As the shockwave stirred their clothes as the half disintegrated Ivory Tower fell.

"I'm surprised it took me this long to realize as well."