Chereads / Ouroboros Online ; Life / Chapter 1 - Vol.1 Ch.1 - Begining of a new era

Ouroboros Online ; Life

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Chapter 1 - Vol.1 Ch.1 - Begining of a new era

Washington D.C. - A.D. 2017

Saint Corp. general hq conference room.

SaintCorp is a biggest game developer company at this time and prepared a huge announcement to the world.

They invited almost all media corporations all press sources etc. to their conference and everyone was eagerly waiting for the start of the presentation.

Previously they made the same setup for their augmented reality game announcement and the game itself blast the whole world for years.

Almost everyone on the world was heard their name on some time of their life.

Today the SaintCorp was planing to shake world itself to the core again with a new game.

Everyone was discussing between themself and try to guess what was in the pot.

Soon all lights was closed and only a one huge ligh was beamed to the center on the conference room.

There was a man with white suit was seen in the middle.

He was the CEO of the SaitCorp.

He was opened his arms wide with a huge smile on his face and start to talk with audence.

"Everyone welcome to the new era, Saint Corp proudly presents you our new game and our revulutionary gaming system. Full dive virtual reality ... Ouroboros Online. Please watch the introduction for now i will accept your questions after the demonstration"

The only light in the conference hall was closed and a huge projection was start to show to the attendes on the conference.

There is a man on the video at first and he was running inside of a futuristic envoirment.

The man have some protection suit was donned on himself and suddenly 3 other man was shown near him, they are running like him and blaring siren sound was heard on the back ground. Some helicopter like vehicles was seen on the background , they are firing with machine guns and misilles around.

There was some explosions around the teams, missiles was landing near their point and blasts was seen around the futuristic buildings.

The team of 4 finaly reach a place that look like a hangar and every one was start to run to a specified point.

ıt was dark inside of the building and nothing was shown.

Suddenly 4 set of lights was seen inside hangar and jet engine sound was start to humming.

The 4 diferent styled aircraft was made a quick run on the runway take off and engage the helicopters on the air.

The images are increadible realistics and sound was shake the seats of the attending press members.

About 5 minutes later all helicopters was down and team return to their base.

They land skillfuly and disengage from their aircraft.

At least the video was ended with a oval Snake logo on the screen.

After the logo the audence was seen 4 young man that wore something like a motorcyle helment and laying down on a sofa.

They start to laugh and tell their operation themself.

The lights inside the building was opened again and CEO of Saint Corp. was seen again.

He start to talk again with audience.

"This is our gaming system , the full dive virtual reality helmet and this is our first VRMMO game Ouroboros Online. We worked so much in order to see this day and we are proud to present the future. There is no genre specification because the game itself is included all genres.

FPS, RPG etc. all genres are included in the game therefore we have %99 reality.

You can create / craft or upgrade an item in the factory or laboratory that can be used on the game , you can fly inside the game maps with your Gear ( AirCraft / Plane ) or you can simple walk inside the terrain ( City or mountain range , dungeon or anywhere )."

Some of the reporters raised their hand and start to shouting in order to get answer to their questions.

Without a doubt it will be a technology and gamne that start a new era.

Everyone ask's what is the background of tech and why they dont create a game that contains fantasy , might & magic style game system to the creators / development team of the game but the answer is shocked them again.

The CEO of the Saint Corp gaming company says with a huge smile on his face;

"As i said before Ouroboros Online is a Sci-Fi game that presents the future of humanity but it also contains other multiple gaming factors inside of the game but they are hidden in the game.

How can you unlock this secrets ?? İts totaly up to the players."

One of the reportes was cant hold his curiousity and asked.

"What is that meaning Mr.CEO can you give us more hints regarding this matter?"

The CEO of the Saint Corp gaming company only two words;

"Soul Links"

Soul Links ? What is that meaning ? After this anouncement there is a huge uproar on the meeting room but CEO refuse to give anymore answers due to company policies and their secrets...

"What is the price of this new game? İs its affordable by all players ?" Ask one reporter.

"The initial Price is 100 Usd, but this 100 usd is only the starting gear and game copy, after the starting gear instalation , user should open the subscription of the account with weekly 1 usd" says the CEO.

One Reporter asks "Why its so cheap ? This technology , this gear setup is sure is have some expenses for example for maintenance of the servers etc."

"Yes its expensive at the first look but we find a solution to decrease gear cost and maintenance.

So in short of we decide to accept other companies advertisements in the game with affordable price range and time intervals" says the CEO.

So its like that... its understandable in order to reduce the cost's the cımpany was rent some space to other companies advertisements it also provides some meat to other companies.Greed is a hard thing to manage , if saint corp will monopolise all the benefits of the game probably all other companies will join on the same banner in order to destroy the saint corp. Goverments are also included ....

After the first release in 24 hours all the internet all the world istself is talking about ouroboros online.

After 1 week the games sale quantities reached to 1 Milion copys!

After a Month sale quantities of game is reached to 5 milion copys!

Still the copy of the game and gear sales are increasing with incredible speed.

Currently more that 10,000,000 players in world are in playing the ouroboros online!


Los Angeles - CA

Meanwhile meet the Alexander Zaitsev.

He was a 19 year old guy with blonde hair 175 cm height and average weight.

He lives with his mother now , several years ago his father died on a car accident.

He actualy was a nice guy with a kind heart but the world itself making him every day more and more tired of living.. He is not a rich man... He doesnt have a huge inheritance from his father or some relative...

He has to work in order to see the next day ... and actualy when his fater dead left him a mortgage debt...

Thank god the insurance company give them some money due his father's death.

It was enought to pay the remaining mortgage debt otherwise the consequences are not soo good for alexander and his mother.

He have to look for his mother every day... Life itself a realy hard for a living...

In this kind of world Alexander try his best in order to earn a change to living when the other guys in his age are chasing the girls and goofing around..

Alexander also try to finish the California State University ( He was in the first year ) but his grades are not so good because he have to work on a conveniance store after the school and its takes his time for studying..

After the work he goes directly to home to take care of his mother every day.

Some day at California State University year 1 class of history.

Half of the classroom was empty probaly most of the students skip the class due boring content and a super boring teacher.

Alexander was trying to sleep on his desk as always when Mr.Beck was giving a lecture.

There is a causian young man was seated on his right , he is his hardcore friend Jese.

At the middle of the class jese nudges him and says ;

"Hey alex look at this shit can you believe it pal!"

Alexander was raised his head and opened his eyes but they are red like blood.

"Come on jese leave me alone, i am not interested in anything bro i just want to sleep for a while."

Said and gone back to dream world.

"Alex dont do this , right now look at this announcements!"

"Wtf jese give me a break man"

After that jese put his phone almost on the face of alex and say "Look at it damn it!"

Alex try to understand what is the meaning of his friends ruckus and one minute later.

"Ouroboros Online , Wtf ?? Full dive Virtual Reality İs it Even Posible ?? One minute ! What kind of sicked genre is this ??"

This is the first thouths of alex about the game after seing the announcement on the screen of the phone.

"Can you look at this weekly 1 usd account rent price , probably there is some shit to rob money from poor people like me, i bet on my life after you login to game they will ask money for this and that for everything" says alex.

"Oh Come on alex even you can afford the gear and a copy, its says all cost is 100 usd man"

"100 usd ! 100 usd jese! Did you know how much hours do i have to earn this kind of money jese!

For gods sake ill work for 300 usd for all month man, give me a break please.

Do you know how much takes is a households electicity, water , gas , phone etc. bills every month.

Thank god i am living in my familiy house or rent and other expenses will be kiling me".

"ok ok alex i get it and i am sory bro i forgot your situation man sory"

"its ok jese i hope someday i can do some normal things too ( Sight ) "

"Haaaa , Dont wory brother im with you if you need anything just ask"

After the lecture is over alex gone to his house to change his outfit and afterwars he was gone to work.

Days passed like this.

1 Month Later ....

At a Local Conveniance store 8PM.

Alex finished tidying the boxes on the warehouse and gone to the store mananger rahim to inform about it.

"Hi Mr.Rahim i was finished stackıng the boxes on the ware house"

"Thanks for good work alex, by the way you are over worked today , ı will add this extra hours that you worked on ıt to your salary, meanwhile if you doesnt have anything in perticular can i ask you a favor?"

"Yes Mr.Rahim what is this thing ?"

"Oh its not that important , can you goto the next store that plays the lottary and put this coupon please?"

Alexander was smiling inside, how the hell was his managers luck. His manager was the brother of the boss and he was second in inheritance therefore he was appointed as a manager in one of the local stores.

Actualy he was not wiling to go this kind of mundane tasks but he have respect for mr rahim, he was a good man all in all.

"İts ok i can handle it and give the ticket tomorrow when i come to store ."

"Thanks for inconvenience alex"

After finishing the work alex gone to the lotery store to put up the tıcket on play, meanwhile alex decide to try his luck too.

"i want to put this ticket up for lotary , how much do i have to pay?"

"Hi its have 4 columns its 4 usd in total"

After paying the ticket for Mr. Rahim alex prepares another ticket too for himself.

He fill a blank ticket with haste and leave his stingy side for a minute.

"i also want to play this ticket sir"

After paying for his ticket alex gone to home.

"Hi Mom im home."

"Oh hi welcome home my son, how is your day?"

Alex's mother's name is Elena she was 60 years old this year, and as you can guess alex's familiy is from russia , they gone to america 20 years ago from St.Petersburg Russia.

"İts fine mom, lessons lessons lessonns , work work work again"

"Dont stand on the way go wash your hand's and get in to kitchen i was made some pasta for you , i know that you liked it"

"Ok mom thank you"

After finished the meal alex gone to his room to catch sleep.

This weekend alex is not working so he have a litle more time to spend on himself.

Alex decides to hangout with his friend jese and called him to a shoping Mall to sight seeing ,realy guys its not that they catcaling the girls or something...

When they are hanging with jese , alex see the store that play the lottoery ticket and suggest to stop by there.

"Hey jese i have to go to this store to check the lotery result come lets go for a while"

Jese was agrred because there is not so much things to do today except to look at the beautiful flowers that passed them.

"Jese seriously stop checking this girl , dont you see she is a bitchy type man, come on let's go"

"ok im coming"

When they gone to store alex show his ticket to the guy at the store and ask.

"hi can you check my ticket for lotary results please"

The clerk on the store was looked for him and come forward to check his ticket on the machine.

" one minute please"

Meanwhile a sound is heard.....


Alexander jumped backwards due sudded alarming sound.

"What ?? Wtf ?? What is this sound?"

"Relax pal you have got a prize on your ticket letme check the amount"

The clerk was start to push some buttons on the screen meanwhile alexander was shıcked to his core due this unknown develeopment.

"Omg omg omg its a prize a PRIZE!!! İ wonder how much is its !"

Alex heart skips a beat when looking at the clerk when was checking the screen.

"Man youre realy lucky" said the man in the store

"No way ! No way i am not that lucky but how much that i win"

"You have guesed 4 numbers in total 6 of it and in your lotery ticket you earned the 1,000 usd, but the amount is biger than 100 usd therefore you should go to central lotery station there to claim it"

1,000 usd ! 1,000 usd is not a huge fortune but it was a giant windfall for alex.

1,000 usd ! 1,000 usd ! Alex creaming loudly from inside.

The school , the house hold expenses , almost everything can be sort out for a long while.

Thank god, thank you at least ..

Was thinking alexander but inside he was crying from joy.

"i am going there where is it please tell me"

The man carefuly instructed the way to alex and they bid their farewell to the guy.

After they gone to the central lotery statıon they claimed the prize and gone directly to the bank, alex want immediatly put this money on his account.

"Hey alex ?"

"What jese "

"Come on treat me some meal at WcDonals"

"What ?? Jese bro come on youre a son of a doctor go buy your meal to yourself"

"Tsk stingy as usual , come on once for a while do something good for humanity"

"ok jese its for once ok now"

This hapy times is going on for all day, at some time something hit the head of alex.

"Shit man i forgot to tell my mother about prize and so... "

"Its ok man go home ill hang out for a while"

"Jese seriously stop checking this girls , i am prety sure that you can find a decent girl in the school"

"Eh its hard to find a decent one you know that "

"Anyway im going to home , see you around brother"

When alex reached his home he tell his mother the situation and prize and show her his account book.

His mother is hapy but meanwhile have some deep thoughts about his son.

"Son listen up what i am saying, i think i have to talk with you on some matters.."

"What mom?"

Alexander was alarmed at first , did she find his secret stuf ??

No way she cant find it there right ?

Alex is panicked from inside but the truth is far far away from expectations.

"Listen son there is something that bothers me... After your dad had passed you became more and more responsible it is a good thing and i realy appreciate it , without you i realy dont know what to do.

Meanwhile i am afraid you mature so much early that i cant keep up with it , so my suggestion is i think is just about time because of this prize money or so.

I think that you should relax a bit from all this high stress life, i know that youre a good boy and i know you have your own fears and stugles regarding the life and so.

I want you to go and look at something to relax something to be yourself."

"Huh What??"

"Youre a smart , good , hard working boy , i realy love you son and i want you to relax a a bit because i was afraid at some time you burn yourself from inside."

Its the un escapable truth, from a long time alex build up a huge stress and need a distraction or something in his life other than school or work.

He have to do something like the peoples from the same age sometimes.

"Oh i get it mom , but the truth is i dont know what to do and how to do...

All this years i have to work hard and work harder and work harder there is nothing else , i think i even forget how to be myself."

"Dont wory son you just have to find something , some place in life where you can feel at ease.

No No you doesnt show to anyone but i know you have a wild side in your heart alex.

You have to show him a road .. othewise it will consume you.. "

Alex know this words are the truth and have to do something about it...

At some point he have to release all accumulated stress and frustations in his life.

He was start to think for himself.

Girls , too expensive ...

Hobies , to expensive ..

Meanwhile on the TV in the room there is a special program running.

The Reporter on the TV show is a young woman , a young idol that presents the current status of the game.

She's name is Xan Mei she was from Korea but speacking fluently english.

Hmm looks like also cosplaying like a air force officer with a shot skirt .

Alexander was mesmerised by the natural beauty on the tv screen

Meanwhile the beautiful announcer start to talk with a melodious voice.

"Everyone please listen this , Can you believe it the "Ouroboros Online" is reached to 20,000,000 copies all around the world!

Almost all the peoples in the internet was talking about new VRMMORPG "Ouroboros Online".

But What is this game about ? Why everyone is captivated to this game?

İs it just a game ? Or Something More ?

Lets look what do we have in the game on the basic front.

Yes we have a limited time today dear viewers but from the next week we have to air a special show just for the game for 2 hours.

The game is actualy a Sci-Fi game but the genre is mixed with almost everything, it contains 2 sides of factions.

The factions are Republic and Empire, in the storyline they are fighting for almost for millenia.

This 2 factions have a huge believe me Huge Space Type Mother Ship and made almost every month a "Mother Ship Battle" also guilds of 2 fractions are fight every week to capture a base from other faction, there are also some strategic point battles that gives huge amount of fame to users at randomly interval!

In this game you are a pilot of a Fighter AirCraft , who have to fight with other fractions members or guilds or simple just for PVP!

They have 4 Aircraft class in the game , yes you heard it corectly 4 Aircraft class and no knights no spelcasters no assasins etc. 4 type of aircraft and only one user avatar is allowed.

There are also skills in the game, but the critical point is "Soul Link" at this point i think only the top player know what is it and the company refuses to share any other information but the speculations says its something like magic!

Can you believe it on a Sci-Fi game something like magic usage inside a Aircraft!

Let look a bit deeper , The classes are like this ;

A- Stealth Bombardier , hard defence and hard atack!

B- Immortal Tank , yes its a flying tank dear viewers!

C- Wise Support , Hard defence and much more skills!

D- Agile Sniper , Fast atacker !

But you can also create a normal avatar to run around the cities and other places.

The NPC support AI and programing are incredible you cant and dont know who is NPS who is the Player believe me i was played this game 2 hours and i cant find it !

In the game you have to use a aircraft as a base you can buy it on any city but if the rumors are true you can make your base aircraft with some alloys too !

On this base you have to put some other part and weapons dear viewers othewise the game doesnt give you permısıon for take off.

Other parts are ;

Engine, Radar , Fuel Tank, Shield Support Unit , AI Supporter.

Weapons are in 2 types!

Yes just only 2 types but believe me there are incredible variations!

1 - Machine Guns;

A-Vulcan Type , B-Snake Type , C-Drum Type , D-Cannon Type

2 - Misilles ;

A-Arrow Type , B-Tongpa Type , C-Dril Type,C- Rocket Type

There are endless posibilities in the game and actualy can you believe it the game manifacturer Saint Corp CEO made an announcement today.

After Today in 1 year later there will be a a huge tournament with a cash prize...

And the Cash Prize is 100,000,000 usd! 100 Milions of United States Dolars!"

After this point alex is stunned , 100 Milions of Usd's? Are they serious ?

One minute , yes they are they have more than 20,000,000 users now and this users give 1 usd to them every week and that mean this 100,000,000 usd is only 1 monthly income only....

These Corp bastards just put fuel to fire.

Hmmm. Anyway how hard can it be , Maybe i can try it too for a while for kiling time right ?

Let calculate it only cost 100 usd to game gear and weekly 1 usd for account hmmm..

In 1 year it takes total 152 usd ....

"Mother i think i found something to do for a while"

Next day alex call the jese and went to a store to buy a game gear and copy of the game.

After that he gone to house to prepare the game.

Game Box ontains something like motorcyle helmet , a cable for internet connecion and a USB stick.

To install and run the game player should connect the cable to LAN network ( with internet ) and thats all , there is no other things to do.

Alex open the user manual of the game.

"Oh this a crystal USB memory is for recording inside the game"

There are some other instructions too but the weird thing is in order to use this game gears users need to gone a sleep like mode.

This mode will awaken their senses to the limit says the user manual.

After the preparations alex put the helmet an gone to the bed.

<< GAME START>> shouts alex!