Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

The day of my birth was drought with pain, intense pain that no ordinary baby should be put through. As soon as a single part of my body had been able to be grabbed, the person I can only assume as my father grabbed me from the arm and tossed me aside like a used rag. Being yet a child I had no orientation or anyway of controlling my body at first, and a resounding snap from where my arm instantly breaking from impact of the floor. The pain made me want to cry out, but only a light squeak of pain came out. My eyes opened quickly because of the pain which should not be possible for a child of 1 day old to do, but the pain was to much and masked the surprise of sight.

I could feel my little arm under my body, the broken part stabbing into my body as the soft bone had snapped and protruded into the outside world. Trying to force my other unbroken arm to lift myself off to get rid of some of the pain. Somehow I was able to get myself into sitting position with more strength then I should have as a new born. Then it hit me, i could see, but the first thing that came into my sight was not one I wished to have seen.

A pool of blood lay on my birth mothers slate, for she was not laying down in a bed like one should but on a solid price of stone. Her eyes blank of emotion, no spark of life to show that sh was even living. She seemed to be in a vegetative state, as the man that had pulled me and thrown me away by the arm stared down with lust at her. What made it worse was the pool of blood that should have terrified me or made me feel worry for the life of said mother, instead made me feel a hunger I'd never felt before. The bright red color, and the light smell of iron in the air induced hunger pangs in me.

As the man grabbed my mother and started to commit his sexual assault on my mother i could hear a loud pulse as his blood rushed through out his body in excitement. He seemed to have already forgotten about me and so in my hunger I started crawling forward towards him. My broken arm just sliding along the ground as I winced in pain but the hunger was much worse then the feeling of pain my arm gave off.

Unsure if he was to busy with his own actions that let me get close to him enough to bite into him or if it was that his eyes where just as glazed over as my mother's. I'd like to say I jumped and bit into his throat where the source of the pulse was the loudest but still being a newborn my legs where not well enough to jump and I could only sink my feet into the man's leg. As I bit into him he didn't even flinch and just continued his sexual acts. as I drank his blood his body slowly dried up but he did not seem to notice me in the slightest not even as the light that showed he was alive wavered off and disappeared. His body moving less as I continued to drink my fill till the moment he died. I'm not sure where all that blood went for even after there was no longer anymore i could drink from the unknown man, my pan fog hunger was still there, lightened only slightly.

As the body slumped over it made a perfect bridge up onto the slab where my mother lay and as I came up to see my mothers face that had gone pale from exertion and exhaustion. Her pulse made the hunger pang rage even more hungrily then before. In the back of my mind I knew that what I was about to do was something I did not wish to happen, but my body moved on its own. My broken arm was no longer broken and seemed to have started healing the moment I drank blood for the first time, but there was still a dull pain. As i sat on my mother's chest I caressed her face as I sank my small fangs into her throat. She made no move to stop me either and just continued to lay there as I started to slowly drain the life out of her. Tears poured out of my eyes and onto my mother, but I couldn't stop, I was letting the hunger consume me as my mother's life dwindled away. Her body mummifying as the blood was drained away from her.

But not once did she move to stop me, no words where spoken.just as I had thought from time I was still within her, my mother was not really there. Her mind seemed to have long left her, and I started to believe that what I was doing was right. I was giving her a release from a world where she could could do nothing but lay there. She would not longer have to be used for another's sexual needs, or have to birth more of whatever I may be. As her last breath escaped her and her body turned limp stiff from death I hugged my mother's neck, my tears no longer streaking down my face. All I could think of was that the only connection to this world was dead of my own doing, and now from the moment of my first day alive I will have to move on alone. There would be little that could be as great as the connection between a mother and son, but that had been robbed from the moment my mother was turned into a vegetative state, then once again robbed from the warmth of a mother's embrace by my own doing as my hunger devoured her. Even then I must still live, I was given life so in the end all I could do was live.

As my mind was settling with a goal in mind, the door I hadn't noticed creeped open with a grating noise of of metal shrieking as the bolt rubbed against the hinges that held onto the frame