Chereads / Stories about merchants or cunning merchant / Notes on writing a new volume, a new spin-off story. Thoughts and doubts and new sequels about treasure hunters.

Stories about merchants or cunning merchant

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Notes on writing a new volume, a new spin-off story. Thoughts and doubts and new sequels about treasure hunters.

The author had an idea when he ate delicious Italian pasta. But the pasta came from Arabistan? Although others say that the Arabs borrowed the idea from China along the Silk Road. One way or another, it would be great if Dara could use pasta as a subject for trade! But in the modern world, hundreds of pasta variants of different shapes, contents, taste and color have already been created and are known. Few can surprise them ?!

But if ... if ..yu Daru move to another place and time?

Place for example, parallel fun! After all, astronomers say that there are 22,000 worlds in the world! But it sounds too fantastic, the genre is a fiction of history ... and not science fiction. Although consciousness could temporarily go to Nirvana ... or begin to travel through the universes ... but this is already from Chinese philosophy and Integral Yoga ... Little scientific. In addition, Dara is not fond of science fiction.

Therefore, as one of our design engineers says, it's better to bomb (that is, work) on your subject. So there must be a story ?! So this world, place Earth, but what time to choose? Paleolithic? This is 48,000 years ago. Then, for sure, there was no wheat ... and probably rice ... Then maybe in the Bronze Age? 3000 years ago? The era of the Late Holocene ... it's cold, the glacier has not yet been ravaged ... Although, wait a minute, the very last glaciation of the Earth itself was the Würezke, and this is 35,000 years ago ?! Or maybe Dara would end up in Sogd or Bactria. The language is more or less like Farsi ?! And it looks like the language of Small-An, Esperanto of the Silk Road, a mixture of Arabic, Monogol, Persian, Chinese, Turkic ...

For example, in the 6-7th century? Or immediately during the battle of the Arabs and the Chinese, who had the main Korean commander? The famous Talas battle ?!

It seems best to send Dara, in the era of antiquity, the first settlement of a modern, straight-walking person, that is, the time began to develop mountain valleys, floodplains, terraces, and foothill valleys. Sowing them with walnut trees and bushes. The beginning of a grandiose project on irrigation of the steppe ... the creation of irrigation canals. Visit of the Chinese monks ... the first century AD and as 5 centuries of the functioning of the Silk Road ...

But here I, as an author, already understand that there are so many different versions of such events - rebirth, getting into another world, a parallel world, into the past or the future ... that is, it turns out, again the plot can become a cliché or cliché. That is not original. On the other hand, in the 21st century it is naive to think that after the masters of the genre of writing short stories, geniuses and just masters who have gotten their hands on the writing of works of art, a new genre can be created.

One way or another, I will not endow the main character with super powers, only those that were in the novel "Magic Coin Jiang." It can be with a part of truncated functions.

Or maybe he'll send Dar to the 7th century ... a couple of years before Li-Ban's trip or while sending Li-Ban to the desert ... but then, it will be difficult for the Chinese, who know a lot about cooking noodles, to surprise them and make your business successful.

Therefore, it may be worth sending Dar nevertheless to the "Light" mountains. To not be too fantastic, his knowledge of a foreign language for him. And where will Dara find the money for her business? In those places that the Historian told him about? Will he be able to make a metal detector himself? Or, nevertheless, let the plot be borrowed from Japanese authors with their purchase of equipment on the Internet site or just a selection of goods in a shopping center? Or is it easier to equip Dar with the ability of his eyes and glasses to temporarily work in the ground scanning mode to detect gold coins and silver, copper, bronze, and precious stones. Like a superhero, Maytimaus?

I should think. In total, I plan to write 5 or 10 chapters on this volume. How Dara applies her knowledge from the modern world to become a merchant, open her own trading business, open her own farm store or become a speculator - a reseller. There are many options.

Tomorrow I will write the first chapter.

And along the way, you will have to work on the remaining chapters, Gifts, somewhat abandoned due to the arch with treasure hunters, but I will return to it later. Since there is still new information on this topic.

Thank you, my laconic readers, thank you for reading, this gives an incentive to write further! With respect and appreciation.