Chereads / THE FORGOTTEN DOOR / Chapter 14 - SIDE STORY

Chapter 14 - SIDE STORY

Planet Cordon, the fifth planet from the Star 'Betelgeuse' (Pronounced "Beetle juice"). It is approximately 520 light-years from earth and situated in the Orion's Belt. The Star Betelgeuse Is about 950,000 times larger than the sun and it is about 237,400,080 miles from Planet Cordon. Planet Cordon has a spherical shape that are slightly flattened at the poles to give a nearly spherical shape best described as 'Geoid' (earth's shape) but its surface area is about 17 times that of earths.

Planet Cordon is identical to earth and has an Ozone layer similar to that of earth signifying that there is a possibility that it supports life. The natives of the planet are similar to Humans, they possess the same Genus as humans (HOMO) and while Humans are 'Homo Sapiens', they are 'Homo Superiors' and they refer to each other as 'Newmans'. The Newmans are advanced species with natural high intelligence and advanced technology. They are hurdled at the Southeast side of Cordon, they are hurdled as colonies and occasionally you could see carriages they call space shuttles of different sizes travelling at great speed, transporting Newmans, goods, and at times Animals. The animals on this planet have also evolved to the extent of being able to feel the thoughts that the Newmans are passing across and there are three classifications of the animals based on the food-which are The Herbivores, Omnivores and the decomposers. The omnivores eat lots of herbs but consume meat only when they are starved yet there have been no case of omnivores attacking or killing Newmans. The lands in the South and East part of the planet are very fertile while those on the North part are covered with extremely dense. The lands that cover Central and Western part are desert like in nature.

On a hill, a group of Newmans were crowded around a cave-in on the ground, some were searching the surrounding but a man with a curious cap over his long hair, and one hand clenched under his chin as if he were lost in thought.

They had all been watching the first shooting stars that were crossing the sky. The smaller children were exclaiming in delight, and the meteor showers were about to begin when they heard a cry. All the elder ones looked behind them to where the cry was from and before they could register what was happening, there was rumbling and the ground that had a hole was suddenly closed as if there wasn't a hole. The only evidence that there had been a hole was the cave in. They called for the elders and did a roll call, and then they discovered that they were missing a young Newman-Jon. At that moment, three elders arrived at the hill, in the middle was a man with Gray hair supported by a walking stick, he looked fragile and lean but he exuded the aura of a ruler. On his right, a man that had features that that is similar to Jon's and on the left, a beautiful woman that looked a lot like Jon. The three arrived and the other Newmans made a fist with their right hand on the left side of their chest as a sign of greeting. After this, the man on the right moved to the cave in and was deep in thought when the gray-haired man came beside him.

"Eric, Are you sure this is it?" asked the gray-haired man

"Yes, dad," Eric said while bending down to examine the soil that had hardened. "I am sure it is the Door that Ancestor Dura was referring to in the ancient book"

"But-well, she said that the door only appears for a brief moment" the gray-haired man started, "I think the location of the door must have been in the torn page. I can't believe that the door we've spent decades searching for just to understand teleportation was right under our nose."

"Yes, but there is a problem, I can't feel Jon's life presence on Cordon any longer but the amulet still shows that he is alive. Another problem is how do we monitor the door to understand how it works when the door can only be accessed once in a while?" Eric was discussing this with his Dad.

(A/N: The gray-haired man is the chief of the Colony so I'll start addressing him as the chief of the colony)

Then the chief turned and started walking toward the Newmans that stood alongside Arisa (Jon's mother who's also the woman that came with the chief and Eric-Jon's father) followed by Eric.

"The door that Ancestor Dura wrote about in the ancient book activated while Jon was standing over it. You should all go to your various homes." The chief paused and the Newmans turned after greeting the chief and the other Newmans that the chief indicated to wait behind and started heading to their various homes.

"I and Eric with the Eight of you are travelling out of Orion and the trip might take a while because we are not sure which galaxy Jon was teleported to . . . but in the mean time, I leave Arisa in charge for the mean time. To save time, we are taking the 'Silver Unicorn' and I estimate we should be back within 5 weeks." The chief continued, "We leave by dawn, so you all have the night to prepare for the search. You are dismissed."

After saying this, they all left the hill and went to their various homes at the bottom of the hill.

At the first sign of dawn breaking, the Chief and the men were already at the rear entrance hatch of the 'Silver Unicorn'. After they were all settled in, they took off from the launch pad and they were out of Cordon in No time.


Happy Boxing Day Guys

I'm Sorry for not updating earlier