From the midst of dreams he had stepped, for a moment only, into the borderland of waking life—the next
moment to be plunged into eternal sleep."
Having finished his story, the schoolmaster was silent for a little. Suddenly, the moment
he stopped, I realised that except for him the whole world had become silent and still.
For a long time I also remained speechless, and in the darkness he was unable to see
from my face what was its expression.
At last he asked me: "Don't you believe this story?"
I asked: "Do you?"
He said: "No; and I can give you one or two reasons why. In the first place, Dame
Nature does not write novels, she has enough to do without——"
I interrupted him and said: "And, in the second place, my name happens to be Bhusan
The schoolmaster, without the least sign of discomfiture, said: "I guessed as much. And
what was your wife's name?"
I answered: "Nitya Kali."