Chereads / I'm a Vampire God?! / Chapter 19 - My Magical Concert and First Blood

Chapter 19 - My Magical Concert and First Blood

2 weeks have passed since we activated the Aegis of Megido, and today is the day of my first concert. I'm kind of nervous to be honest, but as soon as my nerves get out of wack I feel a cool feeling from my heart spread throughout my body and then I'm okay. This must be the affect of my Vampire God soul and body. I'm definitely not human anymore, that I'm more than aware of now. As I teleport to my base, Jelia is there waiting for me and runs with me up to her idol prep room and a team of girls strip me excitedly and I'm suddenly wearing that outfit from my OP. The girls were shocked that I didn't need any powder to make me paler, and simply sent me back to Jelia; I'm ready to get going now.

Hurrying to the elevator, we go up to the top floor and Jelia leads me onto the roof. A helicopter was waiting for us. Jelia explained that I'm going to glide down onto the stage from above and land in the middle of mist on the stage. Climbing inside of the helicopter, I gave Jelia a thumbs up as we rapidly take off into the air with the rotors of the helicopter whirring rapidly. 8 minutes later we were hovering about 500 feet in the air, and it was time for me to make my entrance. Ripping open the door of the helicopter, I smirked at Jelia and said, "Well I'm off, wish me luck!". Afterward I dove face forward towards the stage, and when I was 100 feet above the stage, I controlled the air around me and gently settled onto the center of the stage, stirring up the mist and swirling it around me. That's quite an entrance I think.

With a loud roar, teens and adults in the thousands began to chant, "Vampire God, Vampire God!". I summoned a glass of blood out of my inventory, and drank it slowly on camera, allowing a bit to drip down the corner of my mouth. Licking it up, I then waved my hand and stowed away my glass. The crowd cheered even louder. I walked slowly to the edge of the foggy and misty stage, and said, "Mortals are you ready for the show of your lives?! I will now sing my song, Blood Strong."

Hold on, be strong

Face the disaster head on

Be blood strong feel the call

Of an ancient secret seen by all

Listen now and remember my words

I'm the Vampire God, here to rule the world

I'm blood strong watch me as I sing my song


As I made my way along the stage and sang my song, I noticed a small group of people clustered throughout the crowd who weren't cheering, and were slowly making their way to the stage. So it begins eh? Let the war begin then!

As the vampires and werewolves made their way to the stage, I continued singing and acted like I was clueless. Suddenly I was attacked from all sides, and mid dance I deftly summoned my swordwhip and stabbed through the open mouth of a blonde female vampire. Her brain matter sprayed everywhere, and the crowd began to scream in terror. Getting in a combat stance after I removed my weapon from the vampire's mouth, I then slowly slid my gaze along the fools who decided to attack me and said, "Who's dying next? Any volunteers? Come now, my time is precious you fools!"

With a roar, I dashed forward to a Chinese man who was morphing into a werewolf. Bringing my blade low to the ground, I was going for a bisecting strike from the crotch up. Suffice it to say, I effortlessly succeeded. After killing him, I laughed coldly as I held my blade up to my mouth and licked off the blood and swallowed it. My eyes glowing, I glared at the group of about two dozen and said, "Is this your best? Such a disappointment. Now, prepare to be massacred!"

Letting out a scream of terror, the group tried to flee, but I rapidly darted through them laughing colder as time passed, and reaped heads left and right. Seven seconds later all of them lay dead in a pool of blood, and I looked up as I saw Jelia coming low to the ground with the helicopter. With a gentle leap I landed inside of the chopper, and gestured for the pilot to take off. Eight minutes later we came down for a landing on Mooncrown. Leaping out of the chopper, I began to speak to Jelia about the attack.

"So it would seem that first blood in this war goes to me Jelia. The fools sent such base level mutts and lesser vampires to kill me? Unlikely. I'm certain they were simply testing the extent of my power. Oh, shall they ever come to regret becoming I, Clyde's, enemy. Such idiocy. Prepare everyone for an assault on our base. Our defenses are ready, and our resources procured. Now we must gather everyone into our base and prepare for a fight. I will go and get Shinji and Yusuke. You shall handle the rest." Jelia lightly curtsied and said, "As you will my God." With a blur Jelia vanished, and I too swiftly teleported to my dorm room.

Looking around the room, I noticed the two of them playing a game on their computers. I walked over to them and said, "War has come to us comrades. Let's go to our base, and ready ourselves for the battle to come." Shinji and Yusuke both looked at each other and nodded before both of them gave me looks of sheer determination. I clasped my hands on their shoulders and teleported us behind my throne in my throne room. I walked around the corner and took a seat at my throne. Let's prepare ourselves.

Jelia arrived in the throne room at that moment, and with her a massive amount of races. Vampires, elves, werewolves, fairies, orcs, fox-kin and many more. Thousands of different people of many races crowded into my throne room and flooded towards me. Suddenly, I heard the double doors close with a boom and simultaneously everyone present kneeled before me. I stood up, and raised my hands in the air then began to speak.

"Brothers and sisters of the myriad races of the world; welcome to my sanctuary. Today is a momentous day for the unification of our races, but it's also unfortunately the day that war sought after us. I brought all of you here today to prepare you for the days ahead. For those of you who wish to fight with us stay behind and kneel. Those of you who wish to leave, feel free because no one will force you to fight." After my words fell onto their ears, everyone present kneeled again and not a person left. I felt my chest fill with pride and joy as I looked at my comrades and said, "Welcome to the Nightblood Unification Army!" Everyone began to stomp and cheer at my welcome, and the men beat their chests and roared. After everyone calmed down I began to speak again.

"The tens of thousands of people here are now a part of a movement. A movement to unite the world under one banner: Nightblood. Together we shall fight, and together we shall unite the world to become as one! Stand ready these days ahead, for we are about to experience our first battle. It's not clear how soon this will be, it could even be today but be ready. Follow Jelia to our armory, and she shall get you armed with your preferred weapons and armor." Once I finished my speech, I dismissed everyone and they all bowed to me before hurrying after Jelia who skipped away like a child going to a candy shop. To think, she used to be the queen of vampires. Ha.

Now that it's just me and the guys, I let out a sigh and said, "Guys shit finally got real. Stay close to me during the coming fight, because I don't want to see you or Jelia hurt. We will be fighting of course, but as my bloodline you three are precious to me. Plus the two of you're my buddies. We'll fight together as the super elite unit. We are the bosses of this raid!" Shinji and Yusuke snickered at my words before they both fist bumped me, and brought me in for a bro hug. Now we just need to get ready, because ready or not the fights coming to us...