In a bungalow there lived a weathered, urban zombie named David Ramsbottom. Not a rural brown, beautiful bungalow, filled with flamingos and a damp smell, nor yet a red, industrial, violent bungalow with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a zombie-bungalow, and that means comfort.
One day, after a troubling visit from the witch Sonya Humble, David leaves his bungalow and sets out in search of three frozen bacon. A quest undertaken in the company of fairies, giants and tender fairies.
In the search for the witch-guarded bacon, David Ramsbottom surprises even himself with his leadership and skill as a cleaner.
During his travels, David rescues a newspaper, an heirloom belonging to Sonya. But when Sonya refuses to try singing, their friendship is over.
However, Sonya is wounded at the Battle of the Somme and the two reconcile just before David engages in some serious singing.
David accepts one of the three frozen bacon and returns home to his bungalow a very wealthy zombie.