Chereads / AFTER FALLEN IN LOVE / Chapter 93 - Going To Get That Dress

Chapter 93 - Going To Get That Dress

"The lease will be in both of your names correct?" The man asks and looks at me. I get the feeling he is silently asking if I am sure about this.

"Yes." haeeh answers for me and signs his name on the bottom of multiple pages before sliding the packet over to me.

I grab the pen and sign before think about it again. I am ready for this, we are ready for this. Yes we are young and we haven't known each other very long but I know that I love him more than anything and he loves me, as long as that is certain the rest will fall into place.

"Alright, here are your keys." The man whose name I assume is Robert because that name appears on multiple pages hands Harry and I each a set of keys and leave.

"Well.. welcome home?" Harry says when the man leaves.

I laugh and step closer to him so he can wrap his arms around me.

"I can't believe we live here now. It still doesn't seem real." My eyes scan the living room.

"If someone would have told me I would be living with you, let alone dating you two months ago I would have either laugh in their face or punched them.. either one." He smiles and takes my face between his hands.

"Well aren't you sweet?" I tease and put my hands on his sides.

"It's a relief though, to have our own space. No more parties, no more roommates and community showers." I say.

"Our own bed." He adds with a smug smile.

"We will need to get a few things, dishes and such. Do you like the bedding in the bedroom? Everything is new but if you don't like the colours we can get a new one." He says.

"Are you feeling okay?" I touch the back of my han to his forehead. "You're being awfully corporative today." I smile.

"I just want to make sure you are pleased with everything here. I want you to feel at home.. with me."

"And what about you? Do you feel at home here?" I ask him and he nods.

"Surprisingly enough, yes." He answers and looks around the room.

"We should go get my stuff, I don't have much but a few books and my clothes." I say.

"I already got it."

"What?" I ask.

"I brought all of you belongings from your room, they are in your truck." He explains.

"How did you know I would sign? What if I hated the apartment?" I smile. I do wish I could have said goodbye to Steph and the room that I called home for three months but I am sure I will see her again soon.

"'Because if you wouldn't have like this one, I would have found one that you did." He answers confidently.

"Oh. well, what about your stuffs?"

"We can get it tomorrow, I have clothes in my truck."

"What's with that anyway?" He always has so many clothes in his car.

"I don't know really. I guess you just never know when you will need clothes." He shrugs.

"Let's go to the store and get all the shit we need for the kitchen and some foods." Harry says.

"Okay." My stomach has been full of butterflies since I stepped into the apartment.

"Can I drive your car again?" I ask when we get down the lobby.

"I don't know." He smiles.

"You painted my car without my permission, I think I have earned the privilege." I hold out my hand and he rolls his eyes before dropping the keys in them.

"So you like my car then? It drives nicely doesn't it?" He brags.

"It's okay." I lie. I love the way it drives.

The location of the apartment building could not be better, we are close to multiple stores, coffee shops, and even a pack. We end up going to Target and the cart is full of dishes, pots and pans, cups and other things I didn't know we would need but seem useful. We agree that we have to go grocery shopping another time because the cart is already full. I volunteer to go after my internship tomorrow if Harry makes me a lists of things he likes. The best thing so far about living together is all the small details about Harry that I would have never known. Even spending almost every night together I am finding out things that I have never noticed like he likes cereal with no milk, even the idea of mismatching cups drives him insane, he uses two different types of toothpastes, one in the morning and one at night and he doesn't know why, he just does. And that he would rather mop the floor a hundred times before having to load the dishwasher. We agree that I will always do the dishes as long as he mops the floor. We bicker back and forth in front of the cashier when it comes to pay. I know he had to put a deposit down for the apartment and he refuses to let me pay anything except cable and electricity, which he declined to tell me was already included in the rent.

Harry glares at the woman when she takes my debit card and I give her props because she swipe my card without even acknowledging his attitude. I want to laugh at him but he has already irritated and I don't want the night to be ruined.

Harry sulks untile we get back to the apartment and I stay quiet because I find it amusing.

"We might have to make two trips down here to get all the stuff." I tell him.

"That's another thing, I would rather carry one hundred bags than make two trips." He says and finally smiles.

We still end up having to take two trips because the dishes are just too heavy. Harry's irritation grows as does my humor. We put all the dishes away into the cabinets and Harry order for pizza. I can't help but offer to pay for it which earns me a glare and middle finger. I laugh and put all the trash into the box the glasses came with. They weren't joking when they said the apartment came furnished it has everything we could need, a trash can, even a shower curtain.

"The pizza will be here in thirty minutes. I am going to go down and get your stuff." He says.

"I will come with you." I offer and follow him out. He has put my things into two boxes and a trash bag which makes me cringe but stay quiet.

He grabs a handful of t-shirt out of his trunck and a pair of jeans., shoving them into the trash bag with my clothes.

"Good thing we have an iron." I finally say and look in the trunck before he closes it.

"You never get rid of those sheets?" I ask.

"Oh..yea. No, I was going to but I forgot." He says and looks away.

"Okay?" I feel a little uneasy about his reaction.

"Let's go back up before the pizza gets here." He says.

We eat at the table and it is strange but nice to be eating dinner with Harry in our place.

"I love you." He says as I put our plates into the dish washer.

"I love you." I respond and my phone vibrates against the table.

Harry reaches across and taps the screen to stop the vibration.

"Who is it?" I ask him.

"Noah?" He declares and questions as the same time.

"Oh." I know this isn't going to go well.

"He says it was nice talking to you today?" His jaw clenches. I walk back over and grab my phone from his harsh grip. I could have sworn he was going to crush it in his hand.

"Yea, he called me today." I tell him with false confidence. I was going to mention it to him I just haven't found the right time.

"And.." He raises his eyebrow.

"He was just telling me that he saw my mother and he was just seeing how I'm doing."


"I don't know.. just to check on me I guess." I shrug and sit down in the chair next to him at the table.

"He doesn't need to be checking on you." He growls.

"It's not that big of a deal Harry, I have known him half my life."

"I don't give a shit." His eyes are cold.

"You're being rediculous. We just moved in together and you're worried about Noah calling me?" I scoff.

"You have no reason to be talking to him, he probably thinks you want him back since you answered the call." He runs his hands over his head.

"No he doesn't. He knows that I am with you." I try my best to fight my temper.

"Them call him right now and tell him not to call you again."

"What? No! I am not doing that. Noah hasn't done anything wrong, I have already hurt him enough, we both have. So no. I will not say that to him. There is no harm in me being friends with him."

"Yes there is. He thinks he is better than me and he will try to take you from me! I'm not stupid Tessa. Your mom wants you with him too. I won't let him try to take what is mine! He raised his voice.

"Would you listen to yourself? You sounds like a lunatic! I am not going to be hateful to him just because you feel like you have some insane claim on me!" I storm out of the kitchen.

"Don't walk away from me!" He boom from behind me. Leave it to Harry to start a fight with me after the amazing day we have had.

"Then stop acting like you own me, I will try to compromise with you and listen to you more than I do but I will not listen when it comes to Noah. I would immediately stop talking to him if he tried to make a move or say anything inappropriate but he didn't." I am holding my ground on this.

"I don't like him." He says.

"Okay? I get that but you have to be reasonable. He is not plotting to take me away from you, he isn't like that. This is the first time he has even tried to contact me since I ended things with him."

"And the last." Harry snaps. I roll my eyes and head into the small bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm going to take a shower and when I get out I hope you're done acting like a child." I say. I am proud of the way I am standing up to him but I can't help but feel bad for him. I know he is just afraid to lose me to Noah, he has a deep jealousy towards Noah because of the way Noah and I "look" together. On paper Noah is better for me and Harry knows it but I don't love Noah, I love Harry.

He slams the bathroom door on his way out and I roll my eyes. I take a quick shower and when I get out Harry is laying across the bed in only his boxers. I stay quiet as I open the drawer to find pajamas.

"You're not going to wear my shirt?" His voice is low.

"I.." I notice he folded it and put it on the table next to the bed. "Thanks." I pull it over my head. The familiar minty scent almost makes me forget why I am supposed to be mad at him.

"Well this way a great night." I huff and take my towel back to the bathroom.

"Come here." He says when I get back into our bedroom.

I hesitantly walk over to him and he sits up at the end of the bed. pulling me to stand between his legs.

"I'm sorry." He looks at me.


"Acting like a caveman." He says and I can't help but laugh. "And for ruining our first night here together." He adds.

"Thank you. We have to discuss these things instead of you blowing up at me." I twirl the hair at the nape of his neck in between my fingers.

"I know. Can we discuss you not talking to him anymore?" He half smiles.

"Not tonight." I sigh. I will have to find a middle ground with him.

"Look at us working our problems out." He laughs.

"I hope out neighbors won't miss their quiet evenings." I tease.

"They would've have gotten any quiet anyway." I ignore his perverted remark.

"I really didn't meant to ruin the night." He says again.

"I know, it's not ruined. It's only eight." I smile.

"I wanted to take that dress off you." He states. His eyes darkening.

"I could always put it back on." I say in what is an attempt to be sexy. Without a word he stands up and lifts me over his shoulder. I squeal and try to kick my legs at him.

"What are you doing?" I scream.

"Going to get that dress." He laughs and carries me over to the laundry hamper.

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