Chereads / Ciarra the Cold / Chapter 14 - To the Dungeon

Chapter 14 - To the Dungeon

"Nivra, you must diligently resist temptation, or you will lose your purity." Lionel, our paladin, lectured me over our breakfast. I mostly ignored his ranting. I don't follow his god, but that never stopped him from preaching before, and I don't expect him to change now.

My parents are wealthy merchants, trying to buy their way into nobility. When they found out that Lord Hamelon, a high ranking noble with a sinister reputation, was looking for a new human wife, they only saw an opportunity to gain a title. At first, I was upset because he was thirty years older than me, but after learning more about him, I stopped caring about that.

Lord Hamelon's last wife never left their home, and even the long-sleeved dresses she wore couldn't cover all the scrapes and bruises. When we found out that his previous wife had died in a 'bandit attack' that left almost every bone in her body broken, my parents didn't care. They insisted that the official story was the truth. Strange bandits. They attacked a noblewoman in her third-story bedroom, without being seen by the servants, and left without taking anything. Only then did I realize that they didn't care what happened to me.

I wish I believed that they didn't understand the life they were about to send me into, but they weren't idiots. Once they realized I understood what Lord Hamelon was really like, they kept me under guard. After all, I was their ticket to nobility. Thankfully, they still forced me to go to church because that was where Lionel found me.

Lionel may be preachy, but he was an honest follower of Kirnthal, God of Honor and Purity. My world had been shattered when he found me crying. I had lost all hope, but Lionel didn't brush my concerns away as my parents had. He truly listened and asked intelligent questions.

He was the one who came up with a plan to save me. Heedless of the danger he immediately volunteered to help. I respect that side of him, even as I despise the way he kept trying to shove his beliefs down my throat now that we were safe.

Lionel's plan was simple. Neither my parents nor Lord Hamelon could force an adventurer to marry because adventurers were a law unto themselves. So I needed to join the [Adventurers Guild].

First, I had to escape from my parents.

When we arrived at church the next week, everyone that was too old to be included with the children, but wasn't yet married were sent to a different sermon, one that Lionel would give. Of course, that included me. Everyone else, including my guards, were excluded. While Lionel preached about the importance of chastity, I excused myself to use the bathroom. Using the key waiting for me in his office, I slipped into the mausoleum and escaped through a hidden tunnel that led out of town.

Running from my parents hurt, not because I would miss them, but because I was leaving my sister behind, and Ariana was the only one in my family worth a damn. She must have been heartbroken when she found out I had run away without saying a word, but if I had told her, then my parents might have blamed her for my escape.

Giving birth to me had damaged something inside my mother, and her midwife said she couldn't have another child. I was three years old when someone abandoned Ariana at the church. I always thought of her as my younger sister, but in truth, we don't know which one of us was born first.

Once I succeeded with the first part of our plan, I headed to the home of Lionel's friend, Wumtug, a gnome.

I was a runecrafter, one of the rarest types of wizards. It was the only good thing my parents did for me. Runecrafters take the mundane and transform it into something magical. From simple glowsticks to powerful artifacts, we create exquisite magical treasures. Depending on the object, inscribing the necessary runes and imbuing them with mana it could take anywhere from hours to years.

I loved runecrafting.

Even as a child, I never wanted to become an adventurer. It's just too dangerous, and I had no desire to sleep in the woods, or even worse, in crumbling ruins or a cave.

Now that my parents planned to send me into a fate-worse-than-death, I had a new perspective. If I couldn't trust others to protect me, then I would learn to defend myself, even though I hated everything about it.

None of my skills would help me fight, so I couldn't safely join the [Adventurers Guild's] by myself, but Lionel had that covered. Later that afternoon, he joined us, and all three of us traveled to Gravestead and would complete the mandatory dungeon run together. They would protect me.

Once we finished the dungeon, Lionel's friend and I would join the guild, and Lionel would head back to his church.

Now, we were in one of the cheaper inns, and their food was barely edible. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so I forced myself to eat, even though I wasn't hungry.

Fed up with his preaching, I took one final large bite of my omelet and shoved my chair away from the table.

"Where are you going? Leaving in the middle of a conversation is disrespectful," said Lionel.

"This isn't a conversation; it's a sermon. While I appreciate what you've done for me, I don't follow your god. Preach to your congregation. Not me. I'll be at the gates." Then I shouldered my backpack and headed for the door.

Lionel wasn't my father, and it wasn't any of his business, but that didn't stop him from acting like an overprotective father.

My duty to my family ended when they proved I didn't matter to them. I'm going to live my life as I wish, and that includes inviting someone into my bed. The hard part will be pounding that into Lionel's well-meaning but thick skull.

If only he hadn't chased off that muscular young blacksmith yesterday.

I could imagine him pinning me against the wall with one strong arm, forcing a kiss on me, tongue invading my mouth. I would whimper as he roughly, painfully, squeezed my breast with his free hand. Then he would rip my shirt open, exposing... No!

No! NO!! NO!!! Not again!

Cheeks flushed with desire and shame; I pushed the erotic images from my mind.

Rape is horrible, and it shouldn't be arousing. So why do I keep having these daydreams? What's wrong with me?

I took a deep breath and deliberately slowed my pace to a leisurely walk. I tried to reclaim the enthusiasm I had felt when I woke up this morning. Today I'll explore my first dungeon, and tomorrow I'll join the adventurers guild. Then mother and father can't force me to marry Lord Hamelon, and I can go back to doing what I actually love. Runecrafting.

When I arrived at the southern gates, I found a covered wagon with the [Adventurers Guild] symbol painted in bright red on its side. The middle-aged human man leaning against the cart called out a cheerful greeting as I approached. His name was Josiah. We both leaned against the wagon, a few feet between us, and watched the crowd flow past in companionable silence.

Stalls lined the cobblestone road, and merchants loudly hawked their wares. Farmers drove wagons loaded with their harvest down the crowded street, or shopped at the cheaper merchants, spending as little of their hard-earned cash as possible.

The merchants and farmers had a friendly rivalry that balanced their need for each other and their mutual dislike of the nobles. I enjoyed the subtle game of defiance they played, using their bodies to delay their supposed betters.

On paper, the nobles have preferred treatment, but these merchants and farmers used their bodies as obstacles, every humble apology was part of their delaying tactics. It's a silent battle of attrition, as they ensured that nobles pass through the street just as slowly as the rest of us.

I spotted a regal lizardkin sauntering effortlessly through the same crowd that casually impeded other nobles. She's as vain and arrogant as the other nobles, but the crowd parts around the lizardkin, people practically jumped out of her way. Some stared at her, and others deliberately avoided looking her way.

It wasn't until she was closer that I understood why they were reacting so strangely. Her dress is beautiful, but I couldn't imagine wearing it in public. Most of her cleavage was exposed. I thought the flashes of white along the side of her skirt were from colored cloth, but they were glimpses of her bare leg. With every step, a slit exposed her from ankle to thigh.

She doesn't walk like anyone I've ever seen before. It's a dance. God, I could happily spend the rest of the day watching her walk.

With a chill, I recognized a truth I had missed before.

The lizardkin isn't walking like a dancer. She walks like a lion stalking prey. Other nobles are fat and lazy house cats, dangerous to any little mouse in their territory, but she is a lion, deadly to everyone around her.

Her commanding presence radiates confidence and power.

"Are you the guild representative for training future adventurers?", asked the lizardkin.

I could hardly hear her over the blood pounding through my ears.

God, she's beautiful! So pure and white. Ethereal perfection. Her silver eyes are the same color as her nails and horns, but it's her stunning red lips that draw my attention. They look so sweet and kissable that I wish I was a man, just so that I could taste them.

Suddenly I realized my mouth was hanging open. Cheeks burning, I gulped and tried to work some saliva into my dry mouth. Just before I worked up the nerve to ask her to repeat the question, Josiah said.

"Yes, I'm Josiah. I take it, you two are here for the mandatory dungeon run?" asked Josiah.

Thankful that he replied before I could make a further fool of myself, I tried taking deep calming breaths.

Wait! Two of them?

I tore my eyes away from the white scaled lizardkin and found a timid looking catgirl standing next to her. The catgirl's coloring was strange, a soft pink that couldn't be natural. She wore a thin white camise like body slaves were often forced to wear. To my surprise, her eyes and lips were the same pale shade of pink as her hair. She was as beautiful as the lizardkin.

"I'm Ciarra, and this is Kitten. The last member of our party should arrive in a few minutes," the lizardkin said, with her hand resting possessively on Kitten's shoulder.

No title? Was I wrong about her being an aristocrat? Surely, she's noble-born.

"Hello. I'm Lionel, my companions and I are also here for the mandatory run." Said Lionel as he walked up with his friend Wumtug the gnome.

Of course, he would arrive now, before I get a chance to talk to her.

Josiah asked everyone to introduce themselves by name, class, and level. He explained that adventurers expect each other to share these three pieces of information truthfully and freely. Any adventurer that refused to share class, level, or name would quickly make enemies.

Josiah went first, "Josiah, level twenty-one Necromancer." Then he turned to me and lifted a questioning eyebrow.

Cheeks still flushed, I felt like a fool, but I soldiered on, trying to ignore the impossibly beautiful lizardkin that smiled knowingly at me. I had to cough to clear my throat. When I was finally able to speak, I stuttered, "N... Nivra, level three Runecrafter."

"Lionel, level two Paladin of Kirnthal, God of Honor and Purity." He was looking at me when he spoke, eyes questioning.

Hell, if I hadn't fooled someone as thick-headed as him, then everyone knows. I've never responded to anyone like I've reacted to this lizardkin. Why her? Why now? Magesight doesn't show any spells directed at me, so she isn't using magic.

"Wumtug, level one, but I don't have a class yet."

He doesn't have a class yet, but his chain mail and a mace wordlessly declare his desire to become a paladin, just like Lionel. He has been a great traveling companion, and I hope he gets his class today.

Josiah said, "People often gain a class during their mandatory run. If that doesn't happen, you can also pick up a class at the guildhall for a reasonable fee."

The catgirl says, "I'm Kitten, and I'm level two. I just went to the guildhall to become a wizard! I haven't had the chance to do anything yet, and I can't wait to cast my first spell!" her wide innocent grin makes most of us smile. She is such a cute young woman, she reminds me of my younger sister. Something about her makes me want to pat her on the head until she purrs.

"Ciarra, level five High Priestess."

My heart sank. A priestess, Ugh. Almost all the gods oriented around battle are prudes. Hopefully, she follows one of the exceptions. And aren't high priestesses the overall leader of their faith? Why would a high priestess become an adventurer?

Lionel and Josiah started to talk at the same time, but Lionel quickly quieted down. He respects the chain of command.

"I've never heard of a high priest or priestess becoming an adventurer. That's exciting! Can you share anything about how you differ from a normal priestess?"

Ciarra said, "I just changed from priestess to high priestess last night. Kolra said I'd gain high priestess specific abilities over time. For now, consider me a powerful healer, and leave it at that."

Ciarra smiled affectionally, looking down the street, and said, "The last member of our party is almost here, her name is Vixen, and she is a level five Reaper of Blood."

A small black and grey beastkin ran down the street towards us. The crowd fled from Vixen's path with cries of fear. As she approached, I wasn't surprised when I made out her species. Her name was all anyone should need. She was a foxkin. Most of her kind are about the size of humans, but Vixen is a little thing, smaller than most gnomes.

Panic slammed into me, and I found myself running from the terrifying foxkin. Lionel and Wumtug fled along with me. After several seconds, the feeling lessened, and I turned back around just in time to see the running foxkin leap into Ciarra's arms and cuddle against her. It reminded me of one of my friends and her pet dog.

Josiah hadn't run with the rest of us, but even he looked unsettled.

Vixen kissed Ciarra, then slid down, landing on her feet.

Wow! She's as gorgeous as Ciarra and Kitten.

Jet black fur covered the foxkin's body. Where most foxkin had white accents, she had silver. Her fur matched the lizardkin's talons perfectly, just as perfectly as Kitten's pink hair, eyes, and lips matched.

I took a second to check with magesight, but none of them had any magic items or hid behind an illusion spell. They really looked like that, and it was impossible.

I know colors, and could hardly believe what I saw. Kitten's eyes and lips were exactly the same shade of pink as her hair. The metallic silver of Ciarra's horns, talons, and eyes exactly matched Vixen's furry ears and the tip of her tail. I'd suspect hair dye and lipstick, but nothing short of magic could change eye colors, and I hadn't detected any magic on them.

The three most beautiful women I've ever seen, and they are all in an adventuring party together. They look like an artist-designed them. Perfect in every way.

For the first time, Ciarra met my eyes and instantly stole my breath away. All of them had perfect bodies, but I only reacted so strongly to Ciarra. Was it something about her attitude, or perhaps the way she moved? Whatever it was, I couldn't pull my eyes away this time.

I shivered, cheeks feeling heated, and a persistent yearning quietly building in my heart.

Distantly, over the rushing in my ears, I heard Vixen apologize for scaring us, and explain her class to the rest of them.

Ciarra stepped closer, and I shrunk away, pressing my back into the wagon as though I could disappear into the wood. Fear spiked through me as I suddenly felt trapped, even though she hadn't touched me, and I could easily step to the side. I finally managed to wrench my eyes away from hers and stare at the ground.

Ignoring any idea of personal space, she closed in on me, her left hand reached up, and a razor-sharp talon pressed under my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes again.

I gasped.

She trapped me with one finger. I couldn't seem to speak, and escaping her clutches didn't even occur to me. She leaned in, so close that her features blurred, and I slammed my eyes closed.

Moving slowly, her tail wrapped around our waists, pinning our bodies together. Intimately.

Our lips met, and the world went away.

Once, while our chaperone was distracted, I kissed a boy. If that kiss was a candle flame, this was a blazing bonfire.

Ciarra didn't ask for permission. She wordlessly took what she wanted with every demanding touch, and I couldn't bring myself to push her away.

Her flagrant disregard for propriety both terrified and excited me.

Ciarra's soft lips moved insistently over mine. She forced her forked tongue between my lips, and I tasted a hint of honey and syrup. She was sweet and delicious, like nothing I had ever imagined.

Sudden need blazed through my core, and I craved for more. I felt as though I was a starving woman presented with a holiday feast.

If she didn't care that we were both women, why should I?

I tried to embrace her, needing to touch more of her bare skin, but Ciarra pinned my arms behind my back with her free hand. Her talon still pressed up under my chin, and it held me. I couldn't move closer and didn't want to pull away.

The tip of her tail wrapped around my wrists and constricted, locking them in behind my back.

She maintained complete control. No matter how hard I tried for more, she set the pace, and I wasn't allowed to make a single decision. I panted frantically into her mouth, desperately driven by the demands of my desire.

My wrists were restrained behind my back by the same tail that wrapped around my waist. The talon Ciarra used to press up under my chin forced me to hold my head still, and she swallowed every sound I made. Her lips trapped mine, especially now that she had forced her tongue between them.

Ciarra's free hand roughly grabbed my left breast through the fabric of my shirt and kneaded painfully.

I whimpered into her mouth and fought to escape. She ignored my struggles. Her kneading hand twisted painfully, and I tried to scream, but barely a whisper escaped our unending kiss.

I strained with all my might, but she may as well have been made of solid adamantite.

I couldn't stop her and felt utterly helpless. Ciarra could do whatever she wanted to me. Absolutely anything, and I couldn't even scream for help.

It was wondrous.

After a minute, or was it an eternity, her hand released my throbbing breast, and her tail released my wrists and our waists. I felt empty and abandoned.

Without warning, Ciarra took one step back, placing an endless expanse between her body and mine, and I knew I couldn't span that gulf on my own. The only contact I had left was the single glorious talon that still pinned me in place and the bruising aching of my left breast.

Breathing heavily, I slowly came back to myself.

I opened my eyes and stared into the eyes of a predator. Ciarra seemed to gaze through to my soul. I was fully dressed, yet I felt utterly naked before her, I should have felt ashamed, but I didn't. Somehow, her burning gaze made me proud. As though a goddess had deemed me worthy of her attention.

For a long moment, I couldn't breathe, then the rushing in my ears faded, and the sounds of the city returned. I flushed with embarrassment at the realization that every intimate moment had been in plain view of the crowded gates, Josiah, Wumtug, and worse of all, Lionel.

Ciarra licked her lips, and a dangerous smile slowly curved her lips. Her talon released my chin and teased at the buttons on my shirt for a moment, then she grabbed a handful of cloth and jerked me against her chest.

She whispered, "Your fantasies are fascinating. Perhaps I'll continue from where I left off after we finish the dungeon."

Ice froze my blood, and I stared at Ciarra in horror.

Then she shoved me back and turned away, leaving me shocked and terrified.

How had she known?

Then I did what I always did, and pushed it out of my mind.

Filled with a mixture of desire and embarrassment, I watched Ciarra sashay back to her companions. I met Vixen's eyes as Ciarra used her tail to lift Vixen into her arms. In the heat of the moment, I had forgotten that Vixen had kissed Ciarra. I flinched at the sudden realization that Vixen had watched us kiss, and then she had caught me staring at Ciarra's ass.

Vixen and Ciarra were obviously a couple, even though both were women, and I should never have let Ciarra kiss me. I knew how much cheating could hurt and felt painfully ashamed. I wasn't the instigator, but I had kissed Ciarra back.

I vowed to apologize to her as soon as I could. As much as I ached for another one of those kisses, I'd never help someone cheat. No matter how much I craved for more.

Now that everyone was here, Josiah said it was time to go. Ciarra, Vixen, and Kitten were the first to climb into the covered wagon. Lionel, Wumtug, and I followed.

A long wooden bench ran along each side of the wagon. They sat on the left side, and we sat on the right. Josiah had carefully stacked a few packs on the bottom of the wagon.

Wumtug leaned into one corner, Lionel sat in the center, and I shifted into the other corner and stayed as far away from everyone else as possible.

Being trapped in a confined space with the five of them made me feel awkward and embarrassed after... whatever it was that I had done with Ciarra. Especially with Vixen trapped in the room with the rest of us.

Ciarra didn't seem to care. She sat in the center, with an arm around Kitten. Vixen laid across their laps, gazing lovingly up at Ciarra. Snuggled against Ciarra and Vixen, Kitten wasn't timid anymore. She watched me. She didn't seem upset, just curious.

I took the cowards way out, and closed my eyes, rolled away from Lionel, facing the corner, and pretended to sleep.

Lionel and Wumtug talked to each other, but I wasn't interested in their conversation.

With my eyes closed, I listened for Ciarra, Vixen, or Kitten's voice. But they didn't speak. I was only rewarded by the creaking of the wagon, and the rustling of the wind. Then Kitten started purring, and I had to fight a smile. She was so cute.

With nothing to distract me, I couldn't help but feel the aching that still radiated from my left breast. Ciarra had been very rough. Surely, she must have left bruises. I could imagine how each marked where one of her fingers had touched me.

Why does the thought of taking off my clothes and inspecting the bruises turn me on? Why does the knowledge that Ciarra marked me make me feel like this?

It makes just as little sense as my daydreams, but it's far harder to ignore.

After a while, Lionel called my name quietly. I didn't react.

Speaking in what he thought was a hushed whisper, Lionel opened his big, fat, stupid, mouth and said, "Now that she's asleep, how could you do something so vile to her. You're a priestess! Such wanton debauchery and carnal sensuality should be beneath you!"

To my utter shock, Ciarra burst out laughing, a reaction I wouldn't have believed possible.

Ciarra said, "That's never made any sense to me. Why do so many religions seem to hate sex?"

Just when I thought things couldn't get any more bizarre, Ciarra raised her voice and asked her goddess, "Kolra, does Kirnthal actually believe sex is evil?

Abruptly, the presence of a goddess pressed against me, and I couldn't move. In fact, I could hardly think.

Kolra's voice echoed with power, as she responded.

"Kirnthal and I understand and respect each other. Calling him the god of Honor and Purity is misleading. A more accurate name would be Kirnthal, God of Honor and Compassion.

"His truth can be summed up into one sentence. Be guided by your honor, but temper it with compassion.

"If you sincerely desire to serve your god, then stop fighting against lust, and start fighting for honor and compassion. You dropped everything and risked your life to save one young woman you barely know, and you did it out of compassion. You asked for absolutely nothing in return, and that is what Kirnthal stands for."

Showing far more bravery than I felt, Lionel asked, "If what you say is true, then how can you respect each other? As the goddess of domination and control, you seem like his opposite."

Kolra replied, "We respect and understand each other. I never said we liked or agreed with each other. He considers Ciarra a twisted version of his ideal, and I know you're a naive child.

"Like you, Ciarra is honorable, but she doesn't temper her honor with compassion. Things like empathy and altruism have little to do with her. Instead, Ciarra's hedonistic nature is tempered by her honor.

"You tried to save Nivra out of kindness, but unfortunately for her, you failed. Ciarra can easily protect her, but only if Nivra is willing to pay Ciarra's price, just like Kitten and Vixen have done.

"The two of you underestimated how evil Hamelon is. He simply demanded Nivra's younger sister Ariana and sent a squad of his knights after the two of you. They are getting close, but if you ask Josiah to hurry, you should beat them to the dungeon. They will wait outside.

"Hamelon plans to force Nivra to attend his wedding, and then hand her over to his knights to use as their plaything.

"Nivra, I suggest you bargain for both you and your sister's lives."

Then Kolra's presence vanished, and I could move again.

One thought drove everything else from my mind. Kolra couldn't lie because all gods are bound to tell the truth.

Images of that evil man abusing my little sister flashed through my mind. My daydreams were one thing, but this was real, and I raged internally, even as I frantically looked for a way out.

Knights! Perhaps Josiah could defeat a few, but Lionel and Wumtug wouldn't have a chance. But then, the goddess said that Ciarra could save us. Does she have some form of teleportation magic?

Everyone stared at me. Lionel and Wumtug looked horrified, and Kitten was full of compassion, but it was Ciarra and Vixen that made me want to bolt. The looked at me as though they were wolves, and I was a plump and juicy rabbit.

Without looking away, Vixen said, "Lionel, tell Josiah about the knights. Take your friend with you."

They started to protest, and I screamed for them to go. Lionel shouldn't need me to explain, my little sister's life is on the line, and I will do whatever it takes to save her!

I touched my wet cheeks, trying to grasp what had just happened. A few moments ago, the world was bright and exciting. My breaths came in gasps. I was trapped once again by Ciarra's predatory gaze, but this time I didn't feel the flush of excitement; I only knew crushing fear for my sister. Ciarra knew I would do anything to save her, and despair filled my soul.

I shuddered. I could guess what would happen next.

Ciarra would force me to become her slave. I knew how much runecrafters were worth. Instead of creating exquisite pieces of art, I'll spend the rest of my life locked in a room churning out whatever enchanted item makes her the most gold.

My plans, my dreams, everything tasted of ash. Hell is creating simple but expensive firestarters and glowsticks one tedious day after another.

The silence stretched, and Ciarra seemed to drink in my fear and despair. A small smile curved her moist lips.

Was she enjoying this?

Josiah's voice rang out as he urged the horses to pick up speed.

I started to speak, but Vixen's sudden movement cut me off. She slid down and knelt on the bottom of the wagon facing Ciarra. A heartbeat later Kitten was kneeling beside Vixen. They had left enough space between them for another person, so I joined them on the floor. Swallowing my pride cost little compared to what I could lose.

I felt so powerless, looking up from my knees into Ciarra's predatory eyes. After another few heartbeats of silence, I felt a tiny hand on my back. After a few moments, another hand rested on my back, and I glanced to the side. Kitten's compassion filled eyes offered a sliver of hope that shattered when Vixen's tiny hand suddenly crushed down. It felt as though an anvil had fallen from the sky and landed on my back.

The tiny foxkin forced me to prostrate myself before Ciarra.

I asked the one question that mattered, "How can I save my sister?"

Ciarra said, "Simply swear to be my loyal pet, and I'll protect both of you."

The wagon bounced and shifted as the horses continued to pick up speed.

"Before you give your oath, it's vital that you understand something. I know all of your fantasies, and if you swear, I'm going to make all of them come true. Even the ones you try to hide from.

"That kiss was just the merest hint of what I'll do to you after we finish the dungeon."

Vixen's breath was hot on my cheek as she whispered. "Did Ciarra's kiss mean anything to you? Submit willingly. Submit proudly. Submit eagerly. Do that, and Ciarra will do far more than protect you and your sister. That petty little lordling will be ripped limb from limb. Literally. Even if I must do it myself. You have my word."

My mind seemed to kick into high gear as Vixen's whispered sentences hit home one after another.

My thoughts flashed back to Kitten's enthusiastic declaration that she was a wizard, and they way Vixen eagerly jumped into Ciarra's arms. Kitten and Vixen didn't act like broken and abused victims. And Ciarra's kiss... I might have been willing to be her pet just for more kisses like that.

Once again, Vixen whispered, giving me the words of my oath, and I repeated them eagerly. I swore for the oath to save my sister, but the trace of eagerness in my voice came from the memory of Ciarra's kiss.

"I swear to be Ciarra's loyal pet, on the name of Demigod Ciarra The Cold, Frozen Queen Of The Glaciers, High Priestess and Champion of Kolra, Goddess of Domination and Control."

I felt as though someone punched me in the stomach when an oathbinding suddenly flared into existence. Oathbindings are unbreakable, and I hadn't expected to be bound by one.

How could I have been so incredibly stupid?

The details of the oathbinding flooded into my mind, and I slowly relaxed. Ciarra didn't want a mindless puppet or even a slave. As long as I was loyal, I had a measure of freedom, far more than I had expected.

Relief overwhelmed me, and I burst into tears. While I cried, Vixen and Kitten held me protectively. Distantly, I heard Lionel angrily shouting and pulled myself free.

I hugged the middle-aged man tightly, and he quieted down. He was crying, trembling with helpless rage. He wanted to protect me, even though he knew he couldn't.

"Lionel, this isn't what you think. I'm not crying because the oathbinding was so terrible, I'm crying in relief. Vixen and Kitten are bound like I am, and we have spent several hours with them today. Are they mindless slaves? Do they seem miserable?"

Then I released him, and put my hands on his shoulders, and stared into his eyes. "You did your part. I would already be married to that bastard without your help, and after he killed me, I suspect my parents would have sold my sister to him anyway."

Lionel calmed down as I spoke, and his gaze flickered back and forth between Vixen and Kitten as he considered my words. Finally, he nodded his acceptance, although he clearly wasn't happy.

Wumtug shouted for everyone to brace themselves, and a heartbeat later, the wagon shuddered to an abrupt stop.

We climbed out, and I could see at least twenty riders galloping down the road towards us. Lionel, Wumtug, Kitten, and I followed Josiah. He headed into a vast cavern that was at least forty feet across and stepped through the shimmering white mist that marks dungeon entrances.

We looked back and found Ciarra and Vixen still watching the approaching knights. After a long moment, they joined us.

We entered the shimmering swirling white mist of the dungeon entrance together.