Chereads / Kid The Vigilante: Dread World / Chapter 1 - Kip Dagger: Origin

Kid The Vigilante: Dread World

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Kip Dagger is just like any other angst teenager obsessed with comic books and superheroes alike. The only difference is that they are real. Superheroes have become an ordinary occurrence and big name villains are common place. In his obsession for superheroes, he decides to pursue one of the greatest heroes as a battle takes place in his local train station. However the events lead Kip to discover his own superpowers, a different motive in mind.

Chapter 1 - Kip Dagger: Origin


"Kip wake the hell up!"

Two eyes were pried open as a pool of drool furthered his realization he fell asleep in Hero History Class.

Kip hesitated before lifting his head,

"Yes Mr. Reed?"

The white bald head of Mr. Reed glistened from the sunshine pouring in, "When and where was the first Villain attack of the Super age."

Kip tilted his head as he saw the class shift toward him. He quickly wiped away the saliva and spoke, "The First Villain attack of the Super Age took place in New Chicago during 2050."

Mr. Reed pressed on,

"And what was the name of the Villain?"

Kip scratched his neck as he sifted through his mind built up by comic books and personal journals.

"Her name was Unleash: The Undead Villain."

A confident grin and perfect white teeth aimed at Mr. Reed, a complacent look on his aging face.

"Very well, no lunch detention today. Just do not fall asleep in my class again Mr. Dagger, or I won't even quiz you next time."

Kip nodded annoyingly as he turned back to his textbook.

"You got lucky on that one, I'm not counting it." A brown skinned boy with wild curls leaned to his side.

Kip rolled his eyes,

"You never said I couldn't fall asleep in Hero History, that is a tally on my side."

The brown haired kid was Marcus, Kip's closest and only friend. They were currently hosting a competition to see how many times Kip could get away with snoozing off in class, currently he was at five out of six.

A playful smirk crept onto Marcus's face,

"I'm calling draws on that one."

Kip shrugged his shoulders,

"Go ahead and call draws, I'm still gonna beat you."

Marcus bit his lip, "calling draws" is when they had a competition and the outcome was very unfair so they made it were no side got a point. Marcus usually was the one to do so.

"Whatever," he muttered as he turned back toward the front of the class. Kip leaned over to get one last jab, "That's what I thought."

Marcus rolled his eyes before focusing back on the text book. The blonde haired boy smiled as he saw his closest friend grovel in defeat, groveling just being him paying attention for once.

After cleaning his awkwardly wet desk, he took a gander at the view outside. A couple of students in maroon track suits jogging along as a instructor held a clipboard. He frowned as he realized he would be doing that next period.

Living in a superhuman world was way more relaxed than what Kip had come to understand. A couple decades ago, entire cities were being threatened and their was always a hot new superhero who was topping the popularity charts. Hostages were taken and saved with heroism, something that was smiled upon during such a time. All became peaceful as more and more people started to become superheroes, fighting crime their only occupation. And in this great burst of national justice, any spry energetic villains would be captured as soon as they appeared. The point of heroes quickly loosing their only payment.

In the recent years, only the top ten heroes stayed active. A lot dropping out once the villains' activities became a lull. Sadly enough, Kip always wanted to become a professional superhero but being born in such a peaceful time was a curse. He would never truly be able to live out his dreams but would instead follow in his fathers footsteps, being an architect. Kip shivered at the thought. Was that really going to be his legacy?

He sighed as he went through the rest of his day. He ran four miles, aced a math test, managed to talk to his crush, and was now sitting snug in blanket. He was on his couch, the Hero news spouting anything about a gas store robbery not far from his house, the suspect fleeing on foot. The channel trying its best to stay relevant. The sun was still high in the sky for any real criminal activity to take place.

"Kip did you take Marley out yet?"

Kip's Mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner for tonight, her eyes also glued to the screen.

"No Ma'am."

A annoying face was plastered on her,

"I have told you three times today, hurry up and do it before it gets dark."


His mother gave him a ugly look and he guessed as much.

"You know someone just robbed a store three blocks down, I could die."

Steam rose from the pot she was stirring,

"You will be fine, I heard the Second top ranked hero is in town."

Kip's heart stopped for an instant, "Mighty Man is in Sunset City..."

All his breath drew out and he stared at Marley. The beagle happily started licking his toes. Kip in disbelief glanced at his Mother, she happen to wink at him. He grinned without any remorse.

Kip was outside in a hurry, Marley following happily behind, tongue flopping about As he kept pace next to his owner. Before he even realized, he was running full speed toward the train station.

Mighty Man was known as the strongest Hero, even if he was just the number two ranked, that was something to be giddy about. Kip happily would like to see him easily take out a robber, even if it might last just a single second.

The air grew oddly mysterious as he came down the hill, already people gathering there. A smile crept onto his face as he skated down the concrete and came up on the station entrance.

"What's going on, am I late?!"

Kip heaved as he tapped the closest man, a black trench coat and a grey beanie on. The man glanced back and smiled, "Just made it kid."

Kip thanked the man as he pushed through the crowd, coming out in the front of the line forming. Marley hesitantly paddled to his side. His eyes quickly surveying the area, two figures facing off.

Mighty Man stood, a red and blue skintight suit encased his body, a very generic yellow cape flowing in the non-existent wind.

He had sharp features with broad shoulders and flowing blonde hair. The muscles he dawned teaming to rip away the cloth, his power radiating from his entire picture. His presence was one to be noticed, especially as all eyes focused on him. What he did next would be spectacular, no doubt.

"Hello evildoer!"

His voice was deep and manly, you could almost hear the experience. "It has come to my attention that you have disturbed the peace of Sunset City, something I can not overlook."

People started to cheer and shout as smartphones snapped upwards, the scene instantly going to go viral on everything. Kip cursed as he forgot his smartphone on the coffee table, getting a picture with him was out of the question.

It was almost magical to stare at Mighty Man, a superhero who has fought for his spot and gained his power through sheer effort.

Kip always wondered how someone gained such a powerful superpower. The only way to obtain one was to go through a life changing experience, something Kip and many others did not quite understand. You either got a superpower out of pure luck, or out of misfortune. All anyone really knew was that the power was somehow related to the event.

This only begged the question. How exactly did Mighty Man get his power?

Messiah, the name given to his immense strength. The more people who believed in him and supported him, the stronger he gets.

That is why he was this amazing pillar which still supported the superhero world, somehow, everyone already believed in him. He was the Second ranked Hero after all.

"Oh so it's Mighty Man, the SECOND ranked hero. Have you come to stop me?"

The robber was a lengthy man in all black, his facial features hidden by a simple black ski mask.

Mighty Man took a hefty step forward, the friction of him stepping caused a slight gust of wind. Kip almost jumped for joy as goosebumps ran down his spine.

"Indeed I have. I will take back the peace you so easily thought you could steal."

The robber laughed, "Jesus I hate the way you talk, maybe talk normal for once, I can practically smell the wedgie up your ass."

A few small giggles came from the crowd while others booed the man.

"Hurry up and kick his ass!" A male called from the commotion. Kip joined in the incoherent yelling, having a blast being a part of it. Marley hopped up and down as she too joined in.

"Haha, think what you please Villain, your time is up."


Mighty Man accelerated forward at blinding speeds, his body becoming a blur. Winds of untold strength whipped wildly as he raced by the crowd. Kip's hair was blown back by his rush, "Woah"

He cocked his arm back and aimed for the robbers chest, he planned to fracture a few ribs without permanently injuring the man. It wasn't that he cared for the criminal's health, killing just would not help his reputation.

"Mighty Man, Mighty Man, Mighty!"

The crowd was an uproar as people could see his fist zip across his body, the robber simply putting an arm up.

"Thank you for such an amazing effort, but Im done with you."



The second ranked hero In the Sunset State of America, just had his hand blocked my a store robber.


Mighty man stared at his fist, a single finger placed against it,

"So much strength, huh?"

The robber cocked his fist back and delivered a right hook to his perfect jaw, the impact spreading out in all directions. Mighty Man literally was buried into the metal grates, cracks forming in the concrete. The crowd was completely blown back by the punch, Kip barley able to catch Marley from flying away.

"Some one call the police!"

"Is there another Hero!"

People started to panic as they saw Mighty Man's lifeless body on the ground. Kip stared in disbelief, his favorite idol laying still.

"Haha, that felt so gooooood."

The robber waved his hand as steam rose from his fingers. He cracked his neck before looking at the crowd.


A hand was placed on the robbers calf, fingers ripping the black fabric like paper. Mighty Man stood, an angered look littered across his face. The robber was flipped upside down in his wake, Might Man taking a scornful deep breath.

"Is that all you have to offer, I was expecting an actual hit."

His cheek was still perfect, and his stature was still strong. His cape majestically flapped before The superhero turned and threw him like a baseball. The robber zoomed through the station and hit back first against the metal frame of a wall. The impact shook the entire station and lights fizzled out. Cracks cascaded across the ceiling and the crowd stood to applaud him.

Faith was his strongest ally and as long as people believed in him, he would be an impenetrable wall. A symbol of peace that would forever be a grand staple of the super hero universe.

The roof to the station started to churn and break apart, the man was now unconscious, not a single doubt in anyone's mind.

Mighty Man was swarmed by citizens, some having comic books already ready to sign. Kip started toward his idol, a twinkle in his eyes. The battle was something he longed for, his thirst for heroism quenched. The rareness of witnessing one of the greats at work was breathtaking.

Strangers brushed past him with force, his grip on Marley loosening. The big eared beagle hopped out of his hands and scurried away in fear. Kip quickly tried to chase after Marley, the dog easily moving across the station.

"Marley!" Kip yelled as he saw the little dog disappear. That was the last thing he had left of his father, he had a strong connection to the dog, even if he did not notice it himself. Before the accident that killed his father, he bought Marley, it being Kip's birthday present.

So watching the little dog run past the crowd toward the unconscious villain brought fear into his heart. The roof above was already threatening to fall.

Kip kept his gaze down as he pushed hard against the backs of people.

"Hey watch it kid!"

"Ow, who was that?!"

Kip finally made it to the other side, only to be greeted by a hand on his head.

"Hello young one, do you want a picture or an autograph?"

It was Mighty Man, the caped Hero bending down to be on eye level. Kip for a split second forgot about Marley, the feeling of his favorite superhero in his presence.

"I- uh, I.."

The hero laughed, "It's okay, do not be shy. How old are you?"

Kip tried his best to move his hand but the feat would be impossible.

"Im thirteen..." He said, still trying to get to Marley. A small glimpse of the dog making his heart flutter.

"Ahh, I remember when I was you-"

Kip looked Mighty Man dead in the eyes,

"I need to go save my dog, he ran over that way."

Mighty Man turned to see the dog still jogging toward the railway, metal already barley holding on.

Kip looked up at the superhero,

"Can you please save him, its dange-"

Mighty Man cut him off, "What's your name?"

Kip in puzzlement answered, the crowd still loud as they celebrated their expensive autographs.

"Kip?" He said nervously, his hands shaking as he watched his dog waddle away.

Mighty Men barley caught the first part,

"Kid, what a odd name?" The man patted his head,

"Well Kid, go be your own hero. I don't waste my time with animals..."





The Hero pushed him past the crowd, turning back to a flock of teenage girls. They screamed as he noticed them.

Kip crashed to his knees from the force, tears starting to build.


He screamed as he jumped to his feet and took off, only to trip over a piece of metal.





A large section of the roof gave way, landing were Marley's pathetic body would have been. An image of his father popped up in his mind. The thought of his father dying made his entire body tremble.

Mighty Man spoke, "It is dangerous so let us go elsewhere."

The crow roared and policemen started escorting people away. All eyes drifted away, no one able to see Kip's despair.


Kip's entire soul shook as his eyes were engulfed in orange light. The area around him also thrashed violently until, nothing.

A broken boy was on his knees, eyes focused on the puddle of blood seeping out of the metal plate. A single thought in his mind. He would never ever look at Mighty Man the same, even if it was just a dog, he knew that he could have saved her. Hate filled Kip's body, something he thought he would never feel.

Mighty Man lost one of his biggest supporters that day, a small chip of his immense power gone forever.