Chereads / A Thousand Faces: A Rising Star's Journey / Chapter 6 - Amateur and Inexperienced

Chapter 6 - Amateur and Inexperienced

The whole studio was engulfed in silence. The actors on stage were petrified and could barely keep their calm. The audience just looked while sweat unknowingly formed at their backs. Chu Lian was just leisurely sitting on her spot with a look on her face that says, "I can not be bothered by you all."

The actress who played Aunt Wei, who was examining the valuables in the room unexpectedly dropped a prop she was holding and broke it. Everyone snapped out of their daze and went back to reality then shifted their gaze towards the actress.

She ashamedly smiled and was about to ask the director for forgiveness for messing up the flow when they heard Chu Lian said, "Really, these servants' discipline is lacking."

Like a bolt of lightning, it hit the director and actors that Chu Lian wasn't bothered at all and was still in Ying Fan's character. The director hurriedly scanned the script and found out that it was actually Ying Fan's next line. "Unbelievable, she revised the order of actions but she could still use her line like that."

The actress playing Jiang Yue was supposed to enter the scene once more before the next lines were thrown; however, Chu Lian just revised that. The other actors were about to complain to the director but only found out that he was intently looking at Chu Lian while slightly frowning.

The director looked at the other actors and signalled them with his eyes to continue the scene. The actors were taken aback but still followed the boss' order; he's the law here after all. They then recalled the script in their minds and remembered the lines.

It was the actress who played Aunt Rou who was supposed to throw her line next. However, her expression was grim as she could not make herself portray the proper expression she decided for that line. "She is not a servant here, Fan-er," she said with a stiff face; that line was supposed to be said with contempt. But to her right now, Chu Lian is really like the devil-incarnate of Ying Fan. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by Chu Lian's realistic act.

The other actors as well could only ride with her momentum. "Is she really an amateur and inexperienced in acting?" they silently grieved in their hearts.


Jiang Yue walks in carrying a tray with a cup on it. She places the cup on the table in front of Ying Fan.

YING FAN: Then why don't you serve me instead?

Ying Fan pours the content of the teapot to Jiang Yue. Ying Fan looks at Aunt Rou. Aunt Rou stiffened and the people in the room gasp.

YING FAN: Seems like the tea has gone cold already.

Aunt Rou stands up and hurriedly goes to the kitchen to brew a new pot of tea.

UNCLE ROU: How could you do that?

YING FAN: How could I not?

UNCLE WEI: They are family!

YING FEN: Family? You ask for money and not work for it. Even the lowliest maid in this mansion cleans the toilet.

UNCLE ROU: You ungrateful wench! Your parents left you siblings to us and this is how you repay us?

YING FEN: Just who is raising who? You speak of familial ties but you only covet our wealth.

Uncle Wei stands up and slams his hand on the arm of the sofa.

UNCLE WEI: We were only fighting for what rightfully belongs to your sister Yue!

JIANG YUE: Uncles, quell your anger. Yue does not want any of the inheritance if it will make my sisters not want me.

AUNT WEI: Oh you poor child, you grew up with nothing while your siblings are indulged in life.

YING FEN: Hah, who knows whose harlot's child is this you brought here, tainting our home.

JIANG YUE: Sister! How could you day that? You could insult Yue but you could not slight my mother!

YING FEN: Don't call me sister, it cringes me!

UNCLE WEI: She is your sister whether you like it or not!

JIANG YUE: Take back what you said about my mother!

Jiang Yue grabs Ying Fen by the shoulder but Ying Fen strongly pushes her away. Jiang Yue falls to the floor drenched by the tea.

UNCLE ROU: Undisciplined brat! This is exactly the reason I should manage the household in your stead!

YING FEN: Hmph! You're all just a bunch of barking dogs!

Ying Fan just sits on her spots and watches the spectacle. Their voices got louder and louder when Aunt Rou comes back with a newly brewed tea. She walks in the middle of the arguments and places it on the table in front of Ying Fan. Ying Fan stares at her while Aunt Rou shivers. She pours a cup for Ying Fan and Ying Fan took a sip after. Ying Fan suddenly pours the still boiling hot tea over Aunt Rou.

YING FAN: You call this tea?!

Ying Fan's sudden outrage and Aunt Rou's cry of pain shut the arguing bunch.

UNCLE ROU: My wife!

Uncle Rou strides towards his wife as he wipes the hot tea off her face.

YING FAN: Why are the dogs barking so loudly? You, go brew me a decent tea.

Aunt Wei stiffs when Ying Fan points at her. Uncle Rou raises his hand to hit Ying Fan but is stopped by her gaze. Uncle Rou clenched his fist and hits the person closest to him, who happens to be Uncle Wei.


The crewmembers watching at the side were quite speechless how violent the scene had become; this is indeed on the script but this is not supposed to be this...unsightly. This is not what the beau directed, it just escalated this way, and it is all because of that woman in the middle of the stage.