Chereads / The Crazy World Of Martial Arts / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Fun and Pain of Learning ( Dads background)

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Fun and Pain of Learning ( Dads background)

When Darius and Titus showed up that crisp

morning to Master Shugo's house they didnt

know what to expect but were mostly curious

since their dad had said he could no longer teach

and needed to find work he would turn the young

boys training over to an old friend who instructed

him until they heard the words " the world is not your friend, that is why we must train to be strong."

Following that statement master Shugo asked the boys to show what they had learned so far not surprised at what came next the boys demonstrated the stances they learned as well as how to punch and kick and some basic movement stretches. After the boys demonstration Shugo began instructing the boys in more stances and some beginner footwork and some small kata forms until it was late and the boys father came and picked them up.

When the boys got home the told their mom amd dad excitedly about their early day amd were quickly admonished to complete their home school assignments before dinner. The boys worked tediously on their arithmatic and and language art books as well as spelling and writing prompts knowing that a good meal was on the way then at the same time both brothers declared "done!!" and raced to the restroom to clean up before dinner was called. as the boys sat at the dinner table waiting to be served Darius asked his father what he felt was an important question " Dad how do you know Sensei Sugo and did he teach you martial arts like hes gonna teach us?" the queation stood for a few moments and then he answered " when you boys are older ill tell you all about it."