Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 196 - An Awkward Meeting

Chapter 196 - An Awkward Meeting

"So how is she?" Dawn asked worriedly.

"She's fine, just needs to rest for a bit." Joy told her, as we all waited back inside my room at the hospital.

"Yeah. I guess being blessed by a Legendary pokemon would be pretty taxing for a normal person." I said after giving the situation some thought.

"So WHY did Suicune bless Misty and her Vaporeon? She herself said her family follows Lugia." Lyra asked curiously.

"Probably because the Legendary pokemon don't care about such things like humans do." I told her.

"The Legendary pokemon all have their own purpose and roles for existing, it's usually only those who have conflicting purposes, such as Kyogre and Groudon, who have animosity with one another. Unfortunately, humans like to twist such things to suit their own agendas. Its more than likely that someone in the past just invented the animosity between Lugia and Ho-Oh to justify war between the followers, which then led to a grudge between Kanto and Johto that has lasted centuries."

Lyra was silent as I finished speaking, probably thinking on what I told them since it challenged what she had probably been taught her entire life. But then again, I'm pretty sure that the followers of Ho-Oh were having an even more intense internal crisis after seeing their leader being reduced to ash before their very eyes. Serves them right though for trying to take Charizard from me.

"But still... Why Misty?" May repeated Myra's earlier question.

"Probably because her family has always had an affinity for water type pokemon. Why give the blessing to me if it would benefit her the most?" I pointed out.

"Amazing... I wonder if WE will get blessings one day too!" Dawn exclaimed excitedly.

"Its a possibility, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you." I cautioned her, since one never knew what the Legendaries would or wouldn't do.


A brief silence followed my words as the girls seemingly thought about getting blessings of their own, by which time Joy returned from meeting with the other nurses.

"Hey Ace! So the head Nurse Joy says you can go at any time since there doesn't seem to be any problems, and that we can stay until Misty wakes up since she just needs to rest for a bit." She told us.

"Nice. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again." I told her, thinking of my Capsule home that we haven't been able to use since before boarding the SS. Anne, plus there was the greenhouse that needed to be maintained.

"So how about, until then....." Gloria said slowly as she knelt in front of my, before pulling the waistband of the shorts I threw on earlier down to reveal my cock.

"Well someone is eager." I commented as she readily took my cock into her mouth to suck on it.

'Well YOU got me addicted to this.' Gloria thought pointedly, as her mouth was full from moving further and further down my cock.

"It HAS been a while...." Chloe commented as she slid up to me on my right side.

"Right?" Leaf asked as she slid up to my left side. "As much energy as this guy has, only a day will feel like a long time without doing 'it'."

"I suppose an appetizer wouldn't be too bad. But remember we need to save the main course for later." I told them, even as my hands found their way into Chloe and Leaf's clothes.


"Well that was exciting." Violet complained loudly, to which the rest of their group silently agreed as they rode the elevator back up to the surface, Daisy, Lily, Clair, Whitney, Erika, Karen, Sabrina and Giana.

They had spent the better part of the last twelve or so hours exploring the Team Rocket hideout beneath Celadon city, having expected a dramatic final clash, but instead found the place completely empty. They had spent all of this time going through the hideout just to be sure, but all they found were ashes and charred bones around a tunnel that had been dug out.

"Do you really think it was Red that did all that?" Lily asked her sister curiously, as that had been what Lance said when they saw the destruction.

"Apparently Red's strongest pokemon is a Charizard, so its possible." Clair stated absentmindedly, being the one that was the most shaken by the truth coming out about her cousin.

Lance was basically her hero growing up, so learning that he never actually earned the position of Kanto Champion, and that he had technically lost it shortly afterwards was a hard blow to her.

"I am curious as to how Red would run the League if he wins in a week. Lance is the only Champion I have known." Erika said thoughtfully, making the other women think as well since they were in the same boat. The only ones who served under another Champion, professor Oak, were Blaine, Koga and Agatha.

"I can't believe that we fucked the guy who is the son of our next potential Champion." Daisy said pointedly, earning her numerous looks.

"You too?!" Clair exclaimed in disbelief, while Whitney just looked ashamed as she recalled her own experience with Ace.

"All three of us actually!" Violet stated while hooking her arm through Daisy and Lily's, making the other women gape at them incredulously.

"This is interesting." Karen remarked in amusement.

"Ok... Show of hands, who HAS slept with Ace?" Giana asked, before promptly raising her hand. At the same time, Daisy, Violet, Lily, Clair, Whitney and Sabrina all also raised their hands, leaving just Erika and Karen.

"Wait... When did YOU sleep with him?!" Daisy asked Sabrina in shock.

"I may still be a virgin physically, but mentally Ace and I have done MANY things together." Sabrina replied in an emotionless voice, referring to the 'training' she would go through with Ace almost every other night.

"I see..." Erika said, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked over the girls with barely concealed judgment. Which no one took seriously since they all knew how much Erika hated men in general.

By this point the elevator finally reached the surface to allow them all to disembark into the largest den of debauchery in Kanto and Johto, the Game Corner.

The doors opened to admit them to the service entrance to the Game Corner, where all of the deliveries and such were made.

"We can all just go out the front." Giana said as she made to lead the way for the others.

"Are you sure its ok for you to leave as well?" Karen asked her curiously, even as they followed along.

"Yes. Ariana is more familiar with the layout of the hideout than I am, as well as the various projects that they were working on. She's much better suited for helping them go through their records and such." Giana explained, while leading them through the back halls of the Game Corner until they passed through a pair of double doors to find themselves on the main floor.

"How overwhelming..." Erika remarked as they were all bombarded by the lights and noise of the Game Corner, before frowning when she actually saw what was taking place inside.

"Would you all like a drink, pyon~?" Asked a girl carrying a tray of drinks, who was also dressed like a Lopunny with knee-high boots, Lopunny ears on her head, and a cottony band around her breasts, wrists, and waist.

"Much appreciated." Giana said while accepting a drink from her, along with the others aside from Erika.

"No thank you. I will wait until I return to the Gym." She politely declined while holding her kimono sleeve over her mouth and nose.

"OK~! Have a pyon~pyon day~!" The girl cheerfully stated, before turning around to cotninue working. As she did so, they all got a look at the fluffy little cottontail nestled right between her buttcheeks.

"Must this place be so...inelegant, Giana?" Erika asked with obvious distaste.

"Don't look at me Erika. Its not as if I personally ran this place." Giana said defensively, though she didn't see what the problem was. It wasn't as if they were forcing the girls to work here, and everything was done by the books to prevent any unwanted eyes from prying.

"Either way, let us all be off." Erika said as she hurried towards the exit, though she paused when she passed by a certain stage.


"Pardon me?" Erika asked as she looked over curiously, only for the most offensive sight she had ever seen to disgrace her eyes.

Strutting out onto the stage was a girl who shared an uncanny resemblance to Erika, and even styled her hair while dressing like her. However, unlike the actual Erika who was wearing a kimono that came down to her ankles, and covered her body with elegant modesty, the copy's kimono barely covered her butt while her breasts looked as if they would spill out at any moment.

"Disgusting..." Erika sneered with disdain as she watched the woman who was obviously meant to be her strut out onto the stage, where she proceeded to dance provocatively while a group of men cheered her on.

Then her double proceeded to start slowly untying the sash holding her kimono on, before letting both drop to the ground to reveal the skimpy bra and matching thong she had on underneath.

"Bellossom, use Stun Spore." Erika said with a chilling smile as she tossed out a pokeball.

"Bell~!" Her Bellossom chimed elegantly, even as it began spreading paralyzing spores throughout the crowd of men, as well as on the stage itself.

"I hope you understand that I will NOT be apologizing Giana." Erika told her as she walked away, while her Bellossom quickly caught up.

"No, I understand." Giana said, while shaking her head in disbelief that someone actually thought it would be a good idea to have a stripper who imitated the local Gym Leader.

True, Erika would never come into a place like this normally, but they had to have known she would find out eventually.

The group of women swiftly left the Game Corner after Erika ended the strip show, before they all started heading back to the hospital.

"You're not heading back to the Gym, Erika?" Whitney asked her fellow Gym Leader curiously.

"Not at the moment, no. There is someone I wish to talk to at the hospital." Erika explained, now that she was in a slightly better mood after leaving the Game Corner.


"Yes. She caught my eye a while back, and now that she is in Celadon city, I wish to invite her to join my Gym as one of it's trainers." Erika explained, though she didn't name who.

The curiosity of the others grew as they made their way back to the hospital. After all, Erika was known to be quite particular about who joins her Gym due to both her disdain for men, and her desire for beauty, elegance, and grace. Similar to Whitney's desire to only have 'cute' girls and pokemon as a part of her own Gym.

"Greetings." The Nurse Joy at the counter greeted them as they arrived.

"Hello. Have there been any changes?" Giana immediately asked her, while Daisy, Violet, Lily, Clair, Sabrina, and even Whitney all listened intently.

"Yes, there has!" Nurse Joy told them happily, before explaining further.

"Ace Ketchum woke up early this morning in nearly perfect health! So much so, that he even went out to confront the cult of Ho-Oh when they tried to besiege the hospital for his Charizard! Not only that, but even the Legendary pokemon, Entei, Raikou and Suicune all showed up to defend him! On top of all that, one of the girls with him, Misty, was also blessed by Suicune before it departed!"


Daisy, Violet and Lily all cried out at once at the news of their sister, barging to the front of the group while the Nurse Joy adopted an uncomfortable smile.

"She was blessed by Suicune, before collapsing suddenly. She should be awake herself anytime now-"

The words were barely out of her mouth before the trio of sisters took off, with the rest of the women hurrying right behind them.

"I can't believe this! And after dad already went home as well!" Daisy stated as they hurried towards Ace's room, where they knew their sister had been staying for the last few days.

"Misty!" Daisy declared as they threw the door open to Ace's room.


Of all the things they had been expecting upon entering Ace's room, none of them were expecting to find the inhabitants engulfed in lustful debauchery.

Currently, Ace had Leaf bent over and he plowed into her from behind, while Misty was clinging to his back after taking off her shirt.

"Leaf.....Green?!" Erika exclaimed in disbelief, as she had been the very same person she was trying to scout into her Gym. Not only did Leaf have the perfect name for a grass type Gym, but her starter was also a Bulbasaur, which Erika knew had already evolved into a Venusaur.

"Oh? Hey everyone!" Ace said as he realized they were there, before he gave one last thrust into Leaf as he came into her.


I waited until the very last drop of cum was inside Leaf before pulling out of her, making the girl shudder in my arms as I did so before I gently laid her onto the bed.

"Long time no see." I said to Daisy, Violet and Lily, before focusing on Erika and the other woman that I hadn't met amongst the group.

She was a slightly older woman with long, wavy silvery-blue hair, wearing a yellow tank-top that was low cut with her belly exposed.

"Y-yeah... Long time no see." Daisy said awkwardly. "And Misty? We heard you were unconscious?"

"I just woke up." Misty said shyly from behind me, hugging me even tighter to keep her upper body covered while they had the door open.

"Before all that, mind doing the introductions?" I asked, pointing to Erika and the other woman as I did so. After all, while I wasn't too shy, it was still a little awkward to be naked with a hard-on in front of some ladies I had never met before.


"Right, sorry about that..." Daisy said while slowly closing the door.

"These girls." I said while shaking my head, even as I reached for my clothes.

"We're stopping already?" Serena asked with a pout.

"Just for now. After all, we were only supposed to go until Misty woke up anyways." I told her.

"Yeah! Besides, I can't wait to actually get back into our house!" May said excitedly as she and others dressed as well. Apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted to go 'home'.

While we dressed we also cleaned up everything of ours in the room, since we were leaving it, before finally opening the door to confront the crowd of girls outside.

"I'm glad to see that you have recovered." Giana immediatey said as she approached me.

"So am I." I told her, before Giana gestured to the two girls.

"As you may have surmised, this is Erika, Gym Leader of Celadon city. Meanwhile this woman is the newly appointed Gym Leader of Viridian city, Karen."

"Pleasure to meet you." Karen said to me with what appeared to be amusement in her eyes.

"Charmed..." Erika said with a tone and aura that said she was anything but. Not that I was surprised, seeing as she was well-known man hater.

"Nice to meet both of you too. Sorry about that back there." I told them casually, as if they hadn't just seen me balls deep into Leaf.

"Not a problem. Its not as if we knocked." Karen said, seeming chill about the situation.

"We were just anxious after hearing about Misty." Violet said, as she, Daisy and Lily all surrounded their youngest sister worriedly.

"I'm fine!" Misty stated irritably as she tried to shake them off. I didn't need to see her aura to know she was feeling smothered by her sisters.

"What about the others that went down below?" I asked them curiously.

"They're still down there. We already swept the entire hideout, and didn't discover anyone alive down there. But they're staying behind with Ariana to go through their computers and get as much information as possible before coming back up here." Giana readily explained.

"Yeah. Red told us he already cleared the place when he first got into town." I told her, making the others raise their brows.

"Interesting. We may have a Champion that will actually be proactive with such matters soon." Karen said, which I noticed made Clair fairly uncomfortable.

"So what are you all up to now?"

"We just came back up, and wanted to check on how you were doing. Though Erika said she also wanted to try and scout someone into her Gym."

"That's all right. I've already got my answer." Erika said while looking pointedly at Leaf.

Ah, I guess I screwed up any chances Leaf had of joining the Celadon city Gym. If she even wanted to to begin with.

"Well, now that all of that is taken care of, I'm going to go find someplace where I can set up my Capsules." I told her while pulling out the two aforementioned balls, while Joy had the third.

"That may not be necessary." Giana stated.

"Oh? Why not?" I asked her.

"Because, I took the liberty to purchase a villa in the city for you. One large enough to house everyone here, your parents, Ash, and even his own companions." She stated proudly.

"Is that so?" I asked, feeling somewhat skeptical about it already.

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